Stepping on the floor with his bare feet, Huiyuan moved his short legs and walked outside while yawning.

Soon Huiyuan opened the door and came to the living room, where he could smell the delicious food.

She followed the smell and walked towards the kitchen. When she saw the scene in the kitchen, she immediately rolled up her standard dead fish eyes.

"Xiaolan, you've had enough, it's so boring early in the morning."

In the narrow kitchen passage, Mori Kogoro stood in front of him cooking delicious food.

And the daughter behind stood on tiptoe, her beautiful legs looked more slender.

His small head rested on Mori Kogoro's shoulders, his hands hugged tightly from behind, and his body was close to him, with an appearance of extreme attachment.

Hearing Huiyuan's voice, Xiaolan deliberately turned her small mouth to peck Mori Kogoro's face before turning her head to say hello: "Xiao Ai, you're awake, you can eat after a while."

Seeing this scene, little Lolita rolled her eyes again: "Pervert father controlling girl, you can't control yourself, so you're not afraid of being bumped by your mother?"

"Don't worry, there will be a sound when you enter the door, and besides, you can't see the kitchen from the entrance."

Mori Kogoro reached out and patted Xiaolan's body: "Okay, get down, don't hang on to me."

"Hmph, Dad is also a big pig's trotter, so don't use it after using it, it's too bad."

Mori Kogoro was a little dumbfounded, but he still had to give instructions painstakingly.

"Remember what I just told you, today you have to show a frosty reaction in front of Mira, you can show me dissatisfaction, and then the iceberg will gradually melt, so that it will be more layered and more convincing .”

"Dad, don't worry, it's absolutely fine."

Hui Yuan on the side was a little confused, and couldn't help asking: "What are you talking about?"

Xiaolan got off the back of Mori Kogoro and came to the little Lolita, gently rubbing Huiyuan's little head with her small hands: "Only adults will understand about acting, Xiao Ai is a child, so she won't understand Oh."

Hui Yuan rolled his eyes and said, "Hey, according to my age, you have to call me sister."

"It's a pity that I'm still a kid now, sister Xiaoai."

"Believe it or not, I'm going to take medicine now?"

"After taking the medicine, you will still turn into a brat in the end, little sister Ai!"

Hearing the word "little kid", the little loli's anger continued to rise, and she puffed up her little face and looked like an angry and cute loli.

Seeing that the two girls were about to battle again, Mori Kogoro hurriedly stopped them.

"Okay, stop talking, Xiao Ai, let's go to the bathroom to wash up, Xiao Lan helps me set the table and chopsticks, and we can eat after the last soup is cooked."

The two girls separated.

Half an hour later, the family members got up one after another, washed up, and followed the scent to the dining table one by one.

Attorney Feiying Lifei dressed as an office worker, star Yukiko who went out to play in a white dress, Sera and Marie dressed like tomboys, and Conan the little devil who was yawning.

As for Mira, after going back to take a shower, she fell into bed to catch up on sleep, and had no intention of waking up at all.

After all, Mira didn't go to bed until four o'clock in the morning last night. If Kogoro Mori hadn't designed it, she and Aoko wouldn't be able to wake up in the morning at all.

Eri and Yukiko woke up in the morning and saw Mori Kogoro, and they were both very happy.Eri sipped the tonkotsu soup and couldn't help talking about the new changes in the hot springs, how the pool was different from ten years ago.

Yukiko smiled lightly and said, "The only pity for Yingli is that Kogoro didn't go with him, and you are missing Kogoro, you can help massage and take a bath, otherwise it will really be called consummation."

"Youxizi, with so much to eat, can't you stop your mouth?"

Eri couldn't resist throwing a sanitation ball to Yukiko.

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "It's still my fault for saying that. It seems that next time you go to the hot springs, I have to go with you."

At this time, Xiaolan turned her head and asked, "Shiliang, are you and Mary really planning to go to Dongdu Aquarium with us? The Ferris wheel there is really beautiful."

Shiliang Zhenchun said: "I originally planned to go with you, but I talked to my second brother on the phone last night, and he seems to be in a bad state."

"My sister and I are very worried, so we plan to go to see him today, so we can't go with you."

Xiaolan couldn't help but wondered: "Shiliang, you still have your second brother, how many brothers and sisters are there in your family?"

"There are three in total. My second elder brother is different from my strong elder brother. His body is a bit weak, but his head is very smart. Ouch, no, no, I mean there are three other than me. There are four brothers and sisters in total. people."

Kogoro Mori knew it clearly at a glance. It was obvious that Mary was pinching Shiliang next to her, telling her to pay attention to what she said.

It's normal for Haneda Hideyoshi to be in poor condition, any man would be indifferent when he sees the woman he likes being exposed by others in front of him.

"The situation in my family is quite complicated. I will introduce it to you next time."

Xiaolan chuckled lightly: "Shiliang's brother, I'm really curious."

And Kogoro Moori said: "Mary should be careful when she goes along, don't be too tired, I will give you follow-up treatment when I come back tonight."

Hearing this, Mary remembered the ambiguous treatment scene again, and her little face blushed a little more in an instant.

Haibara's suspicious eyes instantly fell on the two of them.

After breakfast, Sera and Marie set off, and Eri also left for work.

Mori Kogoro sent her to the entrance, watched her put on her high heels, hugged her into his arms, kissed her hard, and kissed her goodbye.

A few minutes later, Eri pushed Mori Kogoro away with a blushing face, and couldn't help muttering softly: "Really, the children are all at home, and they will be seen."

Mori Kogoro chuckled and said, "When you see it, you see it. I kiss my wife, who cares."

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