"I didn't come here to see him, it was a murder case in the apartment next door, and Miao Zi dragged me over after receiving a report."

"It's all Miao Zi's fault. It's obvious that there was a murder case. She insisted on dragging me, a traffic policeman, to come across this man for no reason."

Miaozi smiled sheepishly as the blame was thrown on her back.

She is also too nervous about her best friend to do this.

Seeing Yumi-chan, who looked anxious and desperately trying to explain clearly, for fear that he might misunderstand, Kogoro Mori chuckled and reached out to caress Yumi's little head.

The magnetic voice gently comforted: "Yumi-chan, you don't need to say anything, I believe you."

Hearing this, Yumi breathed a sigh of relief and felt a little relieved.

But she still didn't want to let go of Moori Kogoro's arm.

Soon, Yumi saw the playful gaze of Miwako next to her, and couldn't help but stare back.

Miwako thought this scene was very interesting, and it was rare to see Yumi so nervous.

Then Mori Kogoro put his arms around Yumi, looked at Haneda Hideyoshi and declared domineeringly: "I don't care what relationship you had with Yumi, she is my woman now!"

"Don't let me see you entangle her again, and don't do anything rude, otherwise, the consequences are not something you can bear, understand?"

Yumi's face immediately turned red, feeling a little embarrassed.

Haneda Hideyoshi, who had just recovered, was stunned when he heard this. He looked at Yumi's expression again, and didn't refute at all, but looked like a little girl.

He suddenly felt his heart throbbing, extremely uncomfortable.

"Haha, it's impossible, Yumimei, you are lying to me, I don't believe it."

Haneda Hideyoshi struggled to get up, and wanted to rush towards Mori Kogoro and Miyamoto Yumi, but was hugged by Police Officer Chiba behind.

At this time, Miwako Sato stood up and presided over the overall situation.

"I'm Miwako Sato from the Metropolitan Police Department, please calm down."

"Now there is a murder case, first cooperate with the investigation and solve the case, and then solve the matter of your relationship in private."

Miwako, who is dedicated to her duties, naturally puts the murder case first.

Hearing what she said, the weak Haneda Hideyoshi could only stop resentfully.

But the eyes behind his glasses were still staring at Mori Kogoro.

Then everyone entered Itami's house, and the police began to ask about the case.

After more than ten minutes, Miwako finished her inquiry and glanced at the corpse placed on the bed.

The deceased was still wearing lime plaster on his right hand, but left a suicide note and hanged himself, which is really suspicious.

With only one hand, why use such a laborious method of suicide?

Miwako glanced at the notebook, and began to recount the case: "Before eleven o'clock, Mr. Itami had a big fight with your wife, and then went out shopping with the maid, leaving the deceased at home alone."

"Then came back at [-]:[-] and heard the bedroom door closing, and the dead man was still alive."

"When you knocked on the door of the bedroom, there was no response from the deceased inside, and then the maid and Mr. Itami went to the kitchen to prepare lunch together."

"It wasn't until thirty minutes later that the dead man who had hanged himself in the bedroom was found. Is that how it happened?"

Itami Naganobu and the little maid Yonehara Sakurako nodded.

Mei Hezi held her chin, looked at the scribbled suicide note, frowned and said: "I have left the suicide note, and the other windows and doors in the room are locked, and there is no sign of outsider intrusion."

"Looking at it this way, it's really possible that he committed suicide."

At this time, Kogoro Mori said: "Miwako, you are still too arbitrary to say this."

Mori Kogoro flipped through the notebook on the table: "Look, the paper of this suicide note and the paper on the notebook obviously don't match the tear marks."

"In addition, in the paper balls thrown away in the trash can, the signature is usually Chiyoko, but the signature of this suicide note has added a surname, becoming Chiyoko Itami, and it may have been tampered with."

On the other hand, Haneda Hideyoshi, who was hugging his chest, raised his eyebrows and said, "What's unusual? People are going to commit suicide. Write it more solemnly. Is there a problem with adding a surname?"

"If you don't understand, stop talking nonsense."

Hearing this, Yumi immediately became angry and began to defend Kogoro Mori.

"Shut up, I think you are the one talking nonsense."

"My boyfriend is a well-known detective all over the world——Moori Kogoro. Everything he said is the truth. Just listen to me quietly."

Hearing this, Haneda Hideyoshi immediately looked like he was about to cry, and pointed at Yumi but was speechless.

[You have changed, you scolded me for an outsider!

Hey, no, Mori Kogoro, why is this name so familiar! 】

It was only then that Haneda Hideyoshi came to his senses, and only then did he realize that the man in front of him who had taken away his love was actually the guy his mother and sister repeatedly claimed that he was going to defect to.

His expression changed immediately.

Chapter 0152 I don't like Yumi-chan like this

No way, is it really him?

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