And Dr. Ali, Momoi Keiko, and the Suzuki sisters all went to the toilet one by one before turning the pages of the book.

Mori Kogoro pretended to observe the terrain of the library, and walked towards the main hall alone.

Soon he walked to the curved bookshelf, and while there was no one around, he came to the lock box.

Ant-Man's work efficiency is extremely high, and he quickly found out how to unlock the mechanism box.

There is no need for Mori Kogoro to do it, as soon as he approaches, the robot inside will press the various hinges in the mechanism box.

In an instant, the famous mechanism box of the shogunate period opened like a peony blooming.

The small music box in the box was about to play music, but unfortunately the gears were perfectly blocked by the robot, and no sound was made at all.

Looking at the moonstone with a charming blue halo inside, and an old notebook next to it.

Mori Kogoro directly picked up the things inside and put them into the pockets of his suit after he reversed the weight.

Then he took out the notebook that he had just picked up at the front desk, tore it in half, and the weight of the remaining part was just about the same as the weight of the things he put in his arms.

Mori Kogoro threw the notebooks of the same weight into the box, and then reassembled the trick box.

From the outside, there is no difference from before.

At this time, Mori Kogoro looked forward to Kidd's expression of opening the box.

Then he left the table area directly, and sure enough, Suzuki Jirokichi's iron cage mechanism was not triggered.

After finishing all this, Mori Kogoro walked to the side hall, and met Suzuki Jirokichi and Conan who came out of the side hall.

This old guy wants to do some box-opening activity with prizes, and Conan the Devil wants to challenge the box-opening again.

The idea of ​​the event is that anyone in the library who can open the mechanism box of Sanshui Jiemon will be rewarded with [-] million yen.

As soon as this event was held, people in the library participated one after another, and immediately formed a long queue in front of the circular bookshelf.

Mori Kogoro didn't pay attention to this, he went straight into the side hall, and saw that everyone was looking for books in full swing.

The reasoning and ghost novels were read by everyone, but nothing was found.

The crowd dispersed and read books individually.

Xiaolan, Mira, and Qingzi, the triplets, quietly flipped through the books in front of the table, while Sonoko and Keiko used the escalator to help fetch the books and put them on the table for the three girls to read.

Kogoro Mori looked up and saw that the two girls were wearing long trousers, which made them feel boring.

The little loli Huiyuan flipped through the books on the ground floor, while Dr. A Li followed the old lady Youji Gonghua, as if taking care of the old lady.

Only Ayako was flipping through the books in the rows of bookshelves on the right.

As soon as Mori Kogoro came in, without attracting the attention of others, he quietly crossed the cylindrical bookshelf area tens of meters high in the middle, and walked to the ordinary bookshelf on the right.

Xiaolan's ears trembled slightly, as if she heard the sound, she couldn't help but raised her head suspiciously, but she didn't see Kogoro Mori, so she continued to concentrate on her work.

Mori Kogoro came quietly behind Ayako, and saw the tall Ayako standing on the ladder with high heels, flipping through the books at the top of the bookshelf.

She was wearing a black tulle skirt, and she was standing on a high place, her tall and beautiful legs looked even more alluring.

Mori Kogoro remained silent, quietly admiring Ayako's back.

Perhaps his gaze was too hot, and Ayako, who was originally concentrating on her work, seemed to notice something strange and couldn't help but turn around.Ayako was startled when she saw Mori Kogoro standing at the bottom.

It is dangerous to step on a ladder with these high heels, as soon as your feet slip, you will fall off.

Mori Kogoro subconsciously stretched out his hands, and immediately hugged Ayako's delicate body with his powerful arms, in the posture of a princess hug.

Ayako in his arms was still panting with lingering fear, and it took a long time to react, and she couldn't help but said, "Maori-kun, why are you standing quietly behind me? It's scary to death."


"Kidd must have sneaked in. There must be someone in this side hall pretending to be Kidd, so I just want to observe."

"Where did you know that you are so timid, and you are so scared that you can't stand still when you see me. Am I so scary?"

While saying this, Mori Kogoro put down Ayako who was hugged by the princess.

Ayako rolled her eyes angrily: "Then Mori-kun, are you sure I'm not Kidd in disguise?"

"I'm not sure yet. First of all, Kidd has been caught by me and lost to me so many times. Logically speaking, he should be very afraid of me; plus he is a boy, so he may not be comfortable wearing high heels."

"Your first reaction when you saw me just now was that you were so frightened that you fell off the ladder. In fact, it fits Kidd's reaction, so you can't wash away your suspicions, Ayako."

Ayako became anxious immediately, and quickly explained: "Mori-kun, I am Suzuki Ayako, how could it be Kidd."

"Why don't you pinch my face to see if I have been disguised."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and shook his head: "Don't be so troublesome, I have a simpler way to distinguish, you step on the ladder with your legs."

Ayako complied obediently, holding the hem of the skirt with both hands, and stepping on the ladder with her white right leg.

Mori Kogoro's big hand gently covered it, feeling as silky as silk.

"Because of the female hormones secreted by women themselves, they can shrink pores and smooth the skin, so many women don't have leg hair on their legs, and there are only tiny hairs on their legs."

"Well, this leg of yours is very smooth and has no leg hair. It looks like a woman's leg."

Ayako stared at Mori Kogoro in a daze, not aware that he was taking advantage of him: "Then can I get rid of the suspicion?"

"Not yet, Kidd is very cunning, he might shave his legs while changing his face, so you are still suspicious."

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