If possible, Mouri Kogoro would not want to tell them half of these white lies.

Then he said: "Mila, Qingzi, don't talk about it, I want to handle this matter myself, so just leave it alone."

Mira and Qingzi suddenly hesitated to speak.

"I just hope you can help keep it a secret and don't tell other people about it."

The two women nodded repeatedly and agreed.

Chapter 0184 Xiangxiang's Daughter

In the early morning light, Mira and Aoko, who were like twins, held Kogoro Mori's arm and accompanied him.

Qingzi also found a medicine box to help Mao Li Kogoro's fingers deal with the injury.

The two women spoke in relief from time to time.

As time went by, after about [-] minutes, Mori Kogoro controlled his blood and slowly recovered his complexion.

The originally haggard face gradually improved, the depression slowly dissipated, and the blood filled up, turning a little rosy.

Seeing that Mori Kogoro had returned to normal, the two women felt a little relieved.

At this time, Qingzi suddenly remembered that he was staying overnight at Mao Li's house, and he hadn't called his father.


Her expression changed immediately, she quickly took out her mobile phone and called her best friend Keiko.

The dial rang for a long time before it was finally connected. Keiko sounded half asleep, and her words were full of complaints.

"Qingzi, it's only past six o'clock, why are you calling me so early, I'm still sleeping!"

"Keiko, Keiko, did my dad call you yesterday?"

"Your dad, no, why did he call me?"

"Then remember, if my dad asks me why I didn't come home last night, you just say that I stayed at your house for the night, do you understand?"

"Small things, it's okay."

Keiko on the other end of the phone patted her chest and agreed, but soon, her expression changed, she woke up instantly, and immediately turned over and lay on the bed, her whole body was refreshed.

"What did you say, Qingzi, you didn't come home last night?"

"Then where do you live? It won't be the Maori detective's side?"

"Damn it, Qingzi, you are too disrespectful!"

"If I had known you could stay here, I wouldn't have left. Maybe I could get the Maori detective's private items."

"No, you have to compensate me..."

Hearing that Huizi's words were unrestrained, Qingzi became more and more outrageous, and quickly interrupted: "Okay, okay, I'll tell you when I get back to school, I'll hang up first."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone and smiled awkwardly at Kogoro Mori and Mira.

"Uncle, I have to go home and have a look, otherwise I won't be able to leave when other people wake up."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Don't worry, don't worry about me, I'm fine."

Immediately afterwards, Qingzi lowered his head and kissed Maoli Kogoro's lips lightly, and said softly: "Uncle, no matter what happens, I will be by your side."

Mira on the side didn't even feel jealous when she saw this scene, and turned her head to say goodbye to Qingzi warmly.

Soon, Qingzi opened the door of Maoli's house and left quietly on tiptoe.

After Qingzi left, Kogoro Mouri said, "Mira, you should go back to your room first, and then I will have a private talk with Xiaolan."

Mira wanted to say more, but Mori Kogoro continued: "Leave this matter to me."

Hearing what he said, Mira could only get up obediently.

She bowed her head and kissed Mori Kogoro's forehead lightly, opened the door and left.

Mira didn't dare to disturb others, and walked slowly back to the next room, took her clothes and headed towards the bathroom.

After the two women left, the bedroom door opened.

Xiao Lan, who was pretending to be asleep, walked out with her slender legs.

She couldn't help complaining: "Tsk tsk tsk, Dad, you are really getting worse and worse."

"Cheating an innocent girl, if I didn't know the whole process, I would have almost been fooled by your acting skills!"

While talking, Xiaolan walked over and sat cross-legged on Kogoro Mouri's lap, wrapping her arms around Kogoro Mouri's neck in an intimate gesture.

As soon as his daughter came out, Mori Kogoro relaxed, stopped acting, and couldn't stop smiling.

My daughter is my little sun, who comforts me most at all times.

But Xiaolan is too bold, she looks exactly the same as when she just lifted the quilt.

She was not afraid that the door would open suddenly and someone would come in and see this scene.

Listening to his daughter's complaints, Mori Kogoro's big hand slapped her thigh with excellent elasticity and made a crisp sound.

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