She remembered what she had been thinking about all the time, she reached out and pinched Mouri Kogoro's ear, turned around, and then said viciously: "Uncle, shouldn't you explain about Ayumi?"

"Didn't you promise me that you would not attack Ayumi? She is a child, only seven years old!"

Damn it, it's been a whole day why Xiao Ai is still thinking about this matter.

Kogoro Mori naturally pretended to be stupid and was stunned: "What's the matter with Ayumi, why can't uncle understand what Xiao Ai said!"

"Still pretending?"

Seeing Kogoro Mori's rascal appearance, the little Lolita got angrier and exploded, biting Kogoro Mori's chest with her silver teeth.

Where can a child's bite force go? Naturally, it doesn't hurt at all.

Mori Kogoro has been very experienced in dealing with this situation.

Although Haibara seems very angry at the moment, she will forgive Mori Kogoro in the end after her favorability has already solidified at full value.

You just need to make it no longer think of this matter, and you can easily turn the chapter.

For Mori Kogoro who owns [True Thunderbolt God's Hand], this is very easy.

So Mori Kogoro squeezed his handprints quietly, and the Lightning Control Technique was displayed, and his hands were soon covered with tiny electric currents.

When he grabbed Huiyuan's little feet with both hands, the little loli in his arms couldn't help trembling, and his blue eyes looked at Kogoro Mouri in surprise, but he could only see the smirk on Kogoro Moori's face.

The little feet are a very sensitive part of Huiyuan, the electric current came from the sole of the foot, mixed with itching, which made Huiyuan couldn't help but let go.

"Uncle~Uncle, what's going on? It's so strange, did you step on the switch?"

Mori Kogoro smirked: "No, this is a new massage technique that uncle has mastered, and even Xiaolan has never tried it."

"Give Xiao Ai a press today, isn't Uncle treating Xiao Ai very well?"

"Uncle~uncle, Bu~mei, you haven't said anything yet?"

Mori Kogoro immediately moved his hands over little Lolita's short body, and a tiny electric current instantly filled Huiyuan's whole body, causing little Lolita to tremble wildly and convulse.

"Xiao Ai, just enjoy the special massage uncle gave you, and you don't need to worry about other things!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro put his left hand on the little Lolita's waist, which is another sensitive spot of Haibara, while his right hand caressed the little Lolita's short legs.

Huiyuan couldn't speak at the moment, Xiaomeng's face was flushed, her eyes were full of water, and her blue eyes were like a lake.

Seeing that little Lolita was about to cry out, Kogoro Mori directly lowered his head, and kissed Huiyuan's small mouth in one breath, so that the exclamation disappeared between the lips and teeth of the two.

At the same time, the hand of heaven was gradually activated, Hui Yuan's eyes widened instantly, and his breath became heavy instantly.

Outside the bedroom, Xiaolan who was listening to the door with her ears frowned slightly when she heard that there was no sound inside.

Just now seeing Huiyuan's appearance of helping to cover, Xiaolan also became suspicious, so she chose to eavesdrop.

However, she only overheard half of the organization's affairs, and the massage and so on were silent afterwards.

Knowing that it wasn't about women, Xiaolan didn't pay any attention to it, and went back to the sofa in the living room to entertain guests.

Chapter 0180

The little loli Huiyuan only felt that she was light and light all over, as if she was stepping on a cloud, and the clouds were as soft as cotton candy under her feet.

The sky is extraordinarily bright and colorful, flying birds and clouds chase each other, and the figure of Mori Kogoro, who looks like a sun god, seems to appear in front of his eyes.

Accompanied by a series of powerful divine thunders, the thunder seemed to land on Huiyuan's body.

Finally, little Lolita couldn't help it anymore, and when she rolled her eyes, her whole brain buzzed, and the illusion dissipated like a mirror in an instant.

Her head was empty, but the corners of her mouth curled up, Xiaomeng's face was extremely delicate.

Kogoro Mori looked at the little loli who had super-evolved again, and his heart was full of amazement.

In just fifteen minutes, the little Lolita had evolved five times. The effect of the lightning attached is too heaven-defying.

Seeing that the weak and cute Haibara only had the strength to vent his anger, Mori Kogoro didn't dare to continue.

Mori Kogoro held Huiyuan on the bed in his arms, stretched out his hand and smoothed the hair that was close to his forehead, then picked up the water cup on the bedside table, and fed the little Lolita to drink.

Huiyuan squinted his eyes and sipped his lips, looking like a boneless willow.

After a long time, Huibara, whose mind was empty, finally came back to his senses, and honestly sipped water, but he didn't dare to ask about Ayumi anymore.

She knew that she was confronted with this battle because she was asking Ayumi about it.

Mori Kogoro put down the water glass, chuckled, and made a scissors-like right hand: "Xiao Ai is very powerful."

Huiyuan's face turned red again, and his head was buried in Kogoro Mouri's arms like an ostrich, but Kogoro Moori picked him up and kissed him again.

Then Mori Kogoro put the little Lolita in the bed and covered her with a thin quilt.

Little Loli immediately lifted the quilt to cover her head shyly.

"Have a good rest, and uncle will come to see you later."

At this moment, Huiyuan was extremely well-behaved, so naturally he didn't dare to have any objections.

After Mori Kogoro walked out of the room, Xiaolan greeted him and asked curiously, "Father, what are you talking about with Xiao Ai?"

Xiaolan is also aware of the dark organization, and Mori Kogoro tells his daughter succinctly.

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