A group of male and female police officers began to hold hands, and the style of painting suddenly became very eye-catching.

And the little ghost thought hard for a long time, his eyes continued to patrol the entire library, and finally fell on the suspended metal cage.Conan couldn't help but smile: I found it!

Kidd, who was lying on top of the iron cage, suddenly felt like a thorn in his back. When he looked sideways, he saw a little ghost standing on the bookshelf smiling complacently at himself, holding the iron cage remote control in his hand.

Kidd's eyes widened in an instant, and his body lost weight immediately, falling with the iron cage.

boom! ! !

Nakamori Ginzo's excited voice sounded: "I found it, Kidd is on top of the iron cage, catch him for me."

Boom boom boom! ! !

Immediately, white smoke filled the air, covering most of the library in an instant, and it became a miasma in an instant.

The entire library was jumping around, and Ginzo Nakamori led a group of police officers and Kidd to launch a new round of arrest and pursuit.

Kidd and Conan are fighting each other in this library, seeing each other's tricks, and it feels like meeting opponents and meeting talents.

But they don't know what is going on with the woman they like.

The chaos in the Suzuki University Library lasted for three or four hours. Kidd tried his best, and finally found another way out in the ventilation duct of the toilet, and he escaped.

The long night was finally over.

At around six o'clock the next day, at Maori's house, the first ray of sunlight fell on the bed through the curtains.

Qingzi who was lying in the middle frowned slightly and woke up.

The memory of last night still remained in her mind, the seaside, the cruise ship, the great white fish, the coconut, no, the deeper memory was nothing else, but a stream of electricity.

It seems that someone made me scream last night, and then even more absurd memories appeared.

For a moment, Qingzi thought he was having a strange dream.

This is normal, after all, the large psychedelic array last night only lasted for six hours, after six hours the psychedelic array dissipated, and all Qingzi saw were realistic images.

It's just that Qingzi's head was in a daze at that time, he couldn't remember anything clearly, and felt that this was impossible, so he subconsciously attributed it to a dream.

But soon, Qingzi felt something strange, turned her little head to the left side, and saw a girl who looked exactly like her, and she couldn't help but widen her eyes.

This is Mira?

What's going on, is the memory of last night true, impossible!

But before Qingzi could react, a slender thigh came up on the right side, accompanied by a few dreams.

Qingzi turned his head and saw another little face exactly like Mira's.

How could there be two Miras?

No, not two Miras, one of them is Xiaolan, it will be exactly the same as the memory of last night.

How is it possible, how is it possible that Xiaolan is also on this bed?

What the hell happened?

Qingzi became confused for a moment, the memory of the real six hours last night was missing in his mind, and instead it was filled with memories of going fishing in the sea, eating big fish, and drinking coconuts.

Reality and fantasy were intertwined, making her feel dazed.

Immediately afterwards, the girl on the left uttered a warning, and then woke up frowning, and Qingzi was not sure who she was

Chapter 0183 The Broken Three Views

The light blue eyes of the girl on the left opened, but she was still sleepy and dazed.

Unknowingly, his little hand came to embrace Qingzi, and said softly, "Xiao Wulang, it's great to have you here!"

But soon, the girl noticed something unusual.

This touch is obviously not the muscular muscles of Mori Kogoro, but like a girl's, with breasts, although they are quite small, they are still full of elasticity.

what's the situation?

She couldn't help but widen her eyes, turned her head and looked over, and seeing it was Qingzi, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "Qingzi, why are you here?"

Qingzi is easy to recognize, at least her hair is fluffy, and she can be easily distinguished by this alone.

And Qingzi covered Mira's small mouth with his hand, and asked softly, "Tell me first, who are you?"

The girl pulled Qingzi's little hand away and replied, "I'm Mira!"

Qing Zi pouted to the right: "Then look at the one on my right!"

A familiar pure and beautiful face was revealed, and Mira's light blue eyes shrank sharply, full of horror.

She opened her mouth as if she had been greatly shocked, but she couldn't say anything.

The picture in front of you can correspond to the memory in the second half of your mind.

Telling her it's not a dream, it's real!

This scene had a great impact on the two women, directly shattering their three views.

Let them shift their focus, without any flaws in taking into account why they slept on the same bed with other girls, and all their attention was put on the sleeping girl next to them.

Mira asked, "Where's Kogoro?"

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