Curacao, who was going retrograde all the way, also saw a good gun waiting for him by Hideo Akai.

A trace of madness flashed across her strange eyes: "If you dare to wait here, then I will kill you!"

She let go of the accelerator, and the speed of the car soared to [-] in an instant. Her body was sideways to cover the passenger seat, and she controlled the steering wheel to move in a snakeskin manner.

Akai Shuichi's sight lost Curacao's figure, watching the car keep rushing, he could only shoot the tires.

The right wheel of the car was shot, and the car lost its balance and hit the right railing directly.

After breaking through the railing, he rushed straight into the river and fell.

The thousand paper cranes that came out of the psychic still dutifully passed on the pictures they saw.

Curacao hit his head on the windshield, but did not lose consciousness.

With a physical fitness far beyond ordinary people, she directly grabbed the broken mobile phone, kicked the window of the car, and jumped out of the falling car.

But before she could swim far, the car that fell into the water exploded, setting off a huge flame.

Curacao, who was in the water, was hit in the head again by the auto parts blown out, but he still swam desperately to the distance.

Mori Kogoro, who was hovering above the water, didn't want to follow at the moment.

The beast is still fighting, and now Curacao is the most dangerous time, so there is no need to contact it.

What Kogoro Mori wanted to get in touch with was Curacao, who had lost his memory like a blank sheet of paper, not the current vicious killer of the dark organization.

Waiting for tomorrow, after she was in a coma and lost her memory, it would be the same when she met at Dongdu Aquarium.

He glanced at Akai Shuichi and Amuro Toru who were facing each other on the bridge, and saw that the Ant-Man robot had rescued the truck driver ashore, so he ignored the mess here and flew towards his own direction with the wind on his body.

The speed of Yufeng's flight is really fast enough, as fast as Mori Kogoro's body can bear, the speed can be as fast as possible.

When he returned to the door of his house, he was rushing to the scene of Xiaolan's daughters going upstairs.

Qingzi and Huizi were not sent home by Xiaolan, because Xiaoai said her stomach hurts, so Xiaolan drove back directly.

Afterwards, Qingzi and Keiko accepted Xiaolan's invitation and went upstairs to sit down.

Seeing this scene, Mouri Kogoro's eyes flashed with fire again.

Looking at it this way, it seems that there is another chance tonight.

Chapter 0179

Its idea was connected to the nano-camera on Eri's side, and the lively and fragrant picture of the four girls soaking in the hot spring appeared in Mori Kogoro's mind in an instant.

Hiss, Shiliang is too peaceful, it's flat.

Really, the mother next to her is so wealthy, why didn't Shiliang inherit any of it!

Mori Kogoro saw that Eri and the others were still soaking in the hot spring, and made sure that they would not come back for a while, so he went upstairs directly.

It wasn't that he wanted to take a peek on purpose, there's no way, if Yingli and the others break through later, the scene will get out of control, right?

So Mori Kogoro can only maintain surveillance of Eri and the others in his mind, and control everything in order to be able to respond accordingly.

Mori Kogoro opened the door on the third floor, and saw Mira Aoko and the others watching TV in the living room, while Xiaolan was holding black tea and snacks.

"Hey, Dad, didn't you say you have something to do?"

Mori Kogoro said: "It's okay, I just misread it. I thought I saw a fugitive from a previous case, but after chasing him, I found that it was just similar in appearance, so I came back."

Qingzi immediately said: "Then uncle is too fast, Xiaolan is driving so fast, we only went upstairs for a few minutes, you are back now?"

Keiko, the eye-eyed mother beside her, couldn't help but excitedly said: "Teleportation, is Uncle Maori using the magic he performed last time?"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and prevaricated: "How could he be so powerful, he happened to meet someone he knew on the road, so he drove me back."

"Oh!" Keiko couldn't help feeling a little disappointed.

At this time, the little loli Huiyuan, who pretended to have a stomachache, came out of the toilet, took Mouri Kogoro's big hand, and ran to her room, closing the door directly, causing Xiaolan to frown: "Run like this!" Come on, it's mysterious."

In the bedroom, little loli raised her head, her blue eyes looked up at Kogoro Mori, her cute little face was full of seriousness: "Uncle, is that them?"

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Xiao Ai is as smart as ever."

He hugged little Lolita and sat on the bed, letting her sit on his lap.

"However, they have nothing to do with us this time. I just met the Japanese police and FBI on the viaduct to hunt down the members of the organization. Uncle just stayed there to watch the show."

Huiyuan frowned. It was the first time she had heard of the involvement of Japanese police and dark organizations.

"It seems that the dark organization sent a female spy to infiltrate the public security police station, and stole all the undercover spy information that the public security has. Her deeds were exposed, so she was hunted down all the way, and the FBI was somehow involved."

Little Lolita said, "Zhu Xingda? I know that guy."

Mori Kogoro rubbed Huibara's brown hair: "Zhu Xingda is just his pseudonym, his real name is Akai Shuichi, I know that he is your sister's ex-boyfriend, Xiao Ai doesn't need to tell me. "

There was a clear look in Huiyuan's eyes, it must be my sister who said it first.

"Then what was the final result?"

"Although the police and the FBI jointly pursued her, the woman was still allowed to run away. The car crashed into the sea and exploded. There should be news tomorrow."

Hearing this, Hui Yuan suddenly felt a little pity.

But knowing that the matter had nothing to do with her, little Lolita also relaxed, and she no longer looked like she was facing a big enemy just now.

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