"Hi!" Miao Zi replied from the kitchen.

Standing at the junction of the living room and the corridor, Mori Kogoro couldn't help holding his breath, the smell was really unpleasant.

As far as I could see, the clothes on the sofa were piled up like a mountain, the carpet was wrinkled and had inexplicable stains, the dog food bags were scattered all over the ground, the potted plants fell to the ground, and the soil and dog food were mixed.

There is also dog poop on the floor, covered with sheets of toilet paper, but still not thrown away, it is completely deceitful.

This masterpiece is forged by the joint efforts of Mei and the two Wang.

Upon seeing this scene, Mori Kogoro became furious.

Yumi, a lazy woman, just needs to be trained and trained.

Fortunately, Kogoro Moori doesn't need to be a shit shoveler himself, he has robots to help him.With a thought, all the Ant-Man robots hiding in his pocket flew out, and there were hundreds of them in total.

Like spreading beans into soldiers, these robots, not much bigger than ants, lined up in a square formation and saluted Kogoro Mori.

With a wave of Kogoro Mori's hand, the robots dispersed and began to do housework.

Some shovel shit, some fold clothes, some sweep the floor, some wash carpets, some tidy up potted plants, some tidy up cobwebs on the ceiling, some turn into whitewashers and start to paint the whitewashed walls, some Open the door to let the robots who have already bought new furniture come in, and replace those home appliances that have been thrown away...

Kogoro Mori didn't need to do anything. To outsiders, the corridor and the living room seemed to be enchanted, and everything moved by itself.

Standing in the middle, Mori Kogoro just pinched the seal and cast the Wind Control Technique. The strong wind swept the peculiar smell in the living room and blew it out from the door, and the air was extremely fresh in an instant.

In less than ten minutes, with the joint efforts of hundreds of Ant-Man robots, the living room and corridors became extremely clean and tidy, with complete furniture, and it was completely impossible to see that they were being rushed by huskies.

The floor of the coffee table was wiped so that it could shine, as if the snail girl had visited.

Mori Kogoro nodded in satisfaction, and then sent the robot to clean up the bathroom and dog house, while he stretched himself and walked towards the balcony.

As soon as he came to the balcony, he heard Yumi humming happily.

The lazy woman was taking out clothes from the washing machine to dry, and she didn't notice Haneda Hideyoshi who was opposite her at all.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the unfinished building opposite, the messy strands of hair on the wall on the second floor opposite exposed the position of Haneda Hideyoshi.

Yumi had already changed out of her police uniform. She was wearing a loose white T-shirt and pink hot pants. She had a hot body, revealing two long white and tender legs.

However, Yumi's hot figure Haneda Hideyoshi could not be seen. The wall of the balcony was a full one meter three, and Haneda Hideyoshi could only see Yumi's upper body.

A smirk flickered at the corner of Mori Kogoro's mouth, and he immediately stepped forward and hugged Yumi-chan's body, stroking with both hands, and then kissed Yumi's fragrant neck.

Haneda Hideyoshi's pupils contracted sharply again.

Bastard, let go of my Yumi!

You Meimei, you are free!

Yumi exclaimed: "Kogoro, don't mess around, Miaozi is still there, hey, no, have you finished your work yet?"

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Of course it's over, your man is very efficient, and now I'm going to teach the lazy Yumi-chan a lesson."

Yumei couldn't help but turn around, turned her head to look in through the balcony door, and saw the living room that was spotless and even flashed with light, her face was suddenly full of surprise.

"Hey, Kogoro, how can you be so fast?"

"Quick, I don't like this word, how can your man be fast?"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro hooked his long legs, covered the balcony door, and kissed Yumi's smooth face again.

Yumi immediately realized what he was going to do, and the clothes that were about to dry in her hand lost their grip and fell to the ground.

She struggled in a panic: "Xiao Wulang, don't be like this, this is a balcony, and outsiders will see it. After Miao Zi leaves, I will listen to you."

Mori Kogoro's attitude was very tough, and he smirked: "Don't worry, the wall here is a full one meter three, and there are no more buildings next to it. There is only an unfinished building opposite, and there is no one inside, no. Someone saw it!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro's eyes flashed some kind of evil.

His big hands continued to wreak havoc, but he didn't lift up the white T-shirt.

Hearing this, Yumi felt as if she had taken a reassurance, she narrowed her eyes and gave him a white look, but she didn't struggle any more, instead she hugged his neck and kissed him.

On the other hand, Hideyoshi Haneda, who was hiding in the unfinished building and only dared to peek with one eye, saw Yumi kissing Kogoro Mori on her own initiative, and her face paled instantly as if struck by lightning.

how is this possible?how can that be?

Isn't it acting?Shouldn't it be fake?fraud!fraud!

Mori Kogoro didn't have time to pay attention to Haneda Hideyoshi, who doubted his life. With a beauty in his arms, he launched an offensive when he wanted to enjoy himself in time, and his hands began to move continuously.

Soon, he came to the washing machine with Yumi-chan in his arms.

Because the washing machine needs to avoid exposure to the sun, there are curtains covering that position.

Mori Kogoro asked Yumi to grab the washing machine, his little head was just covered by the curtain.

When Haneda Hideyoshi looked over from the unfinished building opposite, he could only see a section of white T-shirt.

Mori Kogoro is stingy, and it is impossible for others to see his woman's obsession.

Soon, a stirring movement was played from the living room.

(More than [-] words omitted here)

Chapter 0162 shaking compassionate

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