It's a pity that within five minutes, Miheko who heard Miaozi's exclamation ran over and asked quickly, "What's the matter? What's the matter?"

When she saw this scene in the bathroom, Miwako also rolled her eyes speechlessly.

She knew how obedient the two dogs of Yumi's family were to Kogoro Mouri, and Kogoro must have instigated this situation.

Miwako immediately stepped forward and slapped the husky on the head.

Huskies naturally recognize Miwako, Miwako and Yumi are best friends, they often have a relationship with Yumi's family, and it was the two of them who met the abandoned Erha together.

However, it didn't dare to disobey Kogoro Mori's orders, so the Erha continued to pretend to be fierce, and started to bark his teeth at Miwako.

Miao Zi hurriedly said with concern: "Senior, run away!"

Mihezi became angry in an instant, knelt down and stuffed her little hand into the husky's mouth, and said viciously: "Bite! You bite!"

Erha naturally didn't dare to bite, the dog's eyes immediately looked at Kogoro Mouri in horror, as if to say: Master, you didn't tell me how to act like this?

This picture is really interesting.

Then Mei Hezi directly pulled out Erha's tongue, which made it so long: "It's against you, dare to show your teeth to me, show it again, show it again!"

Erha Gou's eyes were filled with panic immediately, and he quietly tucked his tail.

The tongue bounced back like a spring, and slammed heavily on Erha's face.

"Woof!" the erha wailed, and ran away in fear with its tail between its legs.

Miaozi said with admiration, "Senior, how powerful are you? You're not afraid of this dog at all."

Miwako laughed lightly: "There's nothing to be afraid of, Xiao Hachi was raised by Yumi and I, how could he bite me."

"And it's very cowardly. It has never dared to show its teeth to people. It looks like this today. It is obviously ordered by someone. After all, dogs rely on people's power!"

Kogoro Mori laughed awkwardly, but Miaozi seemed to have realized it, opened his mouth wide and looked at Kogoro Mori with disbelief.

Soon, she felt the claws on her buttocks, and her little face flushed instantly.

"Come down now, how long are you going to hold me?"

A roar of the Hedong lion appeared from Miwako's mouth, and Kogoro Maoli jumped off the bathtub immediately holding Miaozi.

Miaozi struggled to the ground, pushed Kogoro Moori's chest away with her small hands, and ran out with a blushing face.

She ran out of the bathroom, took the police uniform jacket hanging at the door, and hurriedly escaped from the apartment, got into the mini patrol car, and slipped away.

Chapter 0164: Three Blossoms

Miao Zi, who drove away in the mini patrol car, was flushed and her heart was beating extremely fast.

It's too bad, this is actually Mao Li-kun's routine, it's too bad.

Xiao Ba actually listened to his words to scare people, it's too hateful, I must teach him a lesson next time we meet.

Badass!Badass!You already have seniors, why are you still messing with me!

But what should I do if Maori-kun confesses his love to me?

Miao Zi suddenly felt a little troubled, and immediately shook his head, flicking his ponytails back and forth, extremely upset.

But soon, Miaozi suddenly remembered the scene just now.

That generous chest, that fiery big hand, the majestic smell, and that hard... Daba, I can't think about it anymore.

The little traffic policeman's eyes were a little more bewitched. She didn't realize that her mini patrol car was moving along the S track, swaying left and right very badly.

The cars on the left and right tried their best to avoid the patrol car, for fear of being hit by her.

And Miaozi didn't realize at all that after she came to Miyamoto's house, she didn't think of Police Officer Chiba even once.

And in the bathroom of Miyamoto's house, Miwako pulled Kogoro Mori's ears vigorously with her plain fingers, her purple eyes narrowed slightly, with a look of lingering anger.

"Xiao Wulang, you lied to me again. What did you say in the kitchen just now?"

"You said you wouldn't attack Miao Zi, what's going on now?"

Faced with this situation, Mori Kogoro would certainly not admit it.

"It hurts, hurts, misunderstood, Mihezi, you misunderstood, it was Xiao Ba who suddenly went crazy and frightened, and Miao Zi jumped on me."

Then Mori Kogoro spoke shamelessly.

"Maybe it's because your man is so attractive, Miaozi fell in love with him by accident, and then he took the initiative to throw himself into his arms, isn't it certain?"

He also pretended to nod seriously, which made Meihezi more angry.

"You wait for me, I will tell Yumi now, tell her that you are going to attack her younger generation, and see how she teaches you."

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Miwako, you moved the wrong person to rescue the soldiers, and Yumi-chan is resting on the master bed. It's a bit difficult to think about it."

Miwako's purple eyes widened: "What did you do to her?"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "It's nothing, it's just the same as what I did to you next!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro turned his arms around Miwako's slender waist, and kissed her lips.

Miwako still patted Mori Kogoro's chest angrily, trying to push him away, but she couldn't.

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