"What should I do?"

"Come on, give me a kiss."


"As Kidd's enemy, he would rather die than kiss me, but if it's Ayako, isn't it normal for a woman to kiss a man?"

Hearing this, Ayako hesitated for a moment, but still kissed her slowly.

She wanted to kiss Mori Kogoro on the cheek, but unexpectedly Mori Kogoro changed his position and turned his mouth directly into mouth.

Um!Peppermint!I just ate chewing gum!

After kissing passionately for three to five minutes, Ayako pushed Kogoro Mori's chest away with her small hands. There seemed to be crystals hanging in the air. Is it Ayako?"

Mori Kogoro knew she was Ayako from the very beginning, but he refused to give up.

He turned and said: "It's still not possible to clear up the suspicion. After all, Kidd may also do something that bears the burden of humiliation. For now, it seems that only through the sexual characteristics of women can we determine whether you are Ayako."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro grabbed the air with his big hand, and Ayako's entire face turned red instantly.

Chapter 0171

It was only then that Ayako came to her senses as if waking up from a dream: "Mori-kun, you are clearly taking advantage of me."

"Hey, Ayako, you just realized it? You're not too stupid."

Saying this, Mori Kogoro grabbed it with his right hand, while his left arm wrapped around his waist, letting his delicate body lean towards him.

Well, it's very soft, it's completely real, and it's absolutely impossible to be faked by other materials.

Ayako's heartbeat accelerated sharply, her narrowed eyes instantly widened, and her face flushed red.

If she hadn't covered her mouth with her little hand, she would have cried out.

Where has she ever been so close to a man, and how can any man dare to do this to her.

Moreover, this place is in the library, in a public place, and a random person walked by in the aisle next to it. Seeing this scene, she was completely speechless.

The young lady cried out in a low voice: "Mr. Mao Li, please let go of me, this is the library."

Mori Kogoro smirked: "So what if it's a library, I remember someone owed me three transactions, so where is it?"

Hearing about the three transactions, Ayako's pretty face was very tangled, she fell silent, and let Kogoro Mouri bully her.

Soon, tears welled up in Ayako's eyes, making Mori Kogoro think he was a villain!

Ayako couldn't help but struggled to speak: "But this is a public place, if someone finds out, wouldn't the reputation of the Suzuki family be ruined? Mori-kun, please, don't be here."

Seeing Ayako sobbing, Mori Kogoro felt even more excited.

He raised his eyebrows: "It seems that someone is not going to fulfill his promise, so I can only go to Yuanzi. I believe Yuanzi will not reject me."

"Daba, Maori-kun, you promised me, you can't do this."

Mori Kogoro pushed Ayako and leaned against the bookshelf, with an evil smile on his face, and his left hand stroked Ayako's small face: "Then Ayako must be obedient."

Ayako's body trembled immediately, as if she was facing the evil king, but she didn't dare to move anymore.

In the end, she could only close her eyes resignedly, and nodded, tears seemed to seep from the corners of her eyes.

Mori Kogoro kept moving his hands, and he didn't stop talking, whispering this.

"Actually, I don't understand. Ayako, you are no longer engaged to the Tomizawa Foundation, and you are the eldest daughter of the Suzuki family."

"As long as you want, you can take over the Suzuki family's property, so Yuanzi is not the sole heir. How her love life is actually has nothing to do with you. Why do you stick to the deal with me?"

At this moment, Ayako's eyes were already slightly squinted, and when she heard this question, she opened them slightly, the inside was full of water waves, and her mouth opened slightly: "There is no reason to protect my sister."

"And I will never let my innocent sister fall into your hands."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro suddenly felt troubled.

Yuanzi's mother, her sister, and Xiaolan all told him not to do anything to Yuanzi, but that girl seemed to be deeply affectionate, and this matter was really difficult.

Mori Kogoro shook his head and didn't think about it any more.

Looking at the young lady in front of him, without wasting any more time, he leaned over and kissed her on the lips, while his left hand covered Ayako's tall and long legs that were stepping on the ladder.

After the master-level kissing skills were displayed, the girl fell into obsession in a short while, and she couldn't help herself to respond.

Mori Kogoro kissed Ayako, but his mouth couldn't help curling up.

Soon, a movement of enduring silence was played behind the bookshelves of the library.

(More than [-] words are omitted here!)

When a fierce battle broke out at the bookshelf on the left, Mira who was in front of the table raised her head and couldn't help asking, "Where did Kogoro go, why didn't he come back for so long?"

Qingzi shook his head: "I don't know, my uncle said he went to see the terrain, but then he didn't see it."

Mira couldn't help frowning and said, "Isn't it possible that Kidd will knock you out and change your face?"

Xiao Lan suddenly laughed softly: "How is it possible, my father's karate is better than mine, if Kidd dares to do this, he will definitely die a miserable death, don't worry."

When a guy present heard this, a drop of cold sweat dripped from his ears.

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