Hearing this, the restrained little angel breathed a sigh of relief, but soon she realized what Kogoro Mori meant, and her face suddenly became flustered!

What does lick lick mean?No, are you going to be in front of Mira and Qingzi now?How can you do this?

The little angel's prediction was indeed correct, and everything that followed followed the picture she had just imagined.

Mori Kogoro hugged the restrained girl from behind and put his hands on her

At around ten o'clock in the evening, in the 'Haru no Yuki' hot spring, the four girls, Eri, Yukiko, Marie, and Sera, were wearing bathrobes and walking towards home with clogs after taking a bath in the hot springs.

The four girls all felt refreshed and relaxed.

Yingli smiled lightly and said, "Sure enough, it's exactly the same as before. It's really comfortable. I'll call Kogoro and the others to come together next time."

You Xizi teased and said, "Do you want to have a mandarin duck play with Kogoro, so that it feels exactly the same as back then? Return to the passionate years?"

"What are you talking about, Youxizi, no matter how unrestrained you are, see if I don't tear your mouth off!"

Eri chased Yukiko and began to fight.

Mary on the side looked at the pair of girlfriends who were fighting like girls, and a strange look appeared in her eyes.

It is hard to imagine that these two women in their thirties have such a childlike attitude.

Sera Masumi lightly bumped Mary's shoulder, and said softly, "Mom, you just noticed it!"

"Well, I saw that the skin condition of the two of them is not in their thirties at all, but like a green girl of seventeen or eighteen, as if they have eaten the perfect 'silver bullet'!"

Sera Masumi nodded: "It seems that Detective Maori is even more mysterious than we imagined."

Chapter 0182

In the bedroom of Maoli's family, the sound of gorgeous music kept ringing, and the whole room seemed very warm.

Xiaolan's eyes were full of shame, she just felt that she was too ashamed to look like this.

Even though Mira and Qingzi were hypnotized, they might not remember what happened after waking up, Xiaolan still couldn't accept it.

This is too embarrassing. I was imprisoned by two delicate girls and didn't dare to struggle at all, so that I was humiliated by this.

Xiaolan's calf, who was kneeling and leaning forward, couldn't help but hooked upside down, only her knees touched the bed, her jade feet arched into a beautiful arc.

Even Xiaolan couldn't hold on to this posture for long, and she couldn't stop shaking after a while.

Under the effect of the psychedelic array, Mira and Qingzi, who were holding Xiaolan's left and right arms, slowly got up from their kneeling posture.

They supported Xiaolan like this, making her lean forward instead of backward, and then she was lying on the bed.

Xiaolan's expression was still a little confused, she didn't understand why the two girls did this.

I don't know what phantom Mira and Qingzi saw respectively, their eyes looking at Xiaolan lit up, and they kept talking.

"Wow, it looks very delicious, very delicious flesh, very white and tender."

"Is this a big coconut? Do you want to suck it? Then I'm going to start."

"Is there a straw? I'm going to drink coconut water."

It seemed that the two girls regarded Xiaolan as a big coconut, Xiaolan's face became more panicked, and she quickly said, "Daba, Qingzi, Mira, I'm Xiaolan, wake up quickly, Yalu~"

Naturally, the two girls couldn't be awakened by Xiaolan, so under the effect of the psychedelic array, they suppressed Xiaolan's arm and started talking.

This picture is vivid and fragrant to the extreme, the faces of the three women are exactly the same, Mira and Qingzi are idiots, and Xiaolan's pretty face is full of panic.

Accompanied by the gorgeous movement sound, it is really unparalleled!

On the other side, the four daughters Eri and Yukiko who were in the streets of Tokyo rushed back towards the office.

The hot spring is very close to Mori's house, just a few minutes' walk.

Soon, the four girls stepped into the arranged psychedelic formation, and everything they saw was designed by someone.

Eri and the others went upstairs and opened the door of Mori's house. All they saw were illusions, and the house seemed normal.

【Mori Kogoro, who has just finished his case, is watching TV and chatting in the living room. Little Lolita Haibara is reading her magazine, while Xiaolan is doing housework and cleaning the cabinet.

As soon as they saw Eri and the others come in, they greeted each other. 】

They didn't realize that it was a fantasy at all, and they didn't even hear the abnormal noise coming from the middle bedroom.

The four girls rested in the living room for a while, and soon they all felt a little tired after soaking in the bath for too long.

Soon they dispersed and went back to their rooms to rest.

In the Suzuki Great Library, it was already closing time.

Looking at the empty library in front of him, the old man Suzuki was so angry that he jumped up and down.

"How is it possible? How is it possible? Obviously everyone is upset, how could Kidd disappear out of thin air?"

Ginzo Nakamori on the side said, "And I grabbed everyone's face once when I went out, and no one was wearing a mask at all."

"So Kidd must still be hiding in this library, maybe he ran to some bookshelf and lay flat, covering it with books."

"Listen, everyone, in groups of two and two, search hand in hand, avoid being knocked out by Kidd and then disguise yourself, dig three feet for me, and find Kidd too."

Hearing this order, the police officers all resisted in their hearts, but they had to obey the order.

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