And Mori Kogoro and his wife donated the tomb and waited for them to sing the praises. ∑Forgive?/p>

As a result, Belmore's heart was beating extremely fast, and he was struggling to lick the ice cream again, quite physically and mentally exhausted.

Fortunately, Kogoro Mori didn't seem to notice anything unusual.

And in the cockpit of the Ferris wheel on the other side, all the children were lying by the window, looking at the higher and higher view, the house that became like a small box, couldn't help shouting.

Curacao held the white dolphin pendant in his hand, and couldn't help but think of Mori Kogoro's warm smiling face, the strange feeling of his generous hands pressing on his head, and his little face blushing inexplicably.

Then she hung the dolphin pendant on her waist skirt like a treasure, Yuxiko who was beside her couldn't help feeling a little troubled when she saw this, and couldn't help covering her forehead with her little hands.

Come on, it's another girl captured by the charm of her own man, this time it's really called seducing an ignorant girl.

Tsk tsk tsk, she is still a girl with amnesia, there is no girl in the world who is more ignorant and more like a blank sheet of paper.

Sitting next to You Xizi, Little Devil Conan couldn't help asking in a low voice: "Mom, are we really not going to call the police? The identity of this woman is really suspicious. What happened on the viaduct last night is not simple."

Although Yukiko also thinks it would be better to call the police, she never does things against Mori Kogoro's wishes.

Even though she vaguely sensed that her man had other plans, she still cooperated dotingly.

So You Xizi replied, "Conan, your Uncle Maori can handle all of this. He's so smart and a great detective. Just leave it to him to decide."

"Maybe he knows something inside. There are no purely good and bad people in any force in this world, and the Metropolitan Police Department is no exception."

Conan frowned, and couldn't help but want to refute: "But mom..."

At this time, Xiaolan couldn't help but interrupted.

You must know that Xiaolan's hearing has also become extremely strong after practicing guidance. Just now, Conan seemed to speak in a low voice, but in fact, all of them fell into her ears.

"Conan, how did I hear you call Yukiko your mother? What's going on here?"

Hearing this, Conan and Yuxiko's expressions changed drastically. They never expected Xiaolan's ears to be so sharp.

The young people on the side couldn't help looking over, as if they heard the big news.

And the little loli Huiyuan had a gloating smile at the corner of her mouth.

"What's this! What's this!" Conan the little devil was so anxious that his mouth was foaming, his little hands kept scratching his forehead,

But he really couldn't think of an excuse, so he directly blamed him: "Auntie Youxizi, tell me."

You Xizi gasped, and finally knew why her man kept beating Conan. This little brat was too unreliable, and he really deserved it.

As soon as the thought came to him, You Xizi immediately made a move, and hit Conan's forehead fiercely with a plan of "explosive chestnut", directly hammering a big red envelope.

Only then did Youxizi feel that her mind was clear.

Immediately afterwards, Yukiko's master acting skills were displayed, and the color of nostalgia appeared in her eyes.

"There is a reason for this, Xiaolan, you don't know, in fact, this kid's mother Fumyo Edogawa and I grew up as playmates when we were young. I used to be inseparable good sisters with her when I was in elementary school in my hometown. "

"However, Wen Dai's health is not very good, and he got married in his early years but has never been able to conceive a child."

"Later, she went to the temple to pay homage, and got advice from the eminent monk, saying that there was evil in her life, and she would die without children. Even if she had children, she would die young."

"The only way to break this evil is to let the child worship another woman as his mother, and escape to another country by himself, so that the child can grow up strong."

"My good sister finally got a son in old age, and remembered the advice of the eminent monk, so she begged me. There is no way, I can only agree, and accept Conan as my adopted son."

"And my good sister really went abroad to mine in Africa as the eminent monk said!" Speaking of this, You Xizi shed two tears emotionally.

"However, because of my special status, I am a star, and suddenly having an extra child will definitely cause many unnecessary misunderstandings and criticisms. I have no choice but to board this child with Xiao Goro and let him take care of it. That's all the reason."

You Xizi's master-level acting skills immediately fooled everyone, and Xiaolan completely believed it.

"It turns out that's the case. No wonder I met Conan at your aunt's house, so everything makes sense. Conan, it turns out that your life experience is so rough."

The little loli Huibara on the side couldn't help giving Yukiko a thumbs up, and Yukiko returned with a smug smile.

Being in the entertainment industry for so many years is not for nothing, and dealing with this kind of scene is a piece of cake.

But You Xizi was still angry, and couldn't help but hit the head of the little devil next to him. .

Chapter 0192

Looking at the obedient Belmode in front of him, Mori Kogoro enjoyed more psychologically.

After all, this face is not her original face, it's just a donated bag?/p>

In fact, he was quite curious about the expression of Belmode under the mask.

Belmode was working hard, but Kogoro Mori's hands were restless on the back of the white shirt.

Relying on the length of his arms, these fiery big hands began to walk on the plump and delicate body.

Belmor couldn't help but tremble, but he thought it was Kogoro Mori and a certain [-]-year-old boy who donated to him.

Soon, Mori Kogoro's body tilted a little, his hands slid down his waist, then he lifted them up and never moved away.

Belmore's pupils trembled for a while, but he only dared to make a 'whimper' sound. His pupils looked up at Kogoro Mori, begging for mercy.

But Mori Kogoro just smirked, ignoring her intentions at all.

His mood at the moment is like the flying bird he saw outside the window, so beautiful!

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