His daughter had a life, and Mori Kogoro didn't dare to disobey, so he obediently lay on Xiaolan's lap, enjoying his daughter's knee pillow.

Xiaolan's plain fingers lightly pressed Mouri Kogoro's temples, and began to massage.

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on Kogoro Mori's cheeks, and Kogoro Mori felt more relaxed as he leaned against his daughter's elastic thighs, smelling the scent of his daughter's body, and enjoying his daughter's more proficient massage techniques.

He who wasn't too tired at first slowly closed his eyes, his mind was at peace, and he fell asleep very quickly.

Seemingly realizing that her father had fallen asleep, the strength in Xiaolan's hands continued to slow down.

She lowered her head, and under the afterglow of the setting sun, the tiny fluff on her pretty face was clearly visible, as if covered with a glimmer of light.

In the end, his prime finger lightly brushed Moli Kogoro's eyebrows and beard, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then this angelic girl bowed her head and kissed Mouri Kogoro's forehead lightly, feeling very happy.

Chapter 0167 Lolita vs. Lolita

Time passed slowly, and soon, an hour passed.

The door of Mori's house was opened, and Eri, who was wearing a black suit skirt, walked in with a delighted smile on her face.

The feeling of going home after work is really long gone.

Eri leaned against the wall and took off her high heels at the entrance, the raised black silk legs were really alluring!

However, Yingli's Danfeng eyes soon saw the father and daughter on the sofa in the living room, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

Is Kogoro pillowing on Xiaolan's lap?Moreover, Xiaolan looked at her father's eyes, and there seemed to be something wrong.

Xiao Lan seemed to have heard the voice, and put her index finger on her lips: "Shhh!"

She motioned Eri to keep quiet so as not to disturb Mori Kogoro's sleep.

Seeing this scene, Eri also slowed down, gently put the high heels into the shoe cabinet, then changed into slippers, and walked towards the living room with small steps.

But soon, Eri saw a big bag of ingredients behind the sofa, and the desire to cook was ignited: Kogoro and Ran miss my cooking, let me show my skills today!

Thinking this way, Eri immediately reached out to pick up the ingredients.

But at this time, Kogoro Moori seemed to sense the danger, and instantly jumped off his daughter's lap, fishing for the moon in the sea, and directly fished a large bag of ingredients into his hand.

"Don't worry about dinner, Eri, I'll just come."

"From now on, Eri, just enjoy yourself, stretch out your clothes and eat, and open your mouth. You don't need to do any work when you get home." Mori Kogoro said generously.

"Okay you, so you were pretending to be asleep."

"You guy, you don't know how much you weigh, and you use your daughter as a pillow. What if the pillow breaks?"

Xiaolan said repeatedly: "It's okay, Dad is not heavy at all."

At this time, the door of Mori's house opened again, and Yukiko walked in holding the little loli Haibara, followed by Conan the little devil.

To outsiders, Haibara, who also has brown hair, looks more like Yukiko's child than Conan.

As soon as the three of them came in, the house became lively in an instant.

Xiaolan asked, "Aunt Youxizi, what did you guys do today, why did you come back so late?"

You Xizi replied with a light smile: "Today, he helped Dr. A Li resolve his concerns, so he invited us to dinner and took the group of children to Dongdu Zoo to play."

"Later, I will take Xiao Ai and Conan to the mall and buy clothes for them."

Haibara looked unlovable, and Yukiko dressed her up and down like a doll all afternoon, and she couldn't break free.

"But tomorrow is my treat. I have already made an appointment with those children, and I will take them to Dongdu Aquarium to have a good time tomorrow."

Xiaolan couldn't help being surprised: "Isn't tomorrow Monday? Don't the children have to go to class?"

Conan then explained: "Because there is a sports meeting in the school, those who did not participate in the sports meeting can move freely."

When Mori Kogoro heard about the unavoidable "Toto Aquarium", he didn't know that it was the plot of Curacao's debut, which is the plot of the theatrical version of "Pure Black Nightmare".

It's just that the person who took the children to play changed from Dr. A Li to Yukiko.

In this case, it is very dangerous.

He immediately said: "Then I will go with you tomorrow."

Hearing that Mori Kogoro was going, Haibara became a bit interested.

And Yukiko invited, "Eri, do you want to go together?"

But Yingli shook her head: "I can't help it, there are still a few cases in the firm that have not been settled, you just have to have fun tomorrow."

"It's a pity." Then Mori Kogoro walked towards the kitchen with the ingredients. He didn't dare to let Eri touch these ingredients, otherwise the dark dishes cooked could really eat the dead.

Let Eri do the cooking, maybe Mira, Sera, and Marie will all be scared and move out tomorrow.

Thirty minutes later, Kogoro Mori, who was fully fired, prepared dinner for the nine members of his family.

When he brought the last dish, tonkotsu soup, to Xiaolan's newly bought beige square table, he invited everyone to eat.

Soon, Shiliang Zhenchun and Mary came up from downstairs, and the two girls greeted everyone, and Xiaolan helped introduce them.

It was the first time for Eri and Yukiko to see these two people, and their eyes were quickly attracted by the little blond Lolita Marie, and finally their eyes fell on the proud chest of the little Lolita.

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