Belmord immediately panicked: None of the Pig teammates are so deceitful.

When she saw Mori Kogoro turn his head, she couldn't help but her pupils constricted for a while, and instantly recalled that dark basement, she didn't want to be beaten by Mori Kogoro again.

"Wow, silver hair, so beautiful, you look so cute."

"Thank you."

Hearing the praise, Curacao laughed, his brows and eyes curved, full of innocence.

Mouri Kogoro then withdrew his suspicious gaze, and Belmode heaved a sigh of relief.

As soon as Mori Kogoro exerted force on his wrist, the ten darts in his hand shot out like a goddess scattering flowers, and landed directly in the bull's-eye.

Everyone looked closely, every dart landed on the red heart, and they couldn't help opening their mouths.

San Xiao even cheered and jumped up.

Ayumi couldn't help hugging Kogoro Mori's thigh: "Uncle is so powerful, even stronger than big sister, he can hit a red heart with ten darts at the same time."

And Belmord felt even more awe-inspiring when he saw Maoli Kogoro Xiaolu's hand, and he didn't dare to reveal his identity even more.

The staff came forward with the prize, opened their mouths in amazement, and couldn't stop giving their thumbs up.

"Sir, I have held this darts game for half a year, and I have never seen a player as good as you. You are really amazing."

"Next, you can choose three pendants as prizes."

Kogoro Mouri said, "There are Xizi, Xiaozi, and Xiaobai, you three come up and choose."

"Xiaobai?" Curacao pointed at himself suspiciously.

Mori Kogoro laughed, a very warm smile.

"Because I don't know your name, I'll call you Xiaobai for now. Look at you, your skin is so white, and your long hair is also silvery white. It's a very suitable name!"

You Xizi couldn't help complaining: "This name is the same as a pet, isn't it good?"

Curacao stared blankly at Mori Kogoro with his strange eyes, and then smiled: "Thank you, I like this name very much."

Yuxizi on the side covered her face with her hands speechlessly, she really didn't understand Curacao's aesthetics.

But Belmode frowned, the situation became more and more incomprehensible, she couldn't help but asked, "What's wrong with this young lady, why did Detective Maori name her?"

You Xizi then said, "We picked her up in the playground just now. It seems that she was in an accident and lost her memory. We are helping her retrieve her memory." Amnesia? ? ?

Belmode's brows immediately wrinkled deeper.

At this time, Mouri Kogoro's voice sounded: "Xiao Azusa, hurry up, you are the only one not selected."


Belmore immediately went forward and picked out a pendant at random.

On the other side, Curacao, who was holding a white dolphin pendant, smiled happily, like a child receiving a gift for the first time, and happily clapped hands with the three children next to him.

However, his strange-colored eyes glanced at Kogoro Mori next to him from time to time, as if he cared very much.

At this time, Xiaolan's voice sounded from the upper floor: "Dad, there is a space on the Ferris wheel now, do we want to sit on this Ferris wheel?"

Conan and Haibara are also at his side.

Mori Kogoro said, "Since there are vacancies, let's go play the Ferris wheel first, and then help Xiaobai find someone he knows."

Curacao nodded obediently.

Everyone went to the automatic elevator at the queue.

Soon, they came to the cockpit of the Ferris wheel.

The staff continued to introduce: "Our double-track Ferris wheel runs in the opposite direction, and you can see a completely different scene from the other side."

"The Ferris wheel is [-] meters high, and it takes about [-] minutes to make a full circle."

"Kid, run slowly."

Sanxiao excitedly dragged Curacao to the cockpit, and the rest followed suit.

Five children, plus Curacao, and Xiaolan and Yuxizi behind, a total of eight people have reached the limit of the cockpit.

Belmode, who was behind, wanted to follow, but was stopped by the staff.

"I'm sorry, it will be overloaded if you go up again, please go to the next cockpit."

Belmore panicked at the thought of spending twenty-five minutes alone with Mori Kogoro.

She immediately said: "It's full of children. Children are not as heavy as adults. It doesn't matter if I add one. It will definitely not be overloaded."

The staff still shook their heads firmly.

Belmode wanted to speak again, but his wrist was grabbed by a generous hand.

"Xiao Zi, let's wait for the next one."

Being pulled by this big hand, Belmore couldn't help shaking.

Like a cat strangled by fate, it dared not say anything more.

Xiaolan and Yuxiko in the cockpit were a little envious of being able to sit alone on the Ferris wheel with Mori Kogoro, but there were so many children, they didn't dare to make a sound.

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