Curacao is very important, and Rum doesn't hide many things from her.

So if Curacao cannot be recovered, the organization would rather have a dead Curacao.

But because of the impact last night, Curacao lost his memory, forgot everything, and sat on the bench in a daze.

It was the little loli Ayumi who found her, so she quickly called Moli and his party to come and see.

Everyone surrounded her, but she didn't react at all, she just turned her head and looked at the people around her.

Sitting on the bench, Curacao was wearing a white shirt, a tie, and a black suit skirt. Even though his face was covered with dust, he could be seen as a beautiful woman.

Thick lips, quite a bit of the charm of Angelina in the previous life, but Sai Xue's skin, like a Nordic girl, coupled with the long silver hair, and the ignorant expression like a newborn, unexpectedly has a holy charm.

Curacao's left eye is sky blue and his right eye is pitch black.

In fact, the right eye is wearing a contact lens, and the inner eye is the same color as the iris, which looks transparent.

All the little ones were amazed by the strange-colored pupils, and Conan the devil started to observe around Curacao again, and began to reason.

"Big sister seems to smell of gasoline, and her clothes have burn marks, and her mobile phone is also broken, and there are a few glass shards on it, which looks like a windshield."

"In this case, there is a high probability that a car accident occurred. I just saw news reports that a car did fall into the river on a nearby viaduct last night, so the big sister is most likely the culprit."

"Combined with your current reaction, big sister, it is very likely that you hit your head in a car accident. Otherwise, we will call the police to help you find your family."

Hearing the word 'alarm', Curacao's face changed, and he kept shouting: "No, you can't call the police!"


An iron fist of justice fell from the sky and landed on Conan's head, and immediately bulged out a big red envelope.

"Little ghost, you play a lot, I'm here, is it your turn to give orders?"

Seeing Kogoro Mori with an unfriendly face, Conan immediately covered his head and choked out his right voice, and said aggrievedly, "Uncle, I'm just imitating your reasoning."

Then the little devil's resentful eyes turned to his mother: Mom, did you see that Uncle Mao Li bullies me like this every day.

You Xizi turned her head sideways, raised her sunglasses, and pretended not to see.

Curacao, who was on the side, saw Conan being taught like this, found it funny, and couldn't help laughing.

Chapter 0188 Encountering a donation by chance? /p>

At this time, Mori Kogoro stepped forward, trying to hold Curacao's little face.

Curacao tilted his head back, his eyes full of vigilance.

Even though he lost his memory, Curacao still instinctively sensed the strength of the man in front of him, so he naturally didn't dare to let him approach.

Xiaolan couldn't help muttering: "Dad, what do you want to do?"

"Look at her injuries. Although I judge that she has temporary amnesia under stressful circumstances, I still have to observe carefully. If it is a complete amnesia, it will be troublesome, and it will not recover."

Mori Kogoro smiled gently at Curacao: "Don't worry, I don't mean anything malicious, let me take a look."

Seeing his smile, Curacao hesitated for a while, then let down his vigilance and leaned his head forward.

Mori Kogoro put his hands full of spiritual power on his head, and instantly sensed the state of his head.

There is congestion inside, as long as the congestion is eliminated, the memory will naturally recover.

But the amazing thing is that there is a place in Curacao's head that is different from ordinary people and is very special. Kogoro Mori judges that this is the source of Curacao's unique ability.

After the rejuvenation technique was performed, a cool spirit of vegetation lingered on the two red spots on Curacao's forehead.

Mori Kogoro only treated his skin trauma, and naturally he would not help dispel the congestion.

Curacao seemed to sense it, his eyes widened, and he looked at Kogoro Mori in surprise.

When Kogoro Mori retracted his big hand, she touched her head suspiciously, and it really didn't hurt at all, her eyes were full of gratitude to Kogoro Mori.

Mori Kogoro asked, "Do you still remember your name?"

Curacao shook his head.

"Then do you know how you got here?"

She still shook her head.

"Then what do you remember? Anything is fine, just say what comes to mind."

Curacao hesitated for a while, as if he was trying to remember, but in the end he still couldn't say anything.

Mori Kogoro put on a distressed look: "This is going to be difficult, and you don't want to ask the police for help, so you can only find someone nearby who knows you, or help you retrieve your memory."

Hearing this, San Xiao's eyes lit up immediately.

Mitsuhiko couldn't help but said: "In this case, let's help the big sister find it too."

Yuan Tai patted her chest and said, "After all, we are a young detective team."

Ayumi laughed: "Although uncle is a very powerful detective, you can't underestimate us."

After saying this, San Xiao took Curacao's hand and ran towards the Ferris wheel.

Xiaolan, Haibara, and Conan also quickly chased after them.

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