The two women looked at each other, thinking that the development of foreigners is too early.

You Xizi felt a little sad, as an adult, her figure was not even comparable to that of a child.

And Huiyuan looked at Mary with scrutiny, but soon she felt at ease.

Mary is a girl of twelve or thirteen years old, and her expression is cold, she looks older, and she is completely different from herself.

Huiyuan, who looks only six or seven years old on the outside, is much younger and cuter than Mary.

But when Mary saw Huiyuan, a look of shock flashed in her blue eyes, and then she looked at Kogoro Mori in disbelief, and then her eyes were full of doubts, and her expression changed very quickly.

Kogoro Mori had a panoramic view of Mary's reaction, and he understood it immediately.

It seems that Mary and Haibara are really related.

But Mori Kogoro remained calm, took off his apron and greeted the girls to the table.

Shiliang Zhenchun didn't notice the change in her mother's face. When she was in the seat, she smelled the fragrance of this delicacy, and couldn't help but secrete her saliva.

"Uncle Mao Li, did you make these? It's too delicious! I didn't expect your cooking level to be so high?"

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "You haven't eaten yet, just compliment me like this, and if you continue to compliment me, I will believe it."

"Okay, today is the reception banquet for Shiliang and Mary, let's toast together, we will live together in the future, please shine a lot."

when!when!when! ...

The sound of clinking glasses kept ringing, and Mary looked back at Huiyuan, and could only temporarily suppress her doubts in her heart, and began to enjoy today's dinner.

But when she started to move her chopsticks, her green eyes lit up.

Soon, like her daughter Shiliang, she became a prisoner of delicious food, forgot about other things, and began to feast on it.

The dishes made by Kogoro Mori, who has master cooking skills, never disappoint, and instantly captured the hearts of all the girls.

Conan, the only little devil, had to listen to Xizi's thoughts while eating food.

"Conan, look at how powerful your Uncle Maori is. He is smart and cooks delicious food. You should learn from him."

"If you can learn one ten-thousandth of your Maori uncle, your mother who is mining in South Africa will be so happy..."

The little ghost could only roll up the eyes of the dead fish in silence.

Chapter 0168 Your daughter is my own daughter

At around eight o'clock in the evening, the Lexus parked at the entrance of the Suzuki University Library.

The outside of the Suzuki University Library has long been surrounded by fully armed police.

Seeing Kogoro Mori getting off the car, the fans who received the news early shouted excitedly.

"Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!" "Mori Kogoro!"...

Although there are still a small number of people shouting the name of 'Kidd', in general, the fans of Mori Kogoro account for the majority.

The last time Kidd fled in a hurry and flew naked, he lost a lot of popularity.

And the fans of Mori Kogoro have also learned to be good.

They knew that when Kidd appeared, Mori Kogoro would usually appear as well, so they rushed to the library door and waited after receiving the news.

However, these fanatical fans were all blocked by the police and could not approach the library.

Mira who just got out of the car couldn't help but wondered: "Is Kogoro so popular?"

Xiaolan laughed softly, and said braggingly, "That's natural, Dad has tens of millions of fans, and he's the number one celebrity in Japan."

Hui Yuan and Conan in the back seat also got out of the car, but the rest of the family did not follow.

Eri and Yukiko are not interested in Kidd's stealing, so they don't want to follow.

Eri was the host and invited the rest of the family to take a bath in the nearby 'Spring Snow' hot spring.

Eri, who just moved back home, misses the feeling of taking a bath in that hot spring very much.

Originally, Huiyuan also wanted to go with her, but she always felt that the blonde loli Mary who had just moved in looked at her strangely, and staying with Mary was very awkward.

So she simply came to the library with Mori Kogoro, and Haibara wanted to ask Mori Kogoro about Ayumi.

Mori Kogoro glanced at the fanatical fans who were holding a light sign and calling their names.

I have to say that there are really too many beauties in this world. Most of the female fans I see are good-looking and hot. It is easy to want to be a fan, and it seems a bit too happy.

Xiaolan seemed to see the strange gaze of Kogoro Mouri, and couldn't help but grabbed Kogoro Mouri's waist: "Dad, what are you looking at?"

Mori Kogoro suffered from the pain, quickly withdrew his eyes and distracting thoughts, and quickly argued: "I didn't see anything, but the flash light hurt my eyes."

At this time, a clear female voice sounded: "Uncle Mao Li!"

Then Aoko Nakamori took his best friend Momoi Keiko and trotted over, wrapping his arms around Moori Kogoro.

Qingzi's father Ginzo Nakamori chased after him and quickly separated the two.

"The girls are all so old, how can they talk to the elders, this is your uncle."

Qingzi completely ignored his father's words, his eyes were quickly attracted by Mira who looked exactly like Xiaolan, and he soon started talking with the two girls.

Keiko Momoi was stunned for a moment, why do Ran, Mira, and Aoko look exactly the same?

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