"Miaozi and I come, let's make lunch in the kitchen first."

After finishing speaking, the two of them entered the living room with one foot deep and one foot shallow, overcame many obstacles, and came to the kitchen.

What caught my eye was the large refrigerator that had been bitten and pitted.

Kogoro Maoli was outraged, so he performed the Beast Control Technique again, and shouted: "I'll put my shoes on the wall and think about my mistakes."

Miaozi poked his head out, and saw two dogs obediently biting the slippers, pressing them against their foreheads, and then sat back in front of the wall.

"Hey, that's too amazing, Detective Maori, how did you do it?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Everything has a spirit, as long as you communicate with them with your heart, they will naturally understand!"

Hearing this, Miao Zi seemed to understand but half understood, but his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Mori Kogoro.

Chapter 0158


There was the sound of chopping vegetables rhythmically.

Mori Kogoro handles the knives, and his knives are smooth and artistic.

Miaozi's cat's eyes were shining again and again.

[Hiss, how can you be so proficient? Is Maori Detective so good at cooking?

I really envy my seniors, who found such a powerful boyfriend, so smart, who can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, and the key is that he is so handsome.

Although he is an uncle, he is really charming! 】

The inexplicable Miaozi felt a little sour in her heart, and felt a little jealous of Yumi.

"It's not cut like this."

Miaozi, who came back to his senses, looked at the tofu cut into the shape of a hob on the cutting board, and suddenly laughed embarrassedly.

"It's all Maori detective's knife skills are so powerful, I'm fascinated..."

But before she finished speaking, Miaozi felt a body full of heat pressing up behind her, and then she felt that her hands were being held by a pair of generous hands.

Miaozi's eyes widened in an instant, and her face flushed red.

Especially when he was hit by a warm breath behind his ears, his body felt a little numb.

"Let me teach you, this is to make a cream stew, um, add more tofu to relieve the greasy cream."

At this moment, Cai Miaozi's heart was pounding, her little face was steaming, and she suddenly remembered the figure of Police Officer Chiba, and wanted to refuse.

But smelling that masculine breath, hearing Kogoro Mori's gentle and magnetic voice, like a harmless and gentle big brother, the shadow of Chiba in his mind suddenly faded away.

Somehow, she replied, "Yeah."

Mori Kogoro smiled, looking at the kitten-like Miao Zi who seemed to be pinched by fate, he suddenly felt very interesting.

Then he grabbed Miaozi's silky little hand, and took a knife to attack the tofu.

"Cut it diagonally like this, then turn it around, cut it crosswise a few times, then cut off all the corners, and you see."

The little hand that was pressing was lifted by Mori Kogoro, and the tofu on the cutting board bloomed like a rose, lifelike.

"That's enough!"

Miaozi couldn't help covering her small mouth, looking at the exquisite tofu flower in amazement.

"In this way, the contact area between the tofu and the soup will become larger, which can absorb the excess fat in the butter, and the taste will be more delicious, Miaozi, come and try."

Miaozi picked up a knife and began to try to cut out tofu flowers by herself, but Kogoro Mori said it was wrong before she started, and started a new round of hand-in-hand teaching.

During the teaching period, the two kept their chests against their backs, creating an unusually charming atmosphere.

After three or five failures, Kogoro Mori finally cut out the bean curd seedlings, and praised: "The seedlings are very talented, and they learned it so quickly."

Hearing this, Miaozi laughed happily: "It's all Maori detectives, you taught me well."

"By the way, Detective Maori, do you know something?"

When I asked about this seedling, I felt a little nervous again.

Another main reason she wanted to come was because she saw Mori Kogoro's weird smile at Itami's house, and she seemed to see through something, so she wanted to ask him for clarification.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Actually, before going to Itami's house, I happened to stay at Teidan Elementary School, and I accidentally found out about Miaozi's secret." "I know that Miaozi and Chiba are both Graduated from Didan Elementary School, and the purpose of Miaozi's transfer from Beihu to Mihua Headquarters..."

Miao Zi immediately interrupted: "Please stop talking."

"Detective Maori, can you help me keep a secret, please!"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "Are you keeping it a secret? That's no problem, after all, I'm a professional detective."

"However, at Itami's house just now, Police Officer Chiba even recognized Sakurako, but he couldn't recognize the girl he had confessed to when he was a child."

"This liking when I was a child seems a little watery."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro picked up the white soft tofu next to him, and immediately drained the water.

Miaozi felt a little lost when she heard this, and her cat's eyes were full of sadness.

Originally, Miaozi's idea was very simple. After Qianye recognized her, she took advantage of the opportunity to confess her love, responding to Qianye's confession to herself back then.

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