"Ayako, let me let go of your mouth now, don't make a sound, but I allow you to bite my arm."

Hearing this, Ayako nodded lightly: "Hi!"

A hello is full of twists and turns, as beautiful as an oriole.

Mori Kogoro retracted his fingers slowly, and Ayako lowered her eyebrows, as if she was staring at this scene. Seeing the glittering fingertips, she couldn't help but blushed even more.

Then Kogoro Mori put his arm in front of his mouth, and Ayako bit it hard without hesitation, as if to avenge what Kogoro Mori had done to him.

This bite force is naturally irresistible.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: Poor Ayako, if you bite down, you will have to endure a more violent storm next time.

The spring thunder roared, the war drums rang wildly, and there was a slanting wind and showers that never stopped!

On the other side, in the 'Spring Snow' hot spring, Eri, Yukiko, Sera, and Marie were wrapped in bath towels, and were about to enter the private hot spring pool for enjoyment.

Mary didn't want to come with her at first, but she couldn't bear her daughter's soft-heartedness, so she had to come with her.

Shiliang said that he would not give face to the host when he first moved in, and that he could get more information related to Maori detectives from the sidelines.

After talking about so many reasons, Mary knew that her daughter just wanted to take a hot spring.

Since there were all women present, there was no need to hide it, so all the women untied their bath towels one after another.

Although the general figure can be seen wrapped in a bath towel and has psychological expectations, Eri and Yukiko couldn't help being speechless when they saw Mary's explosive figure.

The blond-haired little loli is only twelve or thirteen years old, with a short body of [-] meters, but has a proud E-cup comparable to Eri, which is simply a miracle.

You Xizi couldn't help but stepped forward, her eyes full of admiration: "Mary, are you born with this? Haven't you had any surgery?"

Hearing this, the little blond girl couldn't help but rolled her eyes, what is this called?Has anyone ever asked someone that?It's too rude!

However, people under the roof still cannot easily offend others.

Mary shook her head: "It was born like this."

You Xizi continued to ask: "Will it be very uncomfortable? Is it too heavy and easy to lose balance, this kind of walking and then falling forward, will it be like this?"

It was another boring question, so Mary didn't want to talk to Yukiko anymore.

She went straight into the water, only showing her small head, moaned comfortably, and began to soak in the hot spring.

And You Xizi was quite resentful: "This is too unscientific. How can you have such big breasts at such a young age?"

Sera Masumi at the side said, "Aunt Yukiko, look at me, am I scientific?"

Hirakawa's Sera Masuma raised her head, looking forward to Yukiko's answer.

Seeing Shiliang Zhenchun's appearance, Yukiko was immediately happy, and seeing someone so poorer than herself made her feel balanced.

"I really envy Shiliang that you are so rich at such a young age."

"What do you mean?" Shiliang was a little confused.

"Seliang, you have your own airport, which is really amazing!"

Hearing this, Shiliang couldn't stand still, and fell directly into the hot spring pool, causing a big splash.

She reappeared in the water, and vowed: "My sister's breasts are so big, and I will definitely become big breasts if I have the same genes as hers. Just wait and see, it only takes two or three days, and I will be as big as I am." Inflated like a balloon."

Hearing this, Mary on the side couldn't help looking at her daughter with pity.

She didn't expect her joke to be remembered by Shi Liang, and she really believed it. This is really a sad story.

Yukiko smiled lightly and hugged Shiliang's shoulders: "Okay, okay, I believe you will grow up. Would you like to teach you some secrets, massage and diet, but it is very effective!"

Sera Masumi's eyes lit up when he heard this, and his head nodded wildly.

Chapter 0173 Thank you for the hospitality

Twenty minutes later, in the cylindrical bookshelf in the side hall, Keiko Momoi couldn't stand the sweet memories of Tomoyo Koka, boarded the self-service elevator alone, and pressed the button of the 21st floor bookshelf.

The self-service elevator slid up automatically, and soon arrived at the 21st floor area.

Keiko moved down the books on the 21st floor and 3 grids, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

But soon, her pupils shrank sharply.

This grid is different from other grids. Its baffle has fallen off due to disrepair, so the situation of the bookshelf area on the right can be clearly seen from this position.

Being condescending, Keiko saw what Mori Kogoro and Suzuki Ayako were doing, and she was stunned.

【How could they do this?It's too bold!

That woman must have seduced the Maori detective!

Maori detective is so good, how could he do such a thing! 】

Keiko took off her glasses, wiped them clean, and put them back on, so she could see more clearly.

But she had just put on her glasses when she saw Mori Kogoro looking up and smiling at him.

This smile made Keiko tremble all over, not daring to peek any more, and hastily put the book back in the compartment.

This was seen by Keiko, but Kogoro Mori did not expect it.

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