Mira went back to her room after going up to the third floor. She bought a lot of things today and needed to tidy them up.

Sonoko, who is not knowledgeable, followed the father and daughter into Maori's house, and his eyes followed Maori Kogoro, never moving away for a moment.

Seeing Yuanzi's expression that something was wrong, Mori Kogoro carried the things into Xiaolan's room, then turned his head and asked, "Yuanzi, why are you so hesitant to talk?"

Sonoko chuckled, "Sure enough, I can't hide anything from Uncle Mori. It's my Uncle Jirokichi who entrusted me to invite Uncle to the Suzuki University Library tonight."

Xiaolan couldn't help asking in surprise: "What's going on, is it because of Kidd again?"

"Hey hey hey!"

Sonoko smiled sheepishly.

Little Lang suddenly felt a little speechless: "What's the matter with your uncle, didn't you already have a duel with Kidd on Monday? It's only a few days later, and it's only the weekend, and he's going to make trouble again ?"

Yuanzi immediately explained: "There is no way, this is his only regret as an old man."

"Actually, it's not my uncle's fault. It's a friend of my uncle's, an old lady named Youji Gonghua. She sent many books to my uncle's Suzuki Library before."

"And that old lady has a trick box designed by Yoshie Misui in her hand, and it hasn't been opened since her husband died."

"The note recording how to open the trick box was caught in a book she donated, so the old grandma hoped that my uncle would help her find the note and open the trick box."

"Later, Uncle Jirokichi heard that the mechanism box contained the largest moonstone in the world—the Memory of the Moon."

"He just wanted to use this stone as a bait to lure Kidd to come, and then capture him in one fell swoop."

"However, after the last defeat, Uncle Jirokichi also knew that he was not Kidd's opponent, and he was afraid that the gems would really be lost, so that he would be ashamed of his friend, so he sent me to rescue the soldiers."

"Uncle, you must help me, otherwise I will definitely have nothing good to eat when I go back."

Saying this, Sonoko stretched out his arms to wrap Kogoro Mori's arm, and began to act coquettishly.

Seeing this, Xiaolan at the side rushed forward to separate the two of them, but Yuanzi looked back inexplicably, and dared not do it again.

Xiaolan looked at Yuanzi who was extremely proud, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

If it hadn't been for being caught by Yuanzi, she wouldn't have fallen to the point where she was controlled by others.

Mori Kogoro had a headache.

Last time, it was Kidd who kept provoking himself, so he educated Kidd.

But later, Kidd lost a lot of face by flying naked in front of the camera.

And after Chikage Kuroba found out about this, Kogoro Mori also received a lot of reprimands.

It's rare that Kidd learned how to behave this time, and didn't come to provoke him. If he went to bully the younger by himself, it would be a little sad for Qianying. Maybe it won't be so easy to climb into her bed next time.

But Mori Kogoro glanced down and kept rubbing against his garden, his body was still shaking, and the little pigeon kept rubbing against it.

Looking at this annoying girl, he suddenly felt a little troubled.

Xu Shi saw Kogoro Mori's entanglement, and Sonoko spoke again.

"Uncle, why don't you help unlock the password of the trick box and take out the contents, and you don't have to worry about other things."

It's an easy request, as long as you don't meet Kidd face to face, Qianying can't find anything wrong with her.

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Okay, okay, don't shake it, Sonoko, I promise you."

"Really, that's great."

Sonoko yelled excitedly, her amber eyes lit up.

Then she jumped up in front of Xiaolan, kissed Kogoro Mori directly on the cheek, and then left proudly with the shopping bag in her hand.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan couldn't do anything but frown and sulk.

She had promised Yuanzi not to cause any more damage, and she would even help if asked.

Otherwise, some forbidden information will be spread in the school.

Kogoro Mori looked at his daughter's expression, and immediately stroked her smooth hair with his generous hands, comforting his precious daughter.

"Okay, everyone has left, what are you still looking at?"

Xiaolan immediately threw Ruyan into the arms of Kogoro Mouri like a swallow, this dribbling into someone was really unbearable.

"Yuanzi is going too far now, Dad, don't be fooled by her, you know?"

"I know, I know!"

Mori Kogoro patted his daughter's soft back, but then Xiaolan sniffed Mori Kogoro like a puppy, but couldn't smell any peculiar smell.

Afterwards, Xiaolan raised her head, looked at Mori Kogoro's cheek with her big eyes, and stroked his cheek with her little hand, with a puzzled look on her face.

"Father, why is your face pale, did you do something bad?"

Mori Kogoro's heartbeat stopped for a moment, and after taking a bath, he used magic to eliminate all the smell on his body, and his precious daughter still found something abnormal.

It's also because he was having too much fun just now, he singled out the six holes one by one, which naturally showed on his face.

Kogoro Mouri, who reacted quickly, yawned immediately, and quickly said, "How could I do something bad? It's just that I've been thinking about the case or driving all day. I'm a little tired."

Xiaolan was easily fooled, and turned to ask with concern: "Dad, are you tired? Then lie down on the sofa, and I'll help you relax."

Then Xiaolan dragged Moori Kogoro to the sofa, she sat down first, then patted Bai Nun's thigh, motioning Moori Kogoro to lie down.

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