"What does it mean to deceive an innocent girl? This is obviously a white lie. Am I doing it for your own good? Do you want Qingzi and Mira to look at you strangely in the future?"

"Hmph, what kind of strange eyes, they will only look at you, Dad, with strange eyes."

"It's obvious that you just want to satisfy your own selfish desires. I kept stopping it last night. Who told you to use that rogue trick."

Mori Kogoro laughed badly: "Xiao Lan is not good, it seems that the lesson is not enough."

Hearing this, Xiao Lan immediately rolled her beautiful eyes.

Then his little head moved over and sniffed Kogoro Mori's mouth and nose.

"It stinks, it stinks, Dad, didn't you say quit smoking? Why are you smoking so much this time? Go brush your teeth."

"Isn't this for acting more realistically?"

"Besides, it shouldn't stink, it's the faint smell of tobacco unique to men, you should smell it carefully."

Xiaolan obediently approached Xiaolan's pure and beautiful face, and Mori Kogoro kissed it, and he was angry.

The exclamation immediately spread from the living room.

Xiaolan struggled, and patted Mori Kogoro's shoulder with her little hand: "It stinks, it stinks, Dad, you are really bad."

And Mori Kogoro put his arms around his daughter's legs, stood up suddenly, Xiaolan let out another exclamation, hugged Mori Kogoro tightly with both hands, and pressed her proud chest tightly against it.

Mori Kogoro spun around with his koala-like daughter in his arms, and couldn't help laughing, while Xiaolan let out exclamations.

The most beautiful moment in the world is now, he is smiling, she is crying, both of them have happy smiles on their faces.

"Okay, okay, I won't stink you anymore, Dad will take you to wash up."

"And your chicken coop head, it's time to wash it." Xiaolan brushed Moli Kogoro's hair with her small hands, and then probed his body like a puppy: "Hey, the smell is so strong, you have to wash it." Wash it!"

The daughter has a life, so naturally she dares not to obey.

"Okay, okay, okay, wash everything, but don't just talk about dad, you also smell."

Hearing this, Xiaolan immediately became unhappy, and stretched out her hand to pinch Mori Kogoro's waist, displaying her strange strength.

Mori Kogoro's face twitched, and his words changed immediately: "How can my daughter smell bad? She has a natural body fragrance. After taking a bubble bath, she will become a fragrant little princess!"

Hearing such flattering words from Mori Kogoro, Xiaolan laughed again.

She greedily buried the gnat's head between Mori Kogoro's neck, let Mori Kogoro carry her into the bathroom and began to wash.

Chapter 0185

Xiaolan's plain finger touched the surface of the water lightly, splashing a few drops of water.

The innocent little face is extremely rosy, and the brows are stretched out. The pretty face is beautiful from any angle, and it is in the best years.

With a snap of his fingers, water droplets splashed onto the face of Kogoro Mori who was rinsing his mouth with a toothbrush.

Mori Kogoro who was sitting next to him muttered, "Don't make trouble!"

Xiaolan stopped playing, and the sound of splashing water sounded. She came forward and put her arms around Kogoro Mouri's arm, and asked questions.

"Father, you haven't told me how you hypnotized Mira and Qingzi, and what hypnosis technique did you use?"

"I saw you leaning over last night and didn't do anything. Why did they run away with you?"

Xiaolan rubbed her small head against Kogoro Mori's shoulder, and began to act coquettishly, trying to use Kogoro Mori's hypnotism.

After all, this hypnotism is too heaven-defying, and it can manipulate other people casually.

If Kogoro Mori does something more extreme in the future, Xiaolan, who doesn't know the reason, is just like last night, helpless and under the control of others.

As smart as she is, she naturally wants to plan for a rainy day, so she rubs against Kogoro Mori, begging for hypnotism coquettishly.

But this is all useless work, this is a high-level psychedelic charm exchanged by the system, and only Kogoro Mori can use it.

Kogoro Mori naturally knew what was on his daughter's mind. With a smile on his face, he just shook his head and refused to say anything.

"Dad, just tell me, I'll rub your back for you!"

Saying this, Xiaolan displayed her unique back rubbing technique again.

Soft and sticking to the back, Mori Kogoro immediately looked pleased.

One pass operation is as fierce as a tiger.

After rubbing her back, Xiaolan turned to Mouri Kogoro again, looking at Mouri Kogoro with bright eyes, full of prayers.

This girl is determined to know the so-called hypnotism today.

Mori Kogoro still smiled lightly and shook his head.

The girl instantly became unhappy, she pouted and turned her head sideways: "Father, you don't love me anymore, and you still keep it from me until now."

The woman's play really came as soon as it was said, and Xiaolan, who turned her head sideways, pretended to twitch twice, her fragrant shoulders trembled, as if she was about to cry.

Mori Kogoro was a bit dumbfounded, picked up the water cup to rinse his mouth, spit away the toothpaste foam in his mouth, then put his arms around Xiaolan's slender waist.

"It's not that Dad doesn't teach you. It's useless to teach you. You can't learn it."

Without a high-level psychedelic talisman, Mori Kogoro would not be able to perform this so-called hypnotism.

"But Daddy can teach you other things."

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