Qingzi shook his head: "I don't know, I didn't see him when I woke up, maybe he ran away!"

Mira immediately spoke angrily: "This guy is simply a super pervert, a big liar, and he lied to me about the detective's keen observation skills, which are not observation skills at all, and are completely practiced by him."

"How could he do such a thing? Such a thing? Such a thing?"

"Hey, is there such a custom in Japan?"

Qingzi shook his head again and again, and retorted loudly: "How is it possible, this kind of thing only happens in anime, how can it happen in reality!"

"But we can't be too arbitrary. Maybe nothing happened, just sleeping. We should make sure again."

Hearing this, Mira nodded.

She got up, stretched out her hand and slowly lifted the sheet off the sleeping girl.

Qingzi and Mira were dumbfounded by the situation inside.

The girl was naked, her body as white as jade was covered with various red marks, it could be called a mess!

The two girls stared down, their pupils constricted sharply, and the girl who was about to put the sheet back on to sleep soundly said at the same time: "Pervert!"

Immediately afterwards, Qingzi and Mira couldn't help but lifted the quilt to look at themselves, their pretty faces flushed immediately, and they couldn't help cursing: "You pervert!"

The two girls who are confused and angry just want to find Kogoro Mori and ask for an explanation.

The two women stood up with support, found clothes from the side and put them on, then hurriedly opened the door and walked towards the living room.

The living room was filled with smoke, Mori Kogoro held a cigarette between his fingertips, and his head was looming in the smoke.

On the coffee table, you can see that the ashtray is full of smoked filters, of different lengths, many filters are scattered aside, there are still leftover snacks and four wine glasses, and there is still some wine in the glasses.

Shards of blue glass, what appeared to be a wine bottle, were scattered on the floor.

And Mori Kogoro, who was in the smog, was wearing a bird's nest head, his clothes were torn open, there were scratch marks on his strong chest muscles, and two buttons were missing.

His eyes looked at the void with dejection, even if the cigarette he held between his fingers burned his fingers, he didn't even notice it at all.

The whole person seemed to have stayed up all night, his face was haggard, and he looked extremely sad.Seeing Kogoro Mori's face, Mira and Qing Zixin felt as if they had been hit by a heavy hammer.

The anger of Xingshi's questioning of the crime dissipated in an instant, and instead he felt sorry for Kogoro Mori.

They had never seen Mori Kogoro in such a depressed state.

Mori Kogoro has always been high-spirited and domineering. Even though he is lustful, he still has the true qualities of a man. How can he look like this?

But the two women obviously didn't realize that this was Kogoro Mori's routine.

The moment the bedroom door opened, the actor made his preparations, his master-level acting skills were displayed, and he acted directly, showing the image of a man who felt guilty, remorseful, and even tortured himself in front of the two women.

Seeing the burning cigarette, Qingzi rushed forward immediately, snatched the burnt cigarette from his hand, and couldn't help but said, "Uncle, don't scare me, what's wrong with you, the cigarette is gone!" Why don't you press it when it burns?"

"Oh~ it's Qingzi!"

As soon as the words came out, the voice was so hoarse that it was unimaginable.

Upon hearing the voice, Mira and Qingzi's hearts were broken.

Mira quickly took a cup of warm water, and gently fed it into Kogoro Mori's mouth.

Mori Kogoro wanted to push away, but Mira pleaded: "Kogoro, don't do this, drink more."

After drinking a glass of water, Mori Kogoro seemed to be in better condition, then he stretched out his hand tremblingly, picked up the lighter again and wanted to smoke again.

Seeing his hands shaking so badly, Mira and Qingzi felt very sad again.

Aoko quickly snatched his mobile phone and cigarettes away, while Mira hugged Mouri Kogoro, patted his back with her small hands, comforting him: "Kogoro, don't do this, tell me what you have, we will face it together .”

"Yeah, uncle, what happened last night?"

Mori Kogoro smiled miserably: "You all forgot, yes, you drank so many cups, how could you remember?"

He had already prepared his speech, pointed to the wreckage of the blue bottle on the ground and said, "The name of this bottle is Datura wine, and it is a bottle of wine I got in the early years."

"The person who gave me the wine said that drinking too much wine will cause hallucinations, but I don't believe it."

"When I introduced it to you last night, you didn't believe it. I haven't drunk it myself, so I took it out and tried it."

Speaking of this, Mori Kogoro smiled wryly: "Who knew that after drinking it, I would really have hallucinations."

"In my memory, I am the captain. I took you all across the ocean, but I was lost in the sea in a storm. I caught a big white fish halfway. Finally arrived at an uninhabited island full of coconut groves!"

"Afterwards, I seemed to wake up. My head was in a daze and I recognized the wrong person. Then, I made a mistake. When I really woke up, I realized that everything was irreversible!"

Having said that, Mouri Kogoro had two tears in his eyes, and then he covered his head and lowered his head in frustration.

After listening to Mori Kogoro's narration, the two girls believed everything was right in their memory.

Seeing Kogoro Mori's painful appearance, the two women felt distressed, and they couldn't remember what they thought when they first left the room.

The two women put their arms around Mori Kogoro's waist, one on the left and the other on the right, comforting her in soft voices.

Qingzi said from time to time: "Uncle, don't worry, I will intercede for you later, and nothing will happen."

Mira then echoed: "That's right, Kogoro, the matter is not that bad. With the help of the two of us to intercede, our family will close the door, and it can always be resolved. Don't be sad!"

Seeing that the two girls were completely deceived by him, and instead helped him with advice, Mori Kogoro was secretly happy, but more guilty and moved.

These two girls are so innocent!

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