Miaozi hurried into the cloakroom and began to help.

Chapter 0160

"time to eat."

Satisfied, Mori Kogoro put the prepared dishes on the table, and then called the girls to start the meal.

The restaurant has been cleaned up, and Yumi and the others are still very obedient.

Soon, the three daughters Yumi, Miaozi, and Chengzi came to the restaurant, and Miwako who went to the toilet to rinse her mouth also came out.

Miaozi glanced at Mori Kogoro, couldn't help blushing, and then glared at him viciously.

It really doesn't have any lethality at all, are you sure this isn't just being cute?

The ponytail policewoman's staring attack made Mori Kogoro laugh.

Looking at the colorful and fragrant dishes on the table, Yumi hugged Kogoro Mori's arm and kissed her directly: "Husband is awesome!"

When Haneda Hideyoshi in the building next door saw this scene, his pupils burst and shrank again, and he was still firmly convincing himself.

No, this must still be acting, and there must be outsiders, so Yumi continued to act.

From the unfinished building next door, you can just see the balcony and restaurant of room 202 here, but if you draw the curtains, you can block them all.

Miwako and Sumiko, who were like twins, stared at Yumi angrily.

Because there is an outsider, Miaozi, and Miaozi first knows that Yumi and Kogoro are boyfriend and girlfriend, so Miwako and Chengzi cannot reveal their relationship with Kogoro.

After all, it is too shocking for these three women to serve one husband.

So they can only watch Yumi monopolize Mori Kogoro, but there is nothing they can do.

Yumi also knew this, and she was extremely proud at the moment, provoking the two girls with her eyes from time to time.

Its plump and delicate body is like a cartilaginous snake, leaning against Mori Kogoro from time to time, dawdling.

In this scene, the three corpses of Haneda Hideyoshi on the opposite side jumped wildly, burning with jealousy, and their faces were full of ferociousness.

He kept grabbing the wall with both hands, almost bleeding from scratching.

At this time, two figures of the dog Shousong appeared at the door, they were Husky Xiaoba and Akita Star.

The sense of smell of dogs is hundreds of times that of humans, and the food prepared by Mori Kogoro's master cooking skills is extremely fragrant, and the lethality to these two dogs is beyond comprehension.

They didn't even listen to Kogoro Mori's instruction just now, and stopped at the door, drooling like a waterfall.

There were two puddles of saliva on the floor at the door. The girls were all amused seeing this scene. It was the first time they saw a dog that could drool so much.

Mori Kogoro shook his head angrily,

Fortunately, he was prepared, turned around and returned to the kitchen to take out two plates of prepared food and put them in the corner.

The two dogs didn't dare to move around the door without Kogoro Mori's instructions. They looked at him pitifully with their big black eyes and kept wagging their tails.

Mori Kogoro rubbed the heads of the two dogs and said, "Let's eat."

Both dogs began to eat.

Seeing such a harmonious scene, Miaozi's eyes glowed again.

[I can't tell that this big villain is caring and careful, even the dog's food is prepared.

No, you can't be fooled by him, Miaozi, Miaozi, have you forgotten what he just did to you?He is a big pervert! 】

But when Miaozi saw Mori Kogoro stand up and meet his gaze, he felt another wave of heart palpitations.

As if frightened, the ponytailed policeman quickly turned his head and saw that the other three women had already taken their seats and started eating.Mori Kogoro couldn't help but said: "The three of you are too rude. You started eating without me and Miaozi sitting down. It's worse than Hachi and Sta."

The thick-skinned three girls didn't react at all when they heard this, they were still pinching their chopsticks.

Only Chengzi raised his head: "Xiao Wulang's food is so delicious, besides, we've all done a lot of work, so we're already starving."

Kogoro Mori greeted Miaozi to sit down, and the remaining two seats were adjacent to each other, with their backs facing the rear window.

Miaozi was still very reserved at first, she couldn't understand why the two seniors and Teacher Xiao Lin ate in such a hurry, until she put a piece of cod in honey sauce into her mouth.

The silky sweetness and deep-sea umami completely exploded in the mouth, making Miaozi's cat eyes light up.

[Hey enough, how can it be so delicious?

It doesn't look like food in the world, it's too delicious!

Maori Detective is too good. It’s okay to be handsome and extremely smart, but the cooking is so delicious.

If you really marry him, you will be able to eat such delicacies for the rest of your life, how happy you will be, I am so envious of seniors!

No, no, he is a big pervert, Miao Zi, have you forgotten?Just now he was rubbing that thing behind you.

Whoooo!But it's really delicious!

Well, for the sake of this delicious food, I can barely forgive him for his rude behavior just now. 】

Miaozi had many thoughts in her mind, and she was instantly convinced by the delicious food, and forgave Kogoro Mori.

Then she felt at ease, looked at the food on the table, turned into a foodie, and the cat's eyes were ignited with fierce fighting spirit.

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