Then Mori Kogoro dragged Belmore into the rear cockpit.

As soon as the cabin door was closed, the Ferris wheel began to rotate, gradually heading towards the sky.

Belmode pretends to be a donated vulgar, remonstrance to withdraw ⒆  turbulent hope  ∈ plant words rebuttal dagger Cong 论书 欧希 milk   欤  go about it ┙ rice cake?/p>

She didn't dare to move at all, as if she had encountered a natural enemy.

Although it was a clear sky outside this confined space, it still reminded her of that dark basement, and that Moori Kogoro who was called the Demon King.

Chapter 0190 Alone with Belmode 2

Seeing Belmord's gesture, Mori Kogoro flashed a playful smile at the corner of his mouth.

Then he sat directly next to her, next to her, and immediately felt the touch of her beautiful legs.

However, Belmode bounced off like an electric shock and sat away.

Mori Kogoro pretended to be puzzled, and moved forward again, touching Belmord's side again.

Belmode, who was already sitting on the edge of the sofa, could not retreat.

"Xiao Zi, why are you acting weird today?"

Saying this, his big hand landed directly on Belmode's slender waist, while the other hand landed on his short skirt, whirling lightly.

"You used to call me Kogoro, why do you call me Maori Detective today? That's too outlandish!"

ah?What the hell?what's going on?

Belmore's pupils shrank sharply, and he was so panicked that he didn't know how to react.

Could it be that Mori Kogoro and the waitress downstairs donated money for Lansang?/p>

This big pervert is really lustful, even the waitress is not spared, it's abominable!

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "I see, is it because of Yukiko?"

"But didn't you promise me that you would obediently be my little slave girl and listen to the master's words? Why are you eating so much vinegar today? It's not okay, such a little slave girl is too bad!"

Belmore gasped.

Little slave girl?This is too much fun!

Donate the epiphysis to the female hut and knock on the speech, and the file is not the same?/p>

But after all, the task is important, and taking Curacao away is the most important thing.

Now that Mori Kogoro has not seen through the disguise, Belmord can only choose to continue the disguise.

She could only smile coquettishly, stretched out her hand and patted Moori Kogoro's chest lightly: "Kogoro, I haven't gotten used to it for a while, who knows that you have a big star like Kiko among your women."

"Hey, I remember that Yukiko's husband is just Yusaku Kudo? Kogoro, are you having an affair with her?"

Thinking of this, Belmore bit his back molars fiercely, with a fierce look in his eyes, it seemed that the fear of Mori Kogoro in his heart had dissipated a little.

Although she had a mission to pretend to be Sharon before, her friendship with Yukiko was not a fake.

Seeing that his good friend was captured by Mori Kogoro, Belmode has the urge to pull Yukiko out of the sea of ​​suffering.


As soon as the sound of a clear and crisp spanking sounded, Belmore's pupils were filled with disbelief.

You dare to hit me, no one has ever spanked my ass since I was a child!

"Don't change the subject, Xiao Zi, have you ever played with me on the subway before? You are so obedient in front of everyone, how can you not adapt? No, you are really weird today!"

Tram nerd? ? ?

Belmode's eyes widened immediately.

What kind of fairy operation is this?Could it be that donating money????????????????????????? ?/p>

If Belmode was given another chance to choose, she would definitely not make a fool of herself?/p>

How did she know that the inside of this little waitress was completely yellow, and it was all about h.

But what she didn't know was that the so-called relationship, the so-called little girl slave, and the tram moron were all made up by Mori Kogoro.

Mori Kogoro and Maki donated dumplings to think about Qiao Hao's coal mine?/p>

He just sent a message.

Because Mori Kogoro knew what he was saying now, Belmode, who didn't dare to reveal his identity, could only obediently cooperate.

Belmode lightly poked Kogoro Mouri's chest muscles with his plain finger, and said with a light smile, "Kogoro, don't talk nonsense, what's so strange about him!"

The fingers poking on the elastic chest muscles made Belmore's heart throb, and the little face under the mask blushed inexplicably.

At this moment, it was really exciting for her to pull her teeth out, and she actually acted like a baby in the arms of a devil-like figure who was deeply frightened.

And Belmord had never seen Mori Kogoro being so gentle to him.

Looking at the man with a kind face and a warm smile in front of him, it was in stark contrast to the cold and terrifying devil-like image in the basement.

The original Belmode had already suffered from Stockholm Syndrome.

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