In the basement before, Mori Kogoro really planned to kill her. The three scars from the broken belt are still on his body, and the bullet was really shot.

But after that, Belmode actually helped Mori Kogoro several times, not only reminded him of the bomb in Teidan High School, but even hoped that he would not be involved in the full moon incident. This is the best proof.

So at this moment, the little bit of kindness and smile shown by Mori Kogoro benefited Belmore and made her a little fascinated.

His little hand couldn't help caressing Kogoro Mouri's cheek.

Looking at this posture, I donate to Ao, brother, with a lower slant, and a slant. A slanted slant. Very surprised.

The achievement of favorability cannot be faked, as proved by the reactions of Rena Mizumu before.

Kogoro Mori stretched out his hand and pulled Belmore up, letting him sit on his lap, his eyes met, and he was extremely intimate.

As if unable to bear Kogoro Mori's scorching gaze, Belmode's blue eyes hidden under the smashed contact lens turned his gaze away.

Mori Kogoro caressed his small soft back with his left hand, but his right hand groaned, poked in from the hem of the white shirt, and touched the snowy skin.

Belmore couldn't help but tremble, but he didn't dare to struggle.

"Since Xiaozi said that you haven't changed, do you know what to call me for?"

Belmor hesitated for a while, and said, "Xiao Goro?"


Seeing Moori Kogoro frowning, she became more and more panic-stricken, fearing that she would make him unhappy, and with a flash of inspiration, Belmode hurriedly said, "Master, master!"

Only then did Kogoro Mori show a satisfied smile, stroking Belmode's little head with his left hand, and made a plan to kill him.

The strange thing is that Belmode felt that Kogoro Mori's big hand seemed to have magical powers, and it felt very comfortable to touch his head.

Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Xiao Azusa is finally good, okay, let's go eat ice cream quickly?"

What the hell is ice cream?

Belmore's head was in a daze for a while, he was exhausted physically and mentally, and looked at the sky speechlessly.

I just pretend to be someone casually, and I want to take Curacao away, why is it so difficult?It's not here to play puzzle games.

But soon, Belmore had to react, combined with Kogoro Mori's raised eyebrow expression.

Her eyes tremblingly looked down, and she couldn't help but gasped again.

Could it be this?Bite, bite?

0191 - Belmode eating ice cream

Belmode's speculation is correct, that's what Mori Kogoro meant.

Belmode, who was kneeling on the sofa next to him, looked at the oversized strawberry ice cream in front of him, and couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

His beautiful eyes blinked, and he felt a little dry.

She opened her mouth a little, but she could only utter some modal particles, and she couldn't speak well.

This ice cream is too big!

The smile on Kogoro Mori's face was very narrow, looking at the stunned Belmode, he asked, "Xiao Azusa, what's the matter, is there a problem?"

"Uh, um, ah, this, oh, by the way, I don't know what's wrong recently, I have bubbles in my mouth, it's not good..."

"It's okay, it's not frozen, and it's your favorite food, isn't it?"

Mori Kogoro ignored Belmode's excuses, pressed his head directly with his left hand, and sent the oversized strawberry ice cream to his mouth, stuffing it full.

Belmode hastily stretched out his hand to hold it up.

The strawberry ice cream was too big, Belmode's mouth was too small, blocked by the pink lips, the chocolate pancake next to it couldn't get in, and then fell off.

However, the main body of the ice cream hit Belmode's throat directly, causing her eyes to turn red, and the corners of her eyes were tear-jerking, and she started to cry.

[What a shame!What a shame!

If it wasn't for bringing back the members of the organization, if it wasn't for Yi Rong's mistaken person, there would be no need for me to do such a thing.

Curacao, 槺 donate sole   Huang and leech  忝 lead  Yi Mu NU Song value straw squid squid Lu. 忝摇野角艡业芝牛揖貜ǜ柏忝托G! ?/p>

Obviously it was Kogoro Mori who forced Belmore to eat ice cream, but she only dared to think about getting revenge on Curacao and Kazuya. Cai Qiang? Excuse me?/p>

Mori Kogoro snorted: "Eat quickly, we have twenty minutes left, we have to finish eating within twenty minutes."

Belmore was so frightened by the cold drink, thinking that Mori Kogoro was angry again, so he licked harder with a 'sob'.

But she really didn't have any experience in eating this special ice cream, she didn't know how to eat it fast by sucking the whole one in her mouth, she only knew how to stick out her little pink tongue and lick it.

This scene was really tempting, watching Mori Kogoro's heart agitated, and finally he closed his eyes altogether.

However, Mori Kogoro's big hand still fell on Belmord's soft white shirt, stroking her to cheer her up.

There is actually a flaw in Belmode's disguise this time.

Because of the rush of time, she just put on the donated sac that she had prepared earlier?/p>

Neither the figure nor the height has been adjusted for camouflage, so she is still her own figure at the moment.

Moreover, Belmode is a Caucasian with white skin, and his skin is yellow and yellow, so he is timid and starry?/p>

However, Belmord's exposed skin has already been painted with color cream, but the skin under the clothes is still its original color.

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