But it's not a big deal. In my impression, Keiko, the girl with eyes, is also his fan, and she was a defector from Kidd's camp.

Tell her later, she should be able to keep it a secret.

Otherwise, a psychedelic talisman should be able to handle it.

Mori Kogoro didn't think about it any more.

He turned to look at Ayako who looked like she was being played badly in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little distressed.

His big hand caressed Ayako's small soft back, and the healing technique was displayed.

Susu Mama's warm energy poured into Ayako's body, healing her body and restoring her physical strength.

Gradually, Ayako, who could only vent her anger while lying on her stomach, was finally able to move.

But she was still a little dazed, as if confused by the changes in her body.

Mori Kogoro kissed her without much explanation.

"Okay, my eldest lady, we should go out too, the delay is too long, we have to act better later, don't show your flaws."

"Thank you for the hospitality this time, I am very satisfied."

Hearing this, the outraged Ayako opened her mouth and bit Kogoro Mori's shoulder, naturally she didn't break her defense at all.

Women have no other tricks except to show their teeth and claws.

After biting for a long time, Ayako was not willing to use all her strength, and finally let go of her mouth, and even poohed twice pretending to be disgusted.

She was finally willing to get up from Mori Kogoro's arms, squinting at him.

Mori Kogoro smiled cheaply: "Don't watch it, there are only two left, I'll let you see enough next time."

Hearing this, Ayako rolled her eyes and finally stood up.

Mori Kogoro also stood up, pinched the Wind Control Technique in his hand, and manipulated the countless breezes to drive away all the smells on the two of them.

A few minutes later, the calm and elegant Suzuki Ayako walked from the bookshelf area to the cylindrical bookshelf area on high heels.

Yuanzi couldn't help asking, "Sister, did you find the note?"

"Huh? What?"

"A note! The switch note of the mechanism box!"

Only then did Ayako remember what she was doing, and quickly replied, "I didn't find it either."

Keiko on the side glared at her: "It's no wonder I can find it."

Yuanzi frowned slightly, she suddenly felt that the old lady was weird.

At this time, Mori Kogoro walked in from the door of the side hall, attracting everyone's attention.

Keiko was stunned. She didn't even see Mori Kogoro walk out of this side hall, so how could she come in from outside the side hall.

There is only one exit from this side hall, which is the door facing the cylindrical bookshelf.

How is this going?Is it teleportation magic again?

Xiaolan opened her mouth and said, "Father, where have you been? Why did it take you so long to come back?"

"I don't even help to turn over the books. There are hundreds of thousands of books here, which is too many."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "I'm at the door, observing whether the guests outside have been disguised by Kidd. I heard everything you said inside."

Keiko raised her brows lightly, she didn't expect Kogoro Mori's nonsense to come out so casually.

"It's too much for the few of us to rummage through these hundreds of thousands of books."

"Besides, Mr. Jiroji said before that he had searched for the staff, but he still couldn't find it, so the success rate of this stupid method is really low."

"The person who hid this note is a professor from the University of Tokyo. He is a thoughtful and thoughtful person. This is actually a puzzle game he specially designed for his wife."

Hearing this, Youji Gonghua couldn't help but blush.

Yuanzi couldn't help asking: "Uncle Mao Li, what do you mean?"

"It means that the answer to the riddle should be related to Mrs. Youji's life. It is impossible to put a note in a random book."

"I think his way of hiding the note is very simple, that is, to cut off a few centimeters from the edges of the two pages where the note is located, so that when you turn the book, you will not touch the two short pages at all. Instead, the page and the note inside will be taken along by the next page."

"In this way, instead of flipping through the book page by page, if you flip through it quickly, you won't be able to find the location of the note at all."

"However, the hidden books should be related to what Mrs. Youji said just now, such as books related to lanterns, books related to Cupid mythology, and books related to the cooking of goulash with potatoes."

"Find out these books and read them one by one. I think there should be results!"

Hearing that Mori Kogoro had narrowed down the scope of the search with reason and evidence, from a few hundred thousand copies to a hundred or so, everyone began to search with great enthusiasm.

Soon, Yuanzi found a small note full of symbols from a cooking book called "Japanese Food".

She exclaimed in an instant: "Uncle, I found it. As you said, it was caught in the introduction page of goulash with potatoes. The two pages were cut out a little."

As soon as the voice fell, there was a bang, and the entire library went dark, and the power went out.

Yuanzi screamed: "Ah, my note was stolen."

Kogoro Mori could still see in the dark, so he saw the nimble and fat Dr. Ali wearing night vision glasses and snatching the note from Sonoko.

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