"Because the girl was bitten by her own dog, she was very afraid of animals. In order to help her overcome her fear, the doctor took her to the house of Die Ye, a friend who had a golden mouse, and let her play with the golden mouse. I am no longer afraid of small animals."

"Only three months later, on a rainy morning, the doctor went to Noi's house to wait for the girl to go to school together, and he never saw her again."

"Later, the doctor asked the neighbors and found out that the girl had moved away."

Hearing this, You Xizi shook her head: "This is too unfeeling, I didn't even say goodbye, poor Dr. A Li, who was thrown at a young age."

Ayumi immediately said, "That's not true. Although she didn't say goodbye, she still sent a postcard to Dr. Ali."

"Isn't it written on it? I don't want to say goodbye, but I hope to see you again, so it's not a goodbye without saying goodbye."

You Xizi, who was gossiping, continued to ask: "Did Dr. Li go to the appointment?"

Ayumi cupped her little cheek with her little hand, and recalled: "The doctor said that he would go to the Noi's house where he met the vicious dog ten years later, but he didn't wait."

"Twenty years later, I went to Die Ye's house where there was a golden mouse, but I didn't wait."

"After thirty years, he forgot and didn't go to the appointment at all."

"So the doctor hasn't figured out where the place full of memories is, so he can't keep the appointment."

At this time, Conan said excitedly: "Yoxi, if you say so, our task today is to find out the memory of the doctor and his first love. Let's work together!"

Seeing Conan's bloody look, Yuxiko always felt something was wrong, so she couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

However, Mori Kogoro ignored the words of the crowd. He who is familiar with the plot naturally knows where the place of memory is, and who is the woman who was childhood sweetheart with the doctor.

However, his mind was attracted by the 'Dongdu Aquarium' that Yuantai said before.

The Dongdu Aquarium has just been renovated and opened, and a double-track giant Ferris wheel has been added there.

If the doctor wants to take the fifth child to play in the newly renovated Dongdu Aquarium, then follow the plot in memory.

Curacao, the spy of the dark organization with two-color pupils is about to debut.

Mori Kogoro's mind was connected to the psychic, origami crane, beside Bourbon.

Sure enough, Bourbon is in the headquarters of the Public Security Bureau at the moment, with his subordinate Yuya Kazami, feeling a bit overwhelmed.

Presumably, Bourbon also received the wind, so he returned to the headquarters of the Public Security Bureau for defense.Fun, really fun!

Now gin hides in the slums to recuperate; vodka is killed by himself;

Cohen was already insane after being imprisoned in his own experimental base; Eisaku Tokiwa almost followed in Cohen's footsteps;

Ireland was shot and seriously injured by himself and is still recuperating; even Belmode is constantly monitored by him.

The rest of the people are either spies or undercover agents. Mori Kogoro is very curious about who will play in this plot.

A mere Curacao is not enough to see.

Had Rum been there in person, that would have caught a big fish.

Now Mori Kogoro only needs to figure out Rum's identity, and the task of breaking the ring can be completed, and this world can no longer limit the system's performance.

Mori Kogoro, who was thinking, nodded his head, but was called out by little loli Huibara, and then he came back to his senses.

"Uncle, have you figured out where it is?"

Kogoro Mori was about to speak, but saw Yukiko winking at him desperately.

After more than twenty years of getting along, the two of them had already connected with each other. He knew that You Xizi didn't want him to speak out, so he shook his head instead.

The two little lolis immediately looked disappointed.

At this time, Yuan Tai pointed to the numbers on the back of the postcard and said: "Could these be the code left by that girl? What does 4163--33--6--0 mean? There is also a reminder that it is an animal .”

Mitsuhiko and Conan immediately thought hard.

Soon, Mitsuhiko hammered his fist: "I remember that in the history of my school, I saw that the principal of the previous Didan Elementary School was named Yoichiro Kozawa. This name sounds exactly the same as 4163."

Ayumi's eyes lit up immediately: "That's right, the old headmaster opened a zoo after he retired, and the animal exactly matches the reminder, so the location must be the Dongdu Zoo he opened."

The boys immediately seemed to be on a stimulant, Ayumi pulled Haibara, Mitsuhiko carried Conan and rushed out, wanting to rush to the Toto Zoo.

The little chubby Dun Yuantai made a face at the two people in the office: "Hahaha, Uncle Maori, this time the riddle was solved first by our young detective team, and our young detective team is about to defeat the Japanese god of detectives." .”

This proud little chubby twisted his buttocks before going down the stairs, looking really awkward.

Mori Kogoro was a little bit dumbfounded.

However, he knew that their trip would definitely return in vain, so he didn't think about following them.

He turned to ask: "Youxizi, why didn't you let me tell the real location just now?"

You Xizi laughed softly: "I haven't seen Shinichi so excited for a long time, it's just solving the riddle, give young people some opportunities to practice, don't tell the answer to the riddle at the beginning, it's not fun."

Saying this, Yukiko's plain hand brushed gently across his vigorous chest, and her pretty face like an elf came closer, and the fragrant wind came, and Mori Kogoro couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva.

"Besides, they're gone, isn't it just the two of us left? Isn't that great?"

At the end of Yukiko's speech, she was a little angry, and her breath hit Kogoro Mori's earlobe lightly, making his body numb.

This little leprechaun!

Mori Kogoro couldn't help but put his arms around Yukiko's slender waist, and was about to climb up.

Unexpectedly, the roar of the Hedong lion erupted in the ear in an instant: "Tell me where the real location is, please?" So scared that Mao Li Kogoro almost fell down.

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