Hearing this, the yellow-haired Itami Yasuke had hope in his eyes.

He looked at Mori Kogoro pleadingly: "Detective Mori, listen, listen, maybe you made a mistake."

"Miss Police Officer said that no one called, so how could the phone vibrate and fall from the crack in the door?"

Kogoro Mori turned his head and asked Yonehara Sakurako: "Sakurako, what did you do when you found your phone at the door of the bedroom?"

Sakurako Yonehara turned her head to the side and recalled: "I remember I picked up the phone and looked through it. Just as I was sure it belonged to my wife, Mr. Itami took it and put it in my trouser pocket."

"Then Yingzi, apart from touching the deceased's mobile phone with a red casing, have you ever touched the mobile phones of other people in this family?"

Yingzi shook her head with certainty: "Of course not. We have all been trained in the company not to touch the private items of service providers at will. If the phone hadn't been dropped on the floor, I wouldn't have picked it up."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro smiled.

"Then I understand, Mr. Yongxin, is it convenient for you to take out your mobile phone and have a look?"

"If my guess is correct, your mobile phone should be the same model as your wife's, both are black iPhone [-], the only difference is that your wife's mobile phone has an extra red mobile phone case."

Itami Naganobu's face was pale and sweat continued to ooze, but he still handed his mobile phone to Officer Sato.

Miwako opened the phone's address book, and there was indeed an unfamiliar call at [-]:[-], but she didn't answer.

"So after killing the deceased, Mr. Yongxin should have picked up the deceased's mobile phone, removed the case, and put it on his own mobile phone."

"Then you put your mobile phone in the crack of the door to fix it, and after you leave, you find a phone booth to call your own mobile phone, so that no suspicious calls will appear in the deceased's mobile phone."

"Miss Yingzi just said that she has never touched your phone."

"But if you find her fingerprints on your mobile phone, I believe this is the most powerful evidence."

After hearing all the reasoning, Itami Naganobu closed his eyes and let out a long sigh.

"Hey! Sure enough, I can't hide it from you, Detective Maori. After I knew your identity, I had a hunch that this would be the end. I didn't expect it to be so."

"Jing family, I'm sorry, I killed your mother."

"why why?"

Itami Yasuke's eyes were red, and he rushed forward excitedly, grabbing his father's lapel, completely unacceptable.

Officer Dazuo and Officer Chiba behind him quickly stepped forward to control him.

Itami Yongxin also had tears in his eyes: "No way, no way, I can't persuade your mother."

"Our family has been heavily in debt for a long time. Your mother lost a lot of money in stocks, but she still refuses to stop."

"She is too confident. Since she survived the plane crash four years ago, she has been saying that she is a person blessed by God. She feels that the more dangerous she is, the more she can avert danger."

"She even wanted to mortgage her house and put all the money she borrowed into the stock market."

"This house is the only property Dad can give you. How could I let her do this?"

"So I just, I just..." Speaking of this, Itami Naganobu broke down in tears, and his son collapsed again.

Everyone couldn't help sighing when they saw this scene.

The prisoner was escorted back to the police station by Officer Dazuo, and the case finally came to an end.

Sakurako Yonehara hugged Miike Naeko's arm, and said with a puzzled face, "Miao Miao, thank you for rushing over to help me. Hey, what do you think the fat police officer is doing?"

Miaozi was a little panicked immediately: "Ah, no, you read it wrong, but Yingzi, what will you do with your future work, this family will die, and you will be arrested. Do you want to find a job again?"

Mouri Kogoro who was on the side heard this, and couldn't help interjecting: "Sakura is a very good maid. She is careful and has keen observation skills. If it wasn't for Sakura's testimony today, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find the murderer so easily. .”

"There are very few maids who are so careful in the market. Otherwise, Yingzi came to work in my house. It just so happens that my house has become bigger now, and I can't clean it up!"

Hearing this, Yingzi's big eyes flashed with emotion.

[If you go to work at the Mori Detective Agency, you can collect a lot of his signatures just by cleaning the trash cans.

Mori Detective is the number one celebrity in Japan, with more than [-] million fans just for real-name verification.

If these autographs are auctioned online, they will definitely earn a lot of money, and then they will be able to buy back the old house that my mother has been thinking about. 】

Thinking of this, Yingzi's eyes immediately turned into financial eyes, and dollar signs appeared in the big eyes.

But at this time, when Miwako heard this, she immediately reached out and pinched Moori Kogoro's ear.

"Xiao Wulang, I think you are a wicked person. When you see a cute little girl, you want to abduct her into your house."

Hearing this, Yingzi's small face flushed instantly, her little head lowered, and her little hand clutching the torn apron became more and more forceful.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be in pain: "Hiss! Miwako, don't talk nonsense, it hurts, let go, let go."

Yumi next to her smiled and watched the two of them squabbling, which stunned Haneda Hideyoshi.

【what happened?Kogoro Mori flirts with other women, but Yumimi is not jealous at all, how is this possible?

Oh, I see, hehe, let me tell you, Yumimi, you don't like Mori Kogoro at all!

He must be your fake boyfriend, try to use him to stimulate me.

Let me just say, how could my Yumimei change her mind so easily.

Yumi, you are so naughty! 】

Haneda Hideyoshi immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and instantly imagined a big drama, completely wrong thinking.

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