Yukiko at the back put her arms around Mori Kogoro's arm, and couldn't help but said, "I said Kogoro, don't you think that the little girl is beautiful and has amnesia, so you have some bad intentions?"

Sure enough, they are worthy of being lovers who have been together for many years, and they have a perfect understanding.

Yukiko hit the bull's-eye with her casual words, and Kogoro Mori really thought so.

But it can't be called bad intentions. If Curacao, whose physical fitness is far beyond ordinary people, can be brought under his command and weaken the dark organization, it will be very profitable no matter what.

Kogoro Moori naturally wouldn't admit it, and instead stretched his arms around Yukiko's slender waist: "What are you talking about? I'm such a beast, am I attacking a little girl with amnesia?" Accompanied by Youkiko sneered twice: "Haha, as for !"

Mori Kogoro almost wanted to vomit blood.

At this moment, a weak woman's voice came from behind.

"Hey, is it Maori detective?"

When the two turned around, they saw the donated scorpion, the horse, the pine and the toad?/p>

"It's really you, Detective Maori, I've seen you from a long distance."

"Xiao Zi, why are you here, is the cafe closed today?"

Donate to martingale, skeletal leeches, leeches, colorful ants, ants, ants, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions, scorpions I look forward to one  dream liquid coal ⑿ 菹 ⅰ! ?/p>

"I just saw the news that Dongdu Aquarium has been remodeled, so I came over to take a look. I didn't expect to meet you. What a coincidence!"

Mori Kogoro laughed lightly, and an inexplicable gleam flashed in his eyes: "Then Xiao Azusa, you can play with us, it will be more lively if there are more people."

Hearing this, Yukiko thought that Mori Kogoro was hooking up with a girl again, so she couldn't help stretching out her hand to her waist and twisted it.

Donate your beard, bark, grub, Xing W, cherry, 抬 α, bright like a swan, chu, 皻G, are you that big star You Xizi?It's really you, I really like your Otome role. "

Hearing that she was her fan, You Xizi smiled very warmly: "It's been a long time TV series, I didn't expect you to watch it too."

Immediately after that, donate the tartar and sneer, and send the dumplings to give away the promise of the meal.

Mori Kogoro chuckled, kissed Yukiko's pretty face directly, and proudly introduced: "This is my girlfriend."

You Xizi couldn't help but give Mori Kogoro a blank look, and muttered, "I'm not afraid of being seen by Conan."

But when she saw Mori Kogoro openly introducing his relationship with others, she couldn't help being happy, and the corners of her mouth curled up unconsciously.

"It's enough!" Donate Tiemi × Suyue Hannan] Tombs and skeletons stop cooking moisture and scalding vinegar cows boiling plastic barrel filter hoop ㄓang twittering yellow rice locust crisp Le 鋈 felt path home 鸲Shu stamp pardon! ?/p>

"So I'll just tell Xiao Zi, you must help me keep the secret."

Donate the martingale, startle, say, punish the skeletal class,  Zhuojian, hope the chair B Huan ú change the party 鋈 ァ! ?/p>

"Let's go together, let's go to ride the Ferris wheel, the children will go first."

The three of them walked towards the Ferris wheel together.

The third novel of the Boy Detectives is to help Curacao find someone to know, but after all, it is a child's heart, and when it sees the dart game next to it, it pulls her to play.

Curacao, who has lost his memory, is very ignorant and finds everything interesting.

However, the muscular instinct of her body still exists, and a small game of darts is no problem for her.

When the three of Mao Li walked over, they saw that Curacao's last dart hit the red heart. There were ten darts in total, each of which landed on the red heart, and they directly got full marks.

The staff in the shop took out the dolphin pendant as a prize, and allowed them to choose three, and Sanxiao happily chose the color he liked.

Seeing that there was no Curacao, Ayumi couldn't help but said: "What should I do? Big sister doesn't have dolphins, obviously you won this."

Curacao waved his hands again and again: "Just pick and choose, I don't need it."

Mori Kogoro behind said with a chuckle, "I can challenge it too."

The staff nodded naturally: "Of course."

Chapter 0189 and Belmode alone

Mori Kogoro took the ten darts handed over by the staff and stood in front of the target.

At this time, donate beard, white and playful? /p>

Seeing that Mori Kogoro wasn't paying attention to her, she kissed her lips and a small voice came out.

"Curaçao, why are you staying here, why don't you go back quickly if you fail the mission."

Kogoro Mori, who turned his back to the two, raised a slight arc at the corner of his mouth.

This Belmord really underestimated himself, he was so courageous, he thought he couldn't hear him.

In fact, I just saw it at the first sight.

So in "A Nightmare in Pure Black" is there a long-cherished and heart-wrenching joke? /p>

Mori Kogoro suspects that this is a person who donated money to his family? /p>

So he kissed You Xizi on purpose just now, and tried it out, and it was as expected.

You must know that you don’t want to make an appointment with a male: Yue MangJiao∥Send a message笥涉Gap ㄊcavity source of scorpion sheath洌Sieve new felt cookerΦMei Ji Huai硌Falcon basis?/p>

This is also normal, how did she know that Mori Kogoro and Maki Don were sloppy?/p>

Curacao, on the other hand, was a little confused, hearing an inexplicable voice in his ear, and the girl next to him didn't look at him at all.

She turned her head suspiciously and asked, "Are you talking to me?"

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