He didn't dare to enter the room anymore, so he found another quilt and planned to spend the night on the sofa.

Chapter 0140 Mom also wants to live in

On Sunday morning, Kogoro Mori woke up after a good night's sleep, feeling refreshed.

Under the automatic operation of the channeling technique, he has fully recovered.

Before he opened his eyes, Mori Kogoro felt as if he was attached by an octopus, especially the left chest was heavy, so he patted it lightly with his big hand.

Soon, a small head with short brown hair emerged from Kogoro Mori's skirt.

It was the little loli Huiyuan, who opened her small mouth and yawned, with tears still dripping from the corners of her eyes.

Little Lolita unconsciously pressed her face to Kogoro Mouri's, and Kogoro Moori couldn't help holding her little face and kissing her pink lips.

Mua! Mua!

The dazed Huiyuan was woken up by Kogoro Mori's kiss, and his cheeks were stained with a blush.

"Hey, smelly, kiss me without brushing your teeth."

Hearing Xiao Ai's complaint, Mori Kogoro carried her out from under the T-shirt, let her sit on his shoulders, and then carried her towards the bathroom.

"Let's go, uncle took Xiao Ai to wash up."

The two walked out of the bedroom, and saw Yuxiko with a resentful face in the living room.

It's really a fight between the snipe and the clam, and the loli wins.

After so much fuss last night, this little girl had Kogoro monopolized over her movies.

You Xizi didn't sleep well, without Kogoro by her side, and didn't dare to reveal too much in front of Xiaolan, so she couldn't sleep well if she had something on her mind.

As for Xiaolan, she is currently preparing breakfast for the whole family in the kitchen.

Yingli is back, but Xiaolan dare not give the three meals to her mother, otherwise the whole family will be sent to the hospital.

While Mori Kogoro and Haibara were washing, the door was pushed open one after another, and Mira, Eri and Reiko from the next door all walked in.

When there are more women, the living room becomes lively, noisy and full of life.

And Conan, the little devil in the stairwell, looked at the stairway with a bewildered expression.

Why didn't I go home for a day, and the family changed a lot.

Conan hurried up to the third floor, the door was unlocked, he opened the door and entered, and saw a bustling scene.

Conan just saw Mira walking by with a glass of water, mistook it for Xiaolan, and was about to say hello.

He saw Xiaolan coming out from the kitchen again, and greeted everyone, "Breakfast is ready."

Conan became confused for a moment. He looked back and forth between Mira and Xiaolan, and couldn't help but ask, "Why are there two sisters Xiaolan?"

It was only then that Xiaolan discovered Conan, and quickly explained: "The one who looks very similar to me is Queen Mira. Dad picked her up at the airport yesterday. You ran away first, so I don't know."

"Now Mira lives in our house, and we will live together in the future."

Conan's face was full of surprise: "How can you be so similar?"

Xiaolan ignored his question, and continued to ask, "In addition to Mira, my mother and Aunt Yukiko are also moving here?"

Xiaolan looked sideways at Reiko Kutiao: "Auntie Jiutiao is going to live in too?"

Reiko smiled lightly and shook her head, "It's too far away from the prosecutor's office and the court, and it's easy to be late for work if you live here. Besides, I have a house in Tokyo, so forget it."

"But the atmosphere here is great. If I come here when I'm free, don't you not welcome me."

Hearing this, Yingli and Xiaolan both laughed lightly: "How is that possible? You are very welcome!" Conan the Little Devil was completely stunned.

Mom wants to live in, isn't that living with Uncle Maori?

I suspected that they were having an affair, but now that they are living together, wouldn't they be able to cheat at any time?

Dad is in the United States again, so he can't come back at all, and his uncle is so handsome, Dad will definitely be cuckolded, how can this work?

And once my mother moves in, she will be monitored for everything she does in the future, so it will be miserable!

Conan, the little ghost head, saw Kogoro Mori coming out of the bathroom, and immediately asked aggressively, "Uncle, why does Aunt Xizi want to live in? Doesn't she have a home nearby?"

Mori Kogoro saw Yukiko who was crazily winking at him beside him, fortunately he was prepared.

He then said, "Conan, you also know that your aunt, You Xizi, is an international star. In recent days, You Xizi's residence has been exposed one after another. There are many paparazzi who are squatting and secretly taking pictures. You Xizi is also very disturbed."

"Later, Yusaku commissioned me to let Yukiko live here."

"How is it possible? How could Dad say such a thing?" Conan still looked in disbelief.

Kogoro Mori took out his mobile phone, turned it over a few times, flipped out the news page, and handed it to Conan.

The above webpage really revealed Yukiko's residence, including Kudo's house, Fujimine residence, and several other properties.

And this news was exposed a few days ago.

Mori Kogoro continued: "If you don't believe it, Conan, then go ask your Uncle Yusaku. I remember that the Edogawa family and the Kudo family seem to be somewhat related, right?"

"I have been friends with Yukiko and Yusaku for more than [-] years. It is of course their duty to them to ask me to help."

"So you, Aunt Xizi, will live with us in the future."

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