After saying this, he stretched out his hand to pinch the magic seal, using the witch power in his body, and cast the Thunder Control Technique.

Xiaolan instantly sensed the familiar tiny electric current, and her body trembled uncontrollably.

Her head turned around immediately, she didn't look like she was about to cry.

Last night, this girl was also electrocuted so much that she called her mother and kept begging for mercy.

Originally, she planned to use hypnotism first, and then asked about the strange electric current, but Kogoro Mori said it first.

"Dad, how did you do this? Is it really electricity?"

"Of course!"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro changed his handprints, and performed the Thunder Control Technique again, and a washbasin-sized electric ball condensed on his right hand.

"That's enough!"

Seeing this genuine electric ball, Xiao Lan's eyes widened, and she couldn't help but ask, "Dad, are you a magician? How can you summon lightning?"

The daughter's adoring gaze made Mori Kogoro feel a little giddy.

"I'm not a magician, I should be called a wizard. Do you remember the Shikigami Fusang we brought back from Mermaid Island?"

"I remember, didn't you take that ghost to the shrine for salvation? Is it still alive?"

Hearing this, Mori Kogoro knocked on his daughter's forehead, and explained again: "Fuso is not a ghost, she is a shikigami, a partner of a powerful witch from thousands of years ago."

"These witchcrafts were taught to me by Fusang. Xiaolan wants to imitate what Dad can teach you."

Hearing that it was taught by Fusang, Xiaolan's head turned into a rattle. She was most afraid of things like ghosts, and how dare she touch these things.

"Father, don't go in contact with that ghost. I heard that ghosts can suck people's yang energy."

"There must be no good results in dealing with the devil. Dad, don't use these witchcraft in the future."

Xiaolan, who is afraid of ghosts, keeps secrets about these things, so she starts to slander, and Mouri Kogoro is full of black lines.

It seems that it is not so easy to change her daughter's mind. After Fusang's body shaping is completed, she will live in and have contact with her daughter.

However, Xiaolan's mouthfuls of "inhaling yang energy" and "dealing with the devil" made Mori Kogoro feel quite depressed.

He stood up, pulled Xiaolan into his arms, and then used the [True Thunderbolt Hand of God] on her last night!

With the light touch of her fingertips, Xiao Lan couldn't help herself.

On the other side, Qingzi returned to his house in a taxi.

As soon as she got out of the car, she saw her father sitting at the door, and she was a little nervous for a moment.

Nakamori Yinsan's eyes were red, obviously he hadn't slept all night, when he saw Qingzi getting off the car, he rushed up.

"Qingzi, where have you been? Your phone couldn't get through last night."

Qingzi already had an idea in mind, so he quickly said, "My cell phone is out of battery, Dad, aren't you going to guard the library to catch Kidd? There is no one else at home, and it happened that Huizi invited me to her house as a guest, so I followed. "

"But watching a movie at Keiko's house passed so fast, I accidentally fell asleep, and I forgot to call home to say something."

Hearing this, Nakamori Ginzo breathed a sigh of relief.

What he was most afraid of was hearing that his daughter had spent the whole night with Mori Kogoro, and it would be fine if she went to a classmate's house.

However, Nakamori Ginzo was still a little suspicious in his heart, and couldn't help but said: "Then you call Keiko, and I'll ask if this is the case."

"Father, you really are, how could I lie to you, I will disturb other people's rest so early, besides, my mobile phone is dead."

"Use my phone, call!"

Seeing his father's insistence, Qingzi obeyed obediently and picked up his mobile phone to call Keiko.

Then everything was as Qingzi expected, Keiko perjured up perfectly and helped Qingzi get rid of the suspicion.

After the phone call, Nakamori Ginzo was completely relieved.

"Hmph, even my own daughter is suspicious, so I ignore you."

After saying this, Qingzi quickly walked into the house.

But when Aoko walked by, Nakamori Ginzo seemed to smell something.

As soon as the smell disappeared, he didn't care anymore.

After stretching himself, he went back to his room, planning to sleep back in the cage.

On the second floor next door, the window of Kaito Kuroba's room was opened, revealing Kaito Kuroba's gloomy face.

Last night Aoko left with Mori Kogoro, and then did not return all night, Kuroba Kaito, who knew the relationship between the two, naturally knew what happened to them last night.

My childhood sweetheart and the person I like have been leaked all night, and only now come back.Kuroba Kaito's heart twitched unconsciously.

In the end, Kaito Kuroba could only sigh silently, and then closed the window

Chapter 0186 Dad is a big pig's trotter

The little loli Huiyuan woke up from her sleep, her body was a little weak, as if everything she experienced last night was a dream.

She hadn't really woken up yet, her eyes were half-closed, her brown hair was a little messy, and she exuded a strange sense of cuteness, soft and sweet, just looking at it, she wanted to hug her into her arms and take a good bite.

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