"Mori Kogoro, just wait for me."

Kidd, who put down his cruel words, tore off the disguise mask, and his body disappeared into the thick fog again.

This time, everyone really didn't know where he went. It might be that he disguised himself as a library guest again and mixed into the crowd.

There are hundreds of guests in the library, and it is a waste of time to find them.

Mori Kogoro knew where Kidd was hiding, and raised his eyes slightly, but he didn't say anything.

If it is broken, Kidd will definitely be beaten to death by his violent daughter, so he has no choice but to escape.

Kidd was really caught in prison, and Qianying couldn't blame herself to death.

At that time, maybe this strange lady thief will call Maoyan to rob the prison. Isn't that just asking for trouble, why bother.

Looking at the grief-stricken old woman, Kogoro Mori quickly said, "Mrs. Youji, please don't do this, you haven't lost anything."

"Do you see if this is something in the mechanism box?"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro took out an old notebook and a palm-sized crescent stone from his pocket, and handed them to Yuji Gonghua.

When Youji Gonghua saw these two things, his eyes lit up, and he stood up instantly from the ground.

She snatched the notebook away, opened it, confirmed it, and held it in her arms like a treasure.

"Detective Maori, thank you very much, yes, this is the exchange diary my husband left me."

The people on the side were suddenly a little confused.

Qingzi quickly asked: "Uncle Mao Li, what's going on? When did you get the things back from Kidd?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly: "Actually, Kidd didn't steal anything inside at all. It was already taken by me. What Kidd stole was just the registration notebook at the front desk."

Hearing this, Kidd, who was hiding, took out the thing he had just stolen from his bosom, and saw that it was really a half notebook, and his teeth itched with anger.

Mira couldn't help frowning: "So, Kogoro, you already know how to unlock this lock box? Then let us look through so many books and find it so hard."

Mori Kogoro smiled lightly and touched Mira's head: "Because this is a puzzle designed by a professor at the University of Tokyo. Isn't it a pity if you don't participate? It will make Mr. Yuki's efforts go to waste, so I just Didn't break it."

"Sometimes the process of solving puzzles is quite interesting."

Hearing this, all the girls rolled their eyes at Kogoro Mori.

Chapter 0175 Qingzi vs Mira

Mori Kogoro handed over the crescent stone exuding light blue iridescence in his hand: "Madam, your jewel."

Youji Gonghua shook his head with a grateful expression on his face.

"Detective Maori, if you help me open the mechanism box and find the exchange diary inside, I am already very satisfied."

"For me, this diary is a truly priceless treasure."

"This moonstone will be used as the entrustment fee, and I will give it to you."

"It represents long-lasting love. You can give it to the woman you love, and the relationship will be complete."

Hearing this, the eyes of all the girls behind Mori Kogoro turned green.

Xiao Ai, Mira, Qingzi, Xiaolan, and Yuanzi all looked at the big gemstone in Kogoro Mouri's hand.

Mori Kogoro suddenly felt like a thorn in his back, and the weight of the gemstone in his hand seemed to be getting heavier.

There are too many beloved women, one stone is not enough!

He immediately said righteously: "Ma'am, a gentleman does not take what others like. This gem was brought back from Sri Lanka by your husband through untold hardships. It also has a special meaning to you. How can I accept it?"

"Take it back, the story Madam told today is already the best reward."

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro's figure suddenly grew taller, and Keiko's eyes were full of admiration.

【Sure enough, he is the best Maori detective in the world. It is too high-spirited to be unmoved by such a valuable reward.

Heh heh, it must have been designed by the young lady to lure the Maori detective just now. The big family has a scheming plan, it's too disgusting! 】

When the old woman heard what he said, she didn't force her anymore, and reached out to take the moonstone.

Mori Kogoro breathed a sigh of relief, he really took this gem like a hot potato, and anyone else would be dissatisfied if he gave it to anyone else.

Youji Gonghua put the two things in a concealed mechanism box.

Suzuki Jirokichi said: "Since the mechanism box has been opened, madam, I will open the iron door first and let you leave."

"In this case, there will be no gems in the library, but Kidd is trapped in the library, and we can catch the turtle in the urn."

"Wahhahaha! Kidd, let me see how you escape this time."

The old man Suzuki put his hips on his hips and laughed wildly.

The old woman agreed, and Suzuki Jirokichi opened an iron door with a remote control and let one of them go out.

He also used the walkie-talkie to explain the situation to Police Officer Nakamori outside the door.

But the stubborn Ginzo Nakamori did not dare to let go of Youji Gonghua, who was over seventy years old, and stretched out his hand to pinch her old face, pulling her old skin longer, causing Youji Gonghua to shout repeatedly.

"You policeman, you are so rude. I want to sue you. I must sue you."

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