Then Qingzi turned his head to look at Mira: "Mira, you are seventeen years old like me, why do you call Uncle Maori to be Kogoro, you are still a generation behind."

Mira laughed softly: "No way, how could it be inferior, Kogoro and I have a very special relationship."

"If Aoko calls Kogoro uncle, then he has to call me Aunt Mira from now on, you know?"

Qingzi frowned instantly, she couldn't hear the meaning behind Mira's words.

This woman seems to be interested in uncle, is she trying to hook up with Uncle Maori?

She also replied without showing any weakness: "Then I will call him Kogoro from now on. After all, my uncle and I also have a very special relationship."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere on the table became quite dignified.

A cold light flashed in Mira's eyes, seeing that the Shura field was about to erupt.

At this time, Xiaolan patted the books in front of the two of them lightly: "This is a library, don't make noise, we still need to find a note."

Hearing Xiaolan's words, Mira and Qingzi stopped.

However, the eyes of the two women intersected, and there seemed to be sparks flying, and the harmony was no longer the same as before.

The little loli Huiyuan glanced at the jealous girls, and smiled lightly at the corner of her mouth, as if she was sitting on a Diaoyutai with confidence.

At this time, Conan, whose fingers were covered with wounds, came in from the outside. The kid tried several times, but he still couldn't find a way to unlock the mechanism box.

Momoi Keiko carried a large pile of books down from the automatic elevator. She put the books on the table, and she was so tired that her two braids were pulled down.

When the old woman Youji Gonghua passed by Keiko, she seemed to smell the curry smell on her body, so she couldn't help but said, "Son, you made potato goulash for dinner, right?"

"Hey, how do you know?"

"This dish is also my specialty. My husband likes to eat this dish very much, so I asked my mother-in-law for advice. After that, everyone praised the taste. Now when I smell it, I feel I miss it very much."

"That's enough, it seems that you and your husband have a very good relationship, grandma!"

"Where is it? How can I have a good relationship with that bad old man?"

An elderly Youji Gonghua held his face in his hands and made a shy look, and the corners of the eyes of the girls next to him kept twitching.

This is obviously throwing old dog food!

"My husband is too shy to express emotion."

"You don't know, when we were young, we kept an exchange diary, but I always wrote several pages at a time, and my husband only wrote a few lines."

"But after I got married, I re-read the exchange diary, and suddenly found that there were many pages in the diary that I hadn't read at all."

"That guy, always doing such unnecessary things, he probably thinks I'll be pleasantly surprised when I see it, it's thick and thick, really, it's not interesting at all."

When Yuanzi heard this, his eyes were rolled wildly: This is too much, what kind of trouble is this duplicity?Pay attention to your identity, you are a grandmother in her seventies, be dignified, don't throw dog food indiscriminately, this is what young people should do.

Chapter 0172

This year, Youji Gonghua, who is over [-] years old, couldn't stop once he opened the chatterbox, and started throwing dog food wildly.

"...My bad old man really has no taste at all, and he doesn't know romance at all."

"Those little lanterns were just emerging back then, so he spent more than half a month's salary to buy those little lanterns, and decorated the bedroom in a colorful way. It was really scary. Now thinking about it, my heart still beats."

"Also, when he and Jiroji started playing with unmanned aircraft, he specially asked someone to set off two love fireworks over the house, and let me come out to watch, and then he drove the unmanned aircraft to give the two loves to connected in series."

"I also said that Cupid gave me love, isn't it boring, thick and thick..."

"Ah Li, you should have an impression, this is the famous Tokyo Cupid incident back then."

Dr. A Li immediately blushed, and pressed the thin white hair on his forehead with a dry smile: "Sorry, I... have no impression?"

The old woman suddenly couldn't believe it: "How is it possible? It was a big event that shocked Tokyo, and it was included in the records of the world's top [-] romantic events. You are the same age as me, how could you not remember it?"

Yuanzi on the side rolled his eyes speechlessly, the record of the world's top [-] romantic events?Is there a record of this?

And Dr. A Li explained embarrassingly: "Madam, you are already seventy years old, but I am only in my early fifties."

"Oh~~~" Youji Gonghua was overwhelmed, his whole body leaned back, and he looked like he couldn't accept it.

"You look too old. Your hair is all white. I thought you were a few years older than me. I didn't expect you to be from a son's generation."

"Haha! Haha!" Dr. Ali returned with an embarrassed but polite smile.

"I'm sorry, I was rude, little brother Ali."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Dr. Li was sweating again, this old woman was really unbearable.

On the other side, in the middle of neat rows of bookshelves, the music continued to linger.

The eldest lady of the Suzuki family had wet hair, sticking to her forehead. She stood with one high-heeled shoe on her left leg, and her white right leg was stuck on the ladder.

In Ayako's slightly opened eyes, there was only Kogoro Mori's face, and her small hands unconsciously wrapped around Kogoro Mori's waist.

Ayako's heart was beating extremely fast, she was nervous and a little scared, for fear of attracting other people's attention.

However, supporting the whole body with one foot alone seemed powerless, and her body was trembling slightly.

Fortunately, with the help of Mori Kogoro's left hand, he didn't fall down.

Mori Kogoro looked at Ayako who was blushing in front of him, with a smirk on his face, and the tip of his right finger was sticking into his mouth, teasing his pink tongue.

He panted slightly, and spoke softly, the warm breath hit Ayako's cheek, adding a bit of dryness.

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