There are also organs and passages specially designed by Mori Kogoro, which are connected to the underground air defense system, and can easily retreat.

In addition, Mori Kogoro will soon ask Fusang to help cover the protective formation in the building next door.

At that time, even if people from the dark organization aggressively attack here, I'm afraid they won't get any good results.

Originally, Mori Kogoro wanted to arrange Sera and Marie on the third floor to live with Mira, so that he could take care of him across from him.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and Eri and Yukiko moved back, so the third-floor room was not enough.

And when I was in the classroom in the morning, Yukiko had already agreed with Mori Kogoro that she would live next door to Eri.

She was just joking when she said she wanted to live in Mori Kogoro's room last night.

If Xizi is smart, how can she occupy the sleeping place of Mori Kogoro in front of Xiaolan and Conan.

So the two little ones don't know what they will think of her!

So the current room arrangement is that Mori Kogoro, Xiao Ran, and Xiao Ai still live in the original house; Mira, Eri, and Yukiko live on the third floor opposite; and Sera and Marie live on the second floor opposite.

And Conan the Devil lives alone in a small room in the office on the second floor.

Little blond Loli Marie tapped the window glass lightly with her fingertips. Hearing the heavy sound coming from the bulletproof glass, she obviously recognized the glass, and Xiaomeng couldn't help showing a look of satisfaction on her face.

Mori Kogoro said with a chuckle: "This is bulletproof glass. After all, I am a detective. I have caught eight hundred criminals if not one thousand. Maybe one day some criminals will come out of prison and come to take revenge, so I can only install this glass." Kind of bulletproof glass."

"Don't be afraid, the chance of this kind of thing happening is very small, and I usually solve it in advance, so there is a high probability that this glass will not be useful."

Hearing this, Shiliang laughed heartily, revealing two small canine teeth.

"How could it be? Uncle Maori, if you let us live here, my sister and I are already very happy."

Then Mori Kogoro led the two girls to the kitchen and showed them a button under the kitchen cabinet.

"If you encounter an emergency, such as a fire, you can press this button."

While speaking, Mori Kogoro pressed the button, and the floor sank at the end of the corridor-style kitchen, and a downward passage appeared.

"There will be a slide pipe leading directly to the pipeline of the air-raid shelter below. There are still supplies underneath, which can be easily evacuated. However, there is a high probability that this will not be used. The fire protection system at home is very good, unless a war breaks out."

Seeing this scene, both mother and daughter looked surprised and looked at each other, feeling very satisfied.

What they are most concerned about is the safety issue, and Mori Kogoro's place is much safer than the two of them expected, with shelter facilities and evacuation facilities readily available.Both the mother and the daughter felt that it was the right thing to go to Kogoro Mori this time.

At this time, Xiaolan's voice came from the door saying hello: "I knew you were here when I heard the sound, Shiliang, and little Mary, how are you all?"

As soon as Xiaolan came in, Mori Kogoro stopped introducing him.

In fact, these devices will not come in handy.

If someone really attacked, Kogoro Mori's more than [-] Ant-Man robots would be the first to confront him, followed by the large formation set up by Fusang, and then the Maori residence like a steel barrier.

With these two layers of protection outside, almost no one in the world can break through

Mori Kogoro told Shiliang and Mary that these devices were just for their peace of mind.

At the door, Xiaolan, Mira, and Yuanzi came in, carrying big and small bags.

Shiliang Zhenchun was stunned for an instant, and his eyes swayed back and forth on Xiaolan and Mira: "Why are there two Xiaolan?"

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "I knew you would say that, this is Mira, who lives upstairs from you, and although she looks a lot like me, we are not twins, nor are we related by blood at all. It just looks alike."

Mira then greeted the two girls, and Mori Kogoro introduced them to each other before they knew each other.

Xiao Lan asked, "How is it? Are you satisfied with the accommodation my father prepared for you?"

Sera Masumi nodded and laughed: "I'm very satisfied. To be honest, I never thought it would be this good before I came here. It's a very safe place."

Hearing this answer, Xiao Lan also laughed, put down the two big bags she had purchased in her hand, bent down and reached out to caress little Loli Marie's golden hair, and spoke softly.

"Mary needs to heal her wounds well here, just tell my sister if you need anything!"

Being patted and killed by a little girl much younger than herself, Maryton felt a little ashamed.

She glanced at her daughter Shiliang Zhenchun, who was trying to hold back a smile, and felt very ashamed. Immediately, she moved her short legs, found a random room and ran in.

Shiliang couldn't help but burst out laughing, with tears in his eyes: "Xiaolan, don't mind, my younger sister is shy."

Seeing this, Xiaolan, Yuanzi, and Mira looked confused, not knowing where the joke was.

Xiaolan said: "Shiliang, you and your sister tidy up your room and things here, and remember to come up for dinner later."

"Tonight is a reception banquet for you, and I want to introduce my family to you."

"Hi!" Shiliang nodded.

Mori Kogoro picked up the bag on the ground and followed him upstairs.

Xiaolan put her arm around Mouri Kogoro's arm, rubbing her soft chest back and forth, and she talked about today's big purchase with great interest.

"Dad, this is the new bag drawn by Fusha today. It's very beautiful. I also bought one for Xiao Ai, but hers is scarlet."

"We still have to go to the mall later, and bought a lot of things that Mira needs, and also bought a super big dining table, which is enough for more than ten people to eat together. Dad, am I very capable?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "That's right, Daddy's precious daughter, of course she is very capable!"

Mira and Yuanzi in the back looked at the crooked father and daughter, and couldn't help being speechless.

Chapter 0166 Xiaolan's knee pillow

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