[Hey, it seems like someone is grabbing my thigh, who cares, the only food in the world can't let you down.

Senior Yumi, even if you are my senior, I will never give you this mouthful of dragon fish. 】

Mori Kogoro on the side looked at this scene with a look of surprise, he finally saw what it means to be a pure foodie today, and Miaozi ate so much that he lost himself.

Under the table, his big hands were covering Miaozi's slender thighs, and he wanted to start a new round of teasing, admiring the awkward and shy appearance of this cute girl in front of the three women.

But the situation was not as Moori Kogoro expected. His big hand pressed it up, but Miaozi didn't respond at all, as if he was unconscious.

She was completely devoted to the food, and her fighting strength alone was equal to the three daughters Yumi, Miwako, and Chengzi, causing the three daughters to look sideways frequently.

Faced with such a defenseless posture, the extremely thick-skinned Mori Kogoro naturally upheld the nature of taking advantage of others' dangers and began to eat tofu.

I have to say that this is really elastic, and you can tell that you have been trained when you touch it, and it feels great.

If it weren't for this pair of black police trousers, Kogoro Mori would have measured it more carefully.

On the opposite side, Haneda Hideyoshi, who was hiding behind the low wall and peeping at the restaurant, saw this scene, and his eyes almost burst into flames.

【My Yumi, look, this guy Mori Kogoro is still hooking up with other women in front of you, don't be fooled by him!

I see, Yumi, you are so smart, you must have discovered it, you must be acting with this man! 】

There was hope again in Haneda Hideyoshi's eyes, how could he know that Yumi might not be angry even if she found out.

The lunch finally came to an end amidst the women's scrambling. Most of the food fell into Miaozi's stomach, but his stomach didn't swell at all.

After eating, Miaozi immediately switched from a foodie form to a lady's form, gently wiping her lips with a tissue.

Miwako, Yumi, and Chengzi couldn't help casting strange glances.

At this time, Miao Zi, who regained his senses, felt the evil claws on his legs, and his little face couldn't help turning red again.

Chapter 0161

Miaozi couldn't help lowering her head, her small hand wanted to push away Kogoro Mori's big hand, but instead she was held, held in her palm and played with carefully.

Her heart beat faster in an instant, and she felt uncomfortable. She glanced sideways at Kogoro Mori, and seeing his narrow smile, her whole body became more and more flustered.

[How could Maori detective do this?Senior is still here?How can I get along with seniors after she finds out?

But Detective Maori's big hands are very warm, hey, why is there still electricity! 】

Miaozi's little hands were stretched out and clasped by Mori Kogoro, and her fingers were tightly clasped. It seemed that there was an electric current, which made her tremble uncontrollably.

Miao Zi, who had never held hands with other men before, was experiencing this for the first time, and her breathing was a little short of breath.

The girls thought that Miao Zi was shy because of embarrassment.

Yumi quickly comforted her, "Miaozi has a good appetite, so don't be shy, this is the same reaction we had when we ate Kogoro's food for the first time."

Hearing Yumi say this, Miaozi felt more and more uncomfortable. She just felt that she was too sorry for her senior, so she stood up immediately.

Mori Kogoro could only let go of his little hand.

"Senior, let me wash the dishes!"

After saying this, Miao Zi started to clean up the dining table, and then quickly ran towards the kitchen with the bowls and chopsticks in hand as if fleeing for his life.

Seeing the girl's panicked steps, Mori Kogoro could only let her go.

After eating and drinking, everyone should start working.

Yumi began to give orders: "The cloakroom has been tidied up, and now there are only the living room, corridor, balcony, two guest bedrooms, and bathroom."

"Chengzi and Miwako, um, please go and tidy up the two guest bedrooms. After tidying up, I will deal with the bathroom when I have time. Kogoro, the living room and corridor will be handed over to you."

The workload of the living room and corridor is huge, much more than all other workloads combined. These two places are the hardest hit areas for Huskies to demolish their houses.

Mori Kogoro raised his eyebrows speechlessly: "You guys just have the heart to treat me like this?"

Hearing this, the three girls flocked to Mouri Kogoro and began to act like a baby.

"Good husband, I know you are the best!"

"Don't you have the heart to let my hands pick up the dog's poop? That carpet smells bad too!"

"I believe you can do it, Kogoro, godfather."

Hearing these sugar-coated cannonballs, Mori Kogoro gave in decisively.

But Miwako frowned as if suddenly awakened: "No, Yumi, you assigned all the tasks to us, so what are you going to do?"

Yumi smiled nervously: "Of course I also have a task, I'm going to deal with the balcony."

"You don't know that the curtains on the balcony are very dangerous. I have seen videos. Some huskies play with the curtains until they hang themselves, and some even jump from the windows."

"Xiao Ba is so cute, although he is a bit stupid, but I can't bear it to die like this."

After hearing this powerful reason, Miwako and Chengzi agreed.

Mori Kogoro glanced at Yumi's delighted eyes, and instantly knew that Yumi was just trying to be lazy.

This woman is so lazy, she should teach her a lesson.

After the tasks were assigned, everyone walked out of the restaurant one after another and headed for their respective positions.

Before leaving, Yumi yelled at Naoko in the kitchen: "After Naoko has finished washing the dishes, see if I can take Hachi and Star to the bathroom to wash them, they are too smelly."

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