This is also normal, no matter how much his brain works, he never imagined that Yumi Miyamoto would accept being Kogoro Mori's woman with other women.

Moori Kogoro managed to break free from Miwako's little hand, and glared at her: "See how I will deal with you later!"

And Miwako stared back without hesitation, her purple eyes were full of provocation.

The little maid Sakurako said, "Thank you Detective Mori for giving me the opportunity, but I can only disappoint you."

"I have already promised other people. Originally, this employment was also for a short period of time. The work would be over when Madam's arm recovered. Unexpectedly, Madam had an accident."

"But you don't have to worry about my job. I will continue to be a servant at Wakamatsu's house where my mother used to work."

Hearing what Sakurako said, Mori Kogoro also felt a little pity.

It seems that the button for Sakurako Shinigami to call the case has been activated.The next time there is a case in Wakamatsu's house, I will abduct this lovely maid to the house.

Chapter 0156 Where is that guy grabbing his hand?

At this time, the chubby Chiba police officer came over.

He seemed to have recognized Sakurako Yonehara, and couldn't help but ask, "Hey, aren't you Sakurako? Why are you here?"

Seeing Chiba approaching, Miike Naoko quickly hid behind Yingzi, pressed down on the brim of her hat, and lowered her head.

When Mori Kogoro saw this scene, he immediately remembered the entanglement between Miike Naeko and Chiba Kazunobu.

In the original book, both Miaozi and Qianye went to Didan Primary School, and they are also childhood sweethearts.

(It’s the childhood sweetheart stalk that old thief Qingshan likes to use again!)

But then Miaozi transferred to another school, and the two hadn't been in touch for thirteen years.

But when they reunited, Qianye couldn't recognize Miaozi from back then.

Obviously, Miaozi's appearance hasn't changed much since she was a child.

In the current situation, with Miaozi's nervous appearance, it seems that she is still interested in Chiba.

This is quite interesting!

Mori Kogoro's perceptive eyes lit up, and his brows were slightly raised.

Miaozi seemed to have noticed his gaze, and couldn't help becoming nervous.

She put her index finger around her mouth in a silent gesture, as if she wanted Kogoro Mori to keep it a secret.

Seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, but did not expose the matter.

The little maid Yingzi has a good memory, and she also recognized Chiba, and immediately said happily: "Hey, you are Chiba, I don't remember you being so fat when you were young."

Qianye touched her big belly: "Hehe, the food in the Metropolitan Police Department is better, and I gained weight accidentally."

At this time, Miwako chuckled lightly: "Qianba-kun, are you free?"

"Shouldn't we go back and take notes with Itami Naganobu? Also, the theft case we have been investigating this morning, shouldn't we continue to sort out the materials?"

Hearing this, Qianye immediately responded weakly: "Hi."

"Sakura, let's talk about the past next time, I still have a lot of tasks."

After that, he turned and walked out of the apartment.

And Miwako smiled lightly and waved: "Thank you, Chiba-kun!"

In the morning, Miwako had already made an agreement with Chiba.

Ask him to help with work in the afternoon, so that she can spare time at Yumi's house, and she can also say something very important to Mori Kogoro.

Seeing Qianye leave, Miaozi breathed a sigh of relief.

And Miwako stretched her waist, and said, "Okay, it's finally time to rest, Yumi, it's time for us to go to your house, right? Didn't you say that there is a lot to clean up?"

Hearing this, Miaozi also remembered: "By the way, senior, I'll help you too. Anyway, our patrol mission has been completed."

Yumi's face changed immediately, and she smiled awkwardly: "Miaozi, no need, we can do it ourselves."

With an outsider like Miaozi around, I don't know how uncomfortable it will be.

But Miaozi was very stubborn, and glanced at Mori Kogoro and Haneda Hideyoshi.

"No, senior, I have caused you a lot of trouble today, let me do my best!"

After all, Naoko didn't listen to Yumi's response, turned around and left the apartment, and wanted to start the small patrol car.

Seeing this scene, Yumi couldn't help but sigh tiredly.

Mori Kogoro said: "Okay, don't sigh, it's time for us to set off."

"Sakura, whenever you change your mind, you can always come to the Mori Detective Agency to find me, see you next time!"


The appearance of the extremely young baby voice made Mori Kogoro even more determined to abduct this little maid home.

The three of them walked out of Itami's house together, and Haneda Hideyoshi, who had been ignored all the time behind him, hurriedly followed.

The three of Mao Li and his party walked out of the Yingmihua Building, and after he glanced behind him, an inexplicable smile flickered on the corner of his mouth.

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