But he didn't expect that Qianye didn't recognize himself at all after having a few face-to-face meetings, which was totally unexpected by Miaozi.

But soon, Miaozi's little face that had just calmed down became red again, and she noticed something abnormal behind her.

All the gloom in his eyes dissipated, turning into endless shyness.

Her little head paused, turned around like a robot, and said in panic: "Detective Maori, what are you doing?"

"If you do this again, I will tell the seniors!"

Mori Kogoro pretended to be embarrassed and said: "I'm really sorry, this is beyond my control, it's all because Miaozi is too cute."

Hearing this praise, Miaozi's head was steaming again, and the blush even dyed the earlobe and neck.

"But if Naoko hadn't dragged Yumi over today, I wouldn't have met Yumi's ex-boyfriend, and even fought with him. Is it Naoko's responsibility?"

Miaozi nodded, as if she felt that today's matter was her own responsibility.

Eh, no, what does this have to do with what I'm talking about now.

"Besides, Miaozi entrusted me to keep the secret just now, entrusting a top domestic detective, do you also have to pay some entrustment fees?"

Miao Zi, who was fooled and led by the nose, said cutely, "Well, the commission fee won't be too expensive, Detective Maori, I don't have much money."

"Not expensive, not expensive!"

With a smirk, Kogoro Mori gently cupped Naoko's chin, then probed it down and kissed it.

Feeling the hard stubble, looking at the handsome face in front of him, Miaozi's cat eyes were completely rounded, full of disbelief.

How could this be?How could this be?Detective Maori is Senior's boyfriend, how can he kiss me?

Chiba-kun!Chiba-kun!Didn't Detective Maori know about Chiba and me?How could you do such a thing?

Miaozi, who had reacted, wanted to struggle immediately, but her body, which had been in Kogoro Mouri's arms, was a little weak, and the chain fell off at the critical moment.

And the vigor that he worked so hard to condense is nothing compared to the strange strength of Mori Kogoro.

The more the kitten-like Miaozi struggled, the more excited Kogoro Mouri felt.


Mori Kogoro's master-level kissing skills were displayed, and Miaozi was locked with both hands and pressed on the kitchen counter.

As the kiss continued, Miaozi's eyes became foggy and her head became dazed in the face of Mori Kogoro's greedy demands, and the figure of Police Officer Chiba gradually faded away in her mind.

Chapter 0159

!Succeed each other!

Miaozi's lips are soft, like jelly, and the Q is very bouncy.

Under Mori Kogoro's sophisticated kissing skills, Miaozi, who turned her head sideways, responded involuntarily.

This mouthful is full of girlish sweetness, which makes Mori Kogoro very satisfied.

His big hands couldn't help caressing Miaozi's twin ponytails.

If Miaozi were to wear a policeman's costume and gallop on the bed while holding her ponytails, it would be a different feeling.

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help getting a little excited again.

The two kissed passionately for nearly ten minutes, Miao Zi was completely dazed by the kiss, and Kogoro Moori let go of his mouth.

Then he blew hot air behind Miaozi's ear, said with a smirk, "Miaozi, this is the commission fee, isn't it expensive?"

After finishing speaking, Mori Kogoro completely let go of her, and returned to his cutting board to continue processing the ingredients.

And the little policewoman almost couldn't stand still, she propped her hands on the kitchen counter, so she didn't fall down.

After Mori Kogoro left, Miaozi felt empty in his heart.

Miaozi, who had been kissed forcibly, stared at Kogoro Mori with a complicated expression, but finally he could only speak: "How could you do this? Scoundrel, I want to tell senior!"

At this moment, Miaozi is like a helpless little girl, wanting to complain to her parents.

But Kogoro Mori returned with a bright smile.

At this time, Mei Hezi walked in, and said with a light smile, "Why do you tell senior? Although I am not from the Communications Department, I joined the job before you, so I can be regarded as a senior."

"You can tell me if you have anything to say, Miaozi."

Miaozi immediately seemed to be frightened, and quickly lowered her head and walked outside, fearing that Meihezi would find out that something was wrong.

But Mori Kogoro had a calm face, as if he had expected it.

He heard Miwako's footsteps approaching before letting go of Miaozi.

Miwako immediately looked puzzled: "Why is Miaozi so weird? Could it be Kogoro that you bullied her?"

"how is this possible?"

Faced with this situation, Mori Kogoro is already at his fingertips, and he doesn't even blink when he tells a lie.

The carefree Miwako was really fooled: "I'm sorry you don't dare, Kogoro, what are you having for lunch?"

Kogoro Moori made a beautiful knife trick, and said with a light smile, "It turns out that Miwako is hungry, so she came to the kitchen to steal a meal. You are lucky today."

"I'm going to cook teriyaki dragon fish, pan-fried silver cod in honey sauce, cream stew, fatty beef fried udon noodles, and seafood miso soup."

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