Hideyoshi Haneda couldn't believe it when he thought that his mother and sister had praised Mori Kogoro to the sky.

Such a vile guy, he used force as soon as he met, and even stole his own Yumi!

How could such a person be a reliable target?

Mom and sister must have been bewitched, no, I must stop them.

Hideyoshi's mood at this moment is very complicated.

This is because he hasn't communicated with his elder brother Xiuyi yet, if he has communicated, he will definitely be more psychologically balanced.

After all, his elder brother Akai Shuichi was robbed of two girlfriends by Mori Kogoro.

The brothers of the Akai family can be called brothers in difficulty, but even so, they certainly never imagined that their mother might fall into the hands of Mori Kogoro.

Maybe they will call this man who stole his girlfriend daddy in the future!

When Yumi Miyamoto ostentatiously revealed the identity of Kogoro Mori, Naganobu Itami and Sakurako Yonehara were surprised.

The little maid Yingzi took Miaozi's arm, jumped excitedly behind her, and said in a low voice, "Hiss, Miao, Miao, and Detective Maori are super famous people. Get his autograph for me."

Miaozi laughed dryly. She and Kogoro Moori had just met once before, so how dare she come forward to ask for an autograph.

And police officer Chiba is right next to her, so it's even more impossible for her to do such a thing.

"Wait, Yingzi, why do you want to sign? You don't follow stars?"

Yingzi's eyes immediately turned into money-obsessed eyes: "Sell money, you don't know that Maori detective's signature is priceless in the market, and it will definitely sell for a high price, maybe it can be worth a month's rent."

Mori Kogoro, who has excellent hearing, couldn't help but twitched his mouth when he heard this. He thought Sakurako was his fan, but he didn't expect it to be a small money fan.

At this time, the male owner of the family, Itami Naganobu, said: "Detective Mori, this suicide note should not be a disguise, the handwriting is Chiyoko's own handwriting, and the things mentioned above are all recent events, and outsiders don't know it at all. "

Miwako, who was holding the suicide note, glanced at the suicide note and began to read out the contents.

"I'm sorry, my husband, for hurting you, I hope you get better soon!

Son Jingjia, come on for the exam, mom believes you will do it!

During the Shizi Seven-Five-Three Festival, remember to let her wear my kimono!

Please forgive the unfilial girl for taking a step ahead.

Chiyoko Itami"

(The Seven-Five-Three Festival is a unique festival in Japan. Boys are 3 or 5 years old, and girls are 3 or 7 years old. Go to the shrine to worship)

"Is there anything unusual about this suicide note?"

Itami Naganobu shook his head, raised his glasses, and showed everyone his swollen right eye.

"This is the eye that was swollen when I quarreled with Chiyoko last night when she threw an ashtray."

"My son Jing's family is going to take a driver's license test recently, and it will be time for the written test in a few days."

"As for Shizi, who is my niece, she will be seven years old this year, and she will celebrate the Seventh Five-Three Festival. That's why I don't think it's possible that this suicide note was forged by someone else."

The little maid on the side, Sakurako, also nodded: "When Madam lost her temper last night, she did throw the ashtray at Mr. Itami, so I feel that Madam threw the mobile phone at the door of the bedroom just now."

Mori Kogoro asked: "When did you find out that there was a mobile phone at the door?"

Seeing Mori Kogoro approaching, Sakurako's face flushed a little.

She hastily said, "It was when I came home at [-]:[-], when I called Madam for the first time, I found Madam's red mobile phone on the floor."

Miwako asked, "Where is the phone?"

"I put it away." Itami Naganobu who said this handed the phone from his pocket to Miwako.

Miwako turned on the phone and looked through the communication records, but there was no call or text message today.

At this time, the Chiba police officer next to him asked with a notebook: "May I ask, Mr. Itami, what did you quarrel with last night? And do you know why the deceased committed suicide?"

Itami Yongxin shook his head and sighed: "What else could be the cause of the quarrel, of course it is the stock market. We have a big difference in the stock market. I hope she will stop playing, but she always refuses to listen. Whenever she talks about her, she will Crazy."

"Also, my son, Jing's senior, is about to graduate, but he still hasn't got a job, so she must be under a lot of pressure."

"My son Jing's family has not returned home since they moved to live in the building next to the university a year ago."

At this time, Yingzi interjected: "However, Madam's son called and said that he would like Madam to help buy a car after he got his driver's license."

"I also said that the next time I come here, I will bring the catalog of the models and let my wife choose."

"But Madam said that he didn't have a job, and it was impossible to help him buy a car, and then hung up the phone in a yell."

"However, I don't think Madam is the kind of person who would commit suicide."

"Because Madam once said that she is the lucky one favored by heaven."

Miwako asked, "How do you say this?"

Itami Naganobu on the side explained: "I want to know that what Yoko is talking about is that she was on a plane a few years ago, and just happened to be in a plane crash, and she was forced to land at sea but was lucky to survive."

Officer Chiba asked, "Mr. Itami, were you on the plane at that time?"

"No, I didn't get on that plane because I broke my leg skiing before the plane."

Yingzi continued to speak: "So, how could such a confident lady commit suicide?"

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