In fact, Mori Kogoro knew that he was Kidd pretending to be Dr. Ari when he said that he had never heard of the Tokyo Cupid incident.

That incident happened over Mihua Town twenty-two years ago, very close to Dr. Ali's house, so it is impossible for him not to know about it.

But Mori Kogoro didn't have the heart to stop Kidd, he didn't want to be scolded by Kuroba Chikage.

Just because Mori Kogoro doesn't do anything, doesn't mean Xiaolan doesn't do anything.

Although Xiaolan can't see in the dark, she is very good at hearing and distinguishing.

Hearing someone running by, she knew that Kidd was bullying Yuanzi, so she jumped up from the table and kicked Kidd directly on the back.

Kidd flew out directly, almost spitting out old blood.

Chapter 0174 Conan, you must be pretending to be Kidd

Kidd was kicked in the back, feeling that his internal organs were displaced, and he couldn't help looking at Xiaolan with a look of horror.

Are Maori's all monsters?

But he didn't dare to waste time, so he put on his night vision glasses and scrambled towards the trap box in the center of the hall.

It was pitch black before Xiaolan's eyes, and she couldn't see the road clearly, so she didn't dare to chase after her.

At this time, the quick-response little ghost Conan turned on his watch and flashlight, and chased him excitedly.

Huiyuan also reacted quickly, turned on the flashlight to shine on Xiaolan, and asked with concern, "Are you okay?"

Xiaolan shook her head: "It's okay."

And Suzuki Jirokichi yelled into the walkie-talkie: "Quickly restore the power."

Not long after, there was a loud noise outside, which was the sound of the induction iron shroud.

Soon, the library's power supply was fully restored, and the lights were turned on again.

Everyone in the side hall rushed out and rushed towards the circular bookshelf in the center, only to see Conan the Little Ghost Head locked in an iron cage, and the table was empty.

The old lady Youji Gonghua couldn't help exclaiming: "Where's the trick box? Where's my trick box? Why is it missing?"

Seeing the disappearance of the puzzle box, the old man was so emotional that he was about to faint when he rolled his eyes, so Mori Kogoro quickly reached out to support her.

Suzuki Jirokichi was also a little panicked seeing Yuki Gonghua's appearance.

He pointed at Conan and shouted: "Kidd, I didn't expect you to disguise yourself as a child this time, hurry up and hand over the mechanism box to me."

Saying this, Suzuki Jirokichi reached into the iron cage, pulled the little ghost's hair and lifted it up.

"Pain Pain Pain Pain!"

Conan, who was suspended in mid-air, stretched his teeth and claws, only felt that the upper half of his face was pulled up, his scalp was numb, he quickly reached out and grabbed Suzuki Jirokichi's wrist, and repeatedly defended himself.

"How could I be Kidd? I'm a child!"

Suzuki Jirokichi did not give up: "It must be that Kidd has learned the bone shrinking technique. This time, he disguised himself as a child and said, where did you hide the trick box?"

The little devil had a headache and burst into tears: "I'm really Conan. It was Kidd who stuffed this lock box into my hand in the dark just now, and then pushed me away from this table. The iron cage immediately covered me."

"Then he snatched the mechanism box with a flying hook outside, and now it is very likely that he mixed in with the guests present."

Hearing this, Suzuki Jirokichi shifted his gaze to Mori Kogoro, and saw Mori Kogoro nod before he believed Conan's words, then put Conan down, pressed the remote control to retract the iron cage.

Mori Kogoro said: "The sensor doors on all sides of this library are all down. Kidd must still be in the library. Mrs. Yuji, don't worry, the things must still be here."

Yuki Gonghua tightly grasped Mori Kogoro's arm as if grasping at the last straw.

"Detective Maori, you must make the decision for me, and you must help me get the things back from Kidd."

"Don't worry, with me here, nothing can be lost."

At this moment, Dr. Ali, who was disguised as Kidd, suddenly appeared: "Look, is there a mechanism box next to it, but it seems to have been opened."

Everyone quickly looked out, and there was indeed a box with colorful patterns on the floor outside the circular bookshelf.

Youji Gonghua recognized it as his own mechanism box at a glance, and rushed forward.

She opened the box and saw that it was empty, and immediately collapsed on the ground, crying: "God damn Kidd, a heartless thief, the old man's things have been stolen, what should I do?"

Hearing the cry, 'Dr. Ali' couldn't help shaking.And Xiaolan said: "When the power went out just now, I kicked Kidd and kicked him out."

"I think there should be marks on his back, can everyone check each other's backs."

'Dr. A Li' trembled again, cold sweat streaming down the back of his forehead.

Mori Kogoro said, "Lan, don't bother, just arrest Dr. Ali."

'Dr. A Li' was startled, and waved his hands quickly: "Maori-kun, what are you talking about? I'm not Kidd."

Mori Kogoro sneered: "Kid, do you think I'm blind? How dare you reappear in the doctor's appearance? Just before the power outage, the doctor was still in the side hall, but after the call, the doctor's face could not be seen in the side hall." Figure, what do you think is going on here?"

"Are you hoping I won't notice this in a hurry? I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Xiaolan, do it."

Hearing this, Xiaolan didn't hesitate any longer, and put on a posture to attack.

'Dr. A Li' panicked instantly, if he kicked Xiaolan again, he might have to explain here today.

He threw down the smoke bomb without hesitation, and a puff of white smoke rose from his body.

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