After searching for a long time, she finally found Curacao's changing jacket on the shore, with countless glass residues on it.

Belmode swung the black coat, but there was nothing left inside.

But the direction the jacket is facing is the iconic building in the Dongdu Aquarium, the double-track Ferris wheel.

The playground is like a city that never sleeps. Even in the middle of the night, the five-color neon beams are constantly intertwined, which is extremely gorgeous.

Belmode looked deeply at the aquarium with her blue eyes, then turned and retreated. She picked up her mobile phone to make a call.

"Rum, it was me. The operation failed. The police and the FBI intervened. Curacao lost contact..."

There was the sound of a glass breaking from the other end of the phone.

In the bedroom of Maoli's house, as soon as the little angel came into the room, Kogoro Maoli turned his attack and turned to deal with her.

The only unstable factor is this little angel who can break free from the psychedelic formation, of course he has to remove the unstable factor first.

Mori Kogoro went straight up and stretched out his arms to hug the girl.

Unexpectedly, the little angel squinted his eyes, and there was a flash of coldness in his eyes, and he directly leaned down and put his shoulders against Mori Kogoro's chest.

Then the girl grabbed his skirt with one hand and his right arm with the other, and threw an over-the-shoulder throw, slamming the defenseless Kogoro Moori to the ground.

This is Mori Kogoro's gatekeeper move, but the girl learned it.

The little angel jumped onto the bed and patted the faces of Mira and Qingzi: "Mira, Qingzi, wake up!"

"No, look at my fingers, I count to three, and wake up when I hear the third, one, two, three!"

The little angel thought that the two girls had been hypnotized, and tried all kinds of hypnotic methods learned in the book, but unfortunately it didn't work.

She started counting one, two, three, using different guides.

This time when she counted to three, the expressions of Mira and Qingzi sitting on the bed suddenly changed, and the little angel thought they were about to wake up.

Unexpectedly, Mira and Qingzi hugged the little angel's arms from left to right, and both spoke excitedly.

"Xiao Goro, I caught a big fish!"

"Uncle Mao Li, look, what a big fish, we can have a good time tonight!"

The little angel didn't expect that the person she rescued would suddenly turn against him, but instead helped subdue herself, her eyes widened.

"How is this going?"

Everything in this large psychedelic array is controlled by Mori Kogoro.

The scene in front of Mira and Aoko was naturally manipulated by Mori Kogoro.

They hugged the little angel, thinking it was a big fish they had finally caught from the sea, so naturally they refused to let go.

Mori Kogoro reminded with a chuckle: "Mira and Aoko are ordinary girls, if you struggle to break free, they will get hurt."

Saying this, the two girls changed their gestures of locking the little angel.

The little angel saw the two women clasping his arms with the reverse knuckle method, and his face was stunned.

I can break free from them with my own strength, but they will inevitably break their hand bones.

How could she have the heart to hurt her friend?

"Despicable!" Under the effect of the psychedelic array, Mira and Qingzi pulled the little angel into bed.

His left and right hands are spread out by two women. The upper body of the little angel is in a cross posture, leaning forward, kneeling on the bed with both legs, like a prisoner.

She suddenly felt extremely ashamed, kept talking, and wanted to wake up Qingzi and Mira.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "You are so bad, you even used the shoulder throw I taught you on me, it seems that you have to enforce the family law."

The girl is naturally not afraid at all, she has tried Kogoro Mori's family method many times.

Thirty hits is nothing, and it won't use too much force, and it won't really hurt yourself.

'Snapped! '

The crisp sound spread, and the eyes of the little angel kneeling like a prisoner instantly widened: Why is it different this time?Is it electricity?

Mori Kogoro smirked, his hands were already densely covered with tiny electric currents.

The Maori family's family law has also been blessed with the Thunder Control Technique, which naturally has a different taste.

There were slapping sounds one after another, and after thirty beats, the little angel's face was already flushed, she was biting her lower lip, and her watery eyes were full of shame and indignation.

At this moment, Mira and Aoko spoke one after another.

"Xiao Wulang, are you still okay? This big white fish is so heavy!"

"Uncle Maori, I'm hungry and want to eat fish."

Hearing this, the little angel's eyes were full of fear: "Qingzi, Mira, I'm not a fish, I'm a human, I can't eat it."

What kind of ecstasy soup is this pouring into them?

Mori Kogoro laughed softly, turned his head and said to the two girls: "Be safe and don't be impatient, please help me catch her first, I will deal with it first, and you can enjoy it later."

Hearing this, the little angel's eyes were full of horror.

Mori Kogoro reached out and rubbed the little angel's head, and said with a light smile, "Don't be afraid, my angel is so cute, why am I willing to give it to others, they will just lick it later."

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