On the side, Conan the Little Ghost stood still, holding his chin and thinking about it.

If you can help the doctor find his first love, maybe you can make up for the mistake of last night.

The little ghost made up his mind to help.

At this time, Xiaolan came forward curiously, picked up the postcard and read it:

"Thank you for the past three months, it's really an honor to know Ali-kun.

I don't like saying goodbye, so let's meet again.

Today, ten years later, we will meet again in that place full of memories.

If you haven't seen it, just wait for the next ten years.

If you are free then, please come and meet me.

-- Kinoshita, Class A, Grade [-]..."

"Uh, I can't read the name on the back."

Mira from behind also came over: "Wow, that sounds very romantic. If you can't wait ten years, you will wait for the next ten years. It feels so infatuated."

Seeing these two little faces that were so close but almost identical, Genta, Mitsuhiko and Ayumi all looked shocked.

"How come there are two sisters Xiaolan?"

"Hey, is this a clone? Just like Kamen Rider and Kamen Rider?"

"Yuantai, don't you understand this? Obviously, this is sister Xiaolan's twin sister, and it must be Uncle Mao Li's mistake when he was young!"

Xiaolan and Mira were immediately ashamed, dumbfounded.

Conan hurriedly yelled: "Idiot, what mistake did you make when you were young? The one behind with the earrings is Sister Mira. She is the one who stayed at our house recently. She is not related to Sister Xiaolan."

"Oh, that's what it is!"

Sanxiao greeted Mila politely.

Xiaolan couldn't help but said: "Father, you can help the doctor."

Hearing what his daughter said, Mori Kogoro could only obediently agree.

Sanxiao immediately cheered happily.

At this moment, the door of the office was pushed open again, and the energetic Yuanzi rushed in.

"Wow, uncle, why are there so many people here?"

Mori Kogoro asked curiously, "Sonoko, why are you here?"

"Xiaolan asked me out today. She said that she would go buy the newly released Fushahui limited edition bag with me today. It's rare that Xiaolan also wants to buy a brand-name bag."

Xiaolan laughed softly: "This is something I promised others when I was young, Mira, Xiaoai, Aunt Youxizi, should we go together?"

Mira nodded immediately: "The brand of Fushae is very famous. I'll go with you. Let's do some shopping after buying the bags. We just moved in and still have a lot to buy."

Huiyuan also looked quite moved, she had no resistance to bags at all.

However, Haibara thought of Dr. Ali's care for him on weekdays, and finally chose to help the doctor, so he could only cruelly reject Xiaolan's invitation.

On the other hand, Yukiko laughed lightly, her beautiful eyes flicked over Mori Kogoro.

"I'm very interested in the doctor's first love, so I went to investigate with Kogoro, and you just go shopping."

Conan the Little Devil was looking at the postcard, but he didn't become suspicious.

Yuanzi glanced at his watch, and quickly exclaimed: "Oh, the time is almost up, Xiaolan, Mira, let's go, or we will have to wait in line for a long time."

After finishing speaking, the three women left in a hurry.

Chapter 0142 naughty goblin

In the detective agency, Mori Kogoro, Yukiko, and the five children of the Boys Detective Team studied this postcard together.

Yuxiko flipped through the postcards, but couldn't find anything, so she couldn't help asking.

"Is this the only postcard you have? No other clues? Has the doctor provided any other information?"

Mrs. Yuan patted herself on the head: "Hey, by the way, the doctor said how he met his first love."

You Xizi immediately had a gossip expression on his face: "Say it quickly, say it quickly."

Seeing his mother's appearance, Conan immediately rolled his eyes speechlessly.

"Uh...? I forgot."

Guang Yan immediately said: "Yuantai, you are really useless, you only remember to eat, let me tell."

"The doctor said that he met that girl forty years ago, when he was in the sixth grade of elementary school."

"At that time, he was on his way to Didan Primary School, and he saw a girl in a lower grade who was scared by the Noi's dog and dared not go there."

"The doctor also said that the girl is very beautiful, wearing a hat with a very low brim, her hair color is different from ordinary people, and she has big black eyes, very cute."

"Since then, the doctor has taken care of the girl to go to school."

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