After reading the news on this website, even if Conan didn't want to believe it, he could only believe it.

But he made up his mind to call Dad later to find out what happened.

But what he didn't know was that Mori Kogoro had already colluded with Kudo Yusaku, which was destined to be futile.

On the other hand, Yukiko who was on the side heard Kogoro Mori say this excuse, her little face instantly settled down, and she was no longer flustered as before.

You Xizi smiled lightly and said, "Conan, Aunt You Xizi will take care of you from now on. Your Wendai mother who is mining in America has told me to educate you well, and you must obediently listen to your aunt in the future."

Seeing his mother's smile, Conan suddenly felt that the future would be difficult.

Then Xiaolan introduced to Conan that the building next door was bought by her family, who lived on the third floor, and who was about to live on the second floor.

Hearing that, the little ghost was stunned for a while.

During the conversation, everyone went to the dining table to enjoy today's breakfast.

After breakfast, Eri and Reiko, who were still busy with the case, went out together.

The two of them are career-minded, coupled with their special occupations, they are not free on Sundays.

And Mori Kogoro came to the office on the second floor, and began to open the office that was only once in a while.

The rest of the girls and Little Ghost Head Conan also followed.

Xiaolan, Xiaoai, Yukiko, and Mira chatted on the sofa, while Conan was bored in a daze.

Soon the door of the office was pushed open, and the third child of the Boy Detective Team came in.

All three of them looked dejected.

Chapter 0141 mom misses uncle


Huiyuan couldn't help asking: "What's the matter with the three of you? Why are you listless?"

However, Ayumi ignored Haibara's inquiry, her big eyes lit up, and she shouted: "Uncle Mori, I miss you so much."

The little loli ran towards Mori Kogoro with her short legs, and hugged his long legs, completely ignoring Hui Yuan who was jumping wildly with the number key on his forehead.

Looking at this cute little Ayumi, Mori Kogoro smiled gently, stroking Ayumi's little head with his big hand, and gave her a trick to kill her.

"So it's Ayumi. Uncle misses you very much too. Have you behaved lately? Have you listened to your mother?"

Ayumi's little face turned red immediately, and Mitsuhiko behind her suddenly looked jealous.

Little Lolita nodded: "Ayumi is very obedient and obedient. Mom also misses Uncle very much, and said that if I see Uncle, I will invite you to my house."

"I see, Mom must want Uncle to hit her with that big stick again."

Hearing this, the eyes of Yukiko, Mira, Xiaolan, and Huiyuan on the sofa shot out coldness.

Conan, who was drinking water, couldn't help but spit it out, looking in disbelief.

Uncle Mori hooked up with Ayumi's mother?No, my mother must not be allowed to live here.

Mori Kogoro's forehead immediately burst into cold sweat, he hugged Ayumi and covered her mouth: "Children's words are free, children's speeches are free, children are just talking nonsense."

But the four girls didn't believe it at all, instead they snorted one after another.

But Mitsuhiko and Yuantai couldn't understand these driving words at all.

Especially Yuan Tai, still addicted to sadness and unable to extricate himself.

"Huihara, Conan, don't you know? Dr. Ali changed his mind and promised to take us to Dongdu Aquarium today, but when we went there, the doctor couldn't say anything, and he didn't keep his word. It's too bad! "

Huiyuan nodded: "So it's this one, the doctor sent me a text message in the morning."

Mitsuhiko said, "When we arrived at the doctor's house just now, we saw the doctor wearing a white vest and shorts, sitting in the bathroom washing sheets and clothes, beating him with a stick, just like a lonely old man. , seems very sad."

Hearing this, Little Devil Conan's face changed wildly, and he couldn't help walking lightly and wanted to leave.

When Conan woke up in the morning, he saw the map on the bed sheet and the remaining memory fragments from last night, and vaguely knew what happened.

The little devil didn't dare to face the doctor at all, so he left the doctor's house in a panic and came back to the office.

When Kogoro Mori saw Conan's expression, he couldn't help being a little curious, so he asked Xiao V to replay Conan's monitoring yesterday in his mind at an accelerated speed.

Soon Mori Kogoro saw the scene of hot eyes, and his big belly moved rhythmically.

Dr. A Li was insulted by Conan, this plot is too amazing!

It's just amazing, the book didn't draw it like this.

Mori Kogoro was also greatly frightened, he let go of Ayumi from his arms in fright, and looked at Conan with a complicated expression.

Ayumi took out a postcard from her pocket and said, "Then we found this postcard behind the TV. It was a postcard left to him by the doctor's childhood sweetheart."

"The higher-ups made an appointment to meet each other ten years ago, and today happens to be exactly the same date as forty years ago."

Hearing this, Conan stopped walking away.

Ayumi continued: "I think the doctor is so sad because he didn't meet his first love."

"So uncle, please help the doctor find his first love!"

Mori Kogoro instantly understood that Dr. Ari was feeling uncomfortable because of what happened to Conan in the middle of the night last night, but Sanxiao saw the postcard but misunderstood it, so he specially entrusted himself to help with the investigation.

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