But even so, it was too difficult for Miaozi to bathe the two dogs for the first time.

Star, a retired police dog and mild-tempered, is still cooperative, and is reluctantly driven into the bathtub to be showered.

The second-to-extreme husky Xiaoba is the master of the devil in the world, he completely ignores Miaozi, and is lying beside him biting the soap, and Miaozi can't do anything to him.

But as soon as Kogoro Moori came in, the two dogs calmed down in an instant, and looked at Kogoro Moori with their big black eyes.

Only then did Miaozi discover Kogoro Mori, and immediately stood up in panic.

Today, she was taken advantage of by Mori Kogoro several times, so how can she not panic when she sees him appearing.

Mori Kogoro smiled gently: "Miaozi, do you need my help?"

[It's this fake smile again, this villain must be playing tricks again, I can't be fooled by him anymore!

Well, I'm going to reject him! 】

But before Miaozi could speak, Mori Kogoro squeezed into the bathroom, and said, "Is it bathing two dogs? Xiaoba is very naughty, let me help you!"

"Wang Woo!"

The husky seemed to understand, stood up dissatisfied, and wagged his tail against Mori Kogoro's thigh, acting coquettishly.

Seeing this scene, Miaozi stopped talking.

After all, she can't handle this husky by herself, and it will definitely be easier with the help of Mori Kogoro.

The animal-monitoring technique was performed, and Mori Kogoro asked the husky to stay aside first, and told the Akita dog not to move.

He took the brush from Miaozi's hand and began to brush the Akita dog, and Miaozi followed suit with the flushing.

Chapter 0163 Beastly Hairy

Seeing Kogoro Mori's side face focused on his work, with clear outlines, full of masculine beauty like a sculpture, Miaozi holding the shower can't help being a little stunned.

This guy is pretty handsome, and he looks quite temperamental, but his temperament is too bad, and he did so many bad things to me without asking me if I agree with him, hehe, bad guy!

At this time, Kogoro Moori couldn't help but said: "Miaozi, don't be in a daze anymore, Sta can't take it anymore."

Only then did Miaozi come back to her senses, and when she looked down, she saw that her shower was flushing towards the head of the Akita dog.

Sta still didn't dare to move, and didn't dare to move away when the water splashed into his eyes. The dog blinked wildly, looking pitiful.

Miaozi blushed immediately, moved the shower away, and kept apologizing: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!"

The Akita dog sneezed several times before blowing out the water vapor in its nose.

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "I'll let you see enough next time, let's get rid of them first."

Hearing this, Naoko's face turned red again, she didn't dare to peek at Kogoro Mori anymore, and concentrated on helping Akita take a bath.

Soon, the Akita was cleaned up.

Then, Mori Kogoro spread out a large white bath towel and let Naeko hold the other end.

Miao Zi was a little unclear, so he only heard Kogoro Mouri say: "Shake it!"

The Akita dog in the bathtub shook immediately, and the water droplets on the hair poured out instantly.

"Ah, Yalu!"

Naoko subconsciously hid behind the big bath towel, while Mori Kogoro at the other end was already waiting inside.

She castrated too violently, before she could control it in time, she felt the familiar touch of the beard pricking her face, and her pink lips touched Moori Kogoro's lips again.

Miao Zi's eyes widened in an instant, full of disbelief.

Just like that, in the mist of the sky, behind the cover of the white towel, the two kissed together, as if time had slowed down.

Mori Kogoro could feel the heat from this girl's cheeks, the trembling eyelashes, and the cute cat's eyes that were slowly misting up.

Star in the bathtub shook off the water on his body, looked suspiciously at the two people who had not moved for no reason, jumped out of the bathtub, and ran out.

It seemed that it took three to five minutes before the bewildered Miaozi realized it, stepped back quickly, and looked at Kogoro Mori like a frightened deer.

And Kogoro Mouri licked his lower lip, as if he was reminiscing the sweetness just now, the villain complained first and said: "This time it was Miaozi who took the initiative, then we will count as a one-to-one tie."

Hearing this, Miaozi's eyes were full of grievances, and she glared at Kogoro Mori, and wanted to escape from the bathroom and get away from this bad guy.

But at this time, Mori Kogoro had an insight into his intentions.

The beast control technique was cast, and an invisible wave came into Husky Xiaoba's ears.

Xiao Ba, who was squatting, got up in an instant, discarded the soap in his mouth, and blocked the door of the bathroom with a beastly behavior, grinning and growling at Miaozi, looking very terrifying.

Miao Zi was frightened instantly, her face turned pale, and she said in fear: "Xiao Ba, what's wrong with you, don't scare me, Mr. Mao Li, stop it quickly."

And Mori Kogoro followed suit, shouting in a low voice: "Xiao Ba, stop, sit down for me."

But the husky didn't listen to Mori Kogoro's order at all, instead he opened his mouth wide and bit at Miaozi.

The terrified Miaozi threw herself into Kogoro Moori's arms in an instant, and her soft chest pressed against Kogoro Moori's chest desperately, until it was crushed and deformed.And his legs were wrapped around Kogoro Moori's waist, hugging him tightly like a koala, and kept exclaiming in a small mouth: "Mori-san, stand up quickly, stand on top of the bathtub, don't be bitten by it .”

Mori Kogoro put his arms around Naoko's thigh, and stood on the edge of the bathtub while holding her, but his expression was very helpful.

Miaozi's delicate body is superb!

Xiao Hachi at the bottom was still baring his teeth desperately to pretend to be fierce, while Mori Kogoro above pretended to appease Miao Zi, and began to take advantage of the fire with his hands, eating tofu.

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