The door of room 202 was opened, and seeing the chaos inside, a man and three women outside the door were stunned.

This is more than just a random word, it's like being raided by gangsters.

The boots and shoes in the entrance are scattered, and the walls are full of potholes, and they are still falling powder;

The sofa is full of all kinds of clothes, piled up into a mountain, and the hats are folded and stuffed into the lamp;

The carpet was torn apart, and there was a stench, and the potted plants on the cabinet were smashed;

The hanging LCD TV seemed to have been eaten, and the film was lifted off.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

At this time, two dogs rushed out, surrounded Maoli Kogoro's legs, and kept circling and wagging their tails, flattering Maoli Kogoro.

These two dogs, Mori Kogoro, knew each other, and they were both bitches.

The husky is called Xiaoba, and the Akita dog is called Star, and they are raised by Mei.

Akita Inu originally worked in the police dog industry, but his leg was broken during an arrest operation, and he was adopted by Yumi after he was injured and retired.

The husky Xiaoba was too stubborn and was abandoned by his master. Then Yumi, who was on patrol, saw him and brought him home.

Originally, these two dogs were very unfriendly to Kogoro Mori, especially when Kogoro Mori came here for the first time, when he and Yumi were in the room, the huskies outside would bark and howl from time to time.

Later, Kogoro Mori spent [-] points in exchange for the beast control technique, trained the husky, and then used the healing technique to cure Akita.

The two dogs became extremely obedient.

They are now closer to Mori Kogoro than their master, Yumi, and they will run over to act like a spoiled child when they smell his breath.

And Yumi bent her body slightly, put her hands together, and had an embarrassed smile on her face: "I'm really sorry, I didn't need everyone's help, I can clean it up by myself."

"But the night before yesterday, Xiao Ba suddenly took Sta to escape from prison, chewed through the door of the kennel I prepared for them, and escaped."

"I finally found out that huskies can tear down houses. My house was demolished like this in one day. Except for the closed bedroom, everything else was destroyed."

"There are so many tasks in the past two days. I handled the case for a whole day yesterday. I can't handle it by myself. That's why I asked you to help."

Miwako glanced at the piles of clothes on the sofa, the messy hats and bags, and couldn't help complaining: "Dogs don't pile up clothes like this!"

Yumi quickly quibbled: "I live alone, and the clothes have to be piled up. Washing at one time saves water. I save a lot."

"Xiao Wulang, you shouldn't dislike me!"

Yumi immediately put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm and acted coquettishly, rubbing her soft breasts, making Naeko beside her blush.

"Don't be a demon." Mori Kogoro patted Yumi-chan's buttocks with his big hands.

He didn't dislike it, and the Ant-Man robot incubator had already started the third round of cultivation, and the number began to move towards [-].The robots produced now are more of the household type, capable of cooking, washing, mopping the floor...

No matter how lazy Yumi is, Kogoro Moori doesn't mind, and when she gets married in the future, some robots will do these things.

Besides, beautiful women are usually a little lazy, which doesn't hurt too much.

Moreover, Miwako, who is a strong woman, is almost in this state at home. Among the three, only Chengzi can be called virtuous.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Wow wow wow wow!"

The two dogs jumped up and down, pounced on Kogoro Mouri's long legs, and kept brushing their own sense of existence.

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed the heads of the two big dogs, and then said, "Be quiet, let me face the wall and think about my mistakes."

"Uh woo! Woo woo!"

"Wang Woo!"

When the beast control technique was activated, an invisible wave spread from Mori Kogoro's body.

The two dogs wagged their tails, ran to the wall and sat down, staring at the wall, not daring to make a sound.

The three girls beside Yumi were all dumbfounded.

Miaozi opened her mouth even more, and her cat eyes widened: "Hiss! How did you do this?"

"Didn't you say that huskies are stupid? How can they follow orders?"

"No, this is not an instruction. Do they understand human speech? Senior, where did you buy your dog? So smart?"

Yumi quickly said, "It's not about the dog, it's because Kogoro trained well."

The traffic policewoman with twin ponytails looked at Kogoro Mori with sparkle in her eyes.

Then Yumi rubbed her forehead in trouble: "But they will listen to Kogoro, otherwise they won't demolish the house this time."

Mori Kogoro walked into the apartment first.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I'll go to the kitchen to cook first, who will help me?"

Hearing this, Miwako looked up at the sky, and Yumi-chan looked down at her shoes.

Chengzi glanced at the two women, and was about to respond, but Miaozi next to him spoke first: "I'm good at cooking, how about I help you?"


Mori Kogoro nodded, and continued to order: "Then you three, clean up the dining room first, before there are no tables and chairs to eat."

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