The time on this Ferris wheel is so hard for Belmode.

More than ten minutes passed, and the Ferris wheel had turned more than half a circle. The cockpit where Yuxizi and the others were located was only twenty meters above the ground.

In the past ten minutes, Conan the little ghost was caught by Yuxizi and exploded with a hammer. At this moment, his head was full of red envelopes, and his face looked hopeless.

And the little loli, Hui Principle, was talking with Curacao, and for some reason, the two felt that they hit it off.

Before Haibara left the organization and planned to go to Mori's family, he also said that Kogoro Mori would not call the police, and he also pretended to have amnesia.

After that, Mori Kogoro accepted her generously, and the two lived a happy life

The Curacao that I picked up now is also afraid of the police and also has amnesia. Huiyuan felt that she was a larger version of himself, so he hit it off.

And the third child of the young detective team on the side was over excited, and stopped making trouble.

Only the little chubby Mrs. Yuan still stood on the sofa chair with a curious face, and desperately reached out to grab the window handle on the top of the window.

There was a 'click'.

The window of this cabin was opened by Yuan Tai, and the strong wind swept in.

Ayumi next to her couldn't help exclaiming: "Genta, what are you doing?"

But at this time, Yuan Tai seemed to lose his balance suddenly, his feet went limp, and his body fell forward, falling out of the cockpit more than ten meters away.

The faces of everyone in the cabin changed drastically immediately, Xiaolan was about to jump out to save Yuantai.

Unexpectedly, a silver-white figure was faster than her.

Curacao, who was still at the peak of her body, jumped out of the window in an instant. Seeing Yuan Tai falling straight down, she glanced at the curved pillar next to her, and immediately made a judgment.

The high-heeled shoes under her feet kicked directly at the cockpit, and under the reaction force, she quickly swept towards the curved pillar next to her.

Then he slid down along the arc-shaped pillar, slid directly to the lower end, reached out and grabbed the back neck of Yuantai's clothes that fell down, and pulled him onto the pillar.

Fortunately, we caught up, otherwise the little chubby Dunyuan would have his head on the ground, and if he was more than [-] meters away, he would be hit like a watermelon.

But the falling stopped suddenly, and the neck was strangled again, Yuan Tai's eyes turned white, and she passed out directly.

Then Curacao led Yuantai, stepped on high heels, jumped a few times, crossed iron pillars, railings, and finally landed at the hatchway.

The whole process was extremely fast, and the movements were clean and sharp.You Xizi and Xiaolan in the cockpit breathed a sigh of relief.

And Ayumi couldn't help shouting: "Hey, big sister is too powerful."

Only little loli Huiyuan couldn't help but change slightly, and her blue eyes trembled.

Huiyuan felt very familiar with Curacao's saving gesture just now.

She had seen members training in the organization before, and Curacao's gestures were exactly the same as the training movements of the members of the organization.

Haibara instantly judged that this guy was also a member of the organization: No, I have to notify my uncle quickly.

Little Loli immediately picked up her cell phone and called Kogoro Mori.

And Kogoro Mori in the other cockpit naturally also saw what just happened, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion that the little devil will always be the little devil.

He thought that Yuanta would be fine if he didn't fall off the slide, but he didn't know that the little fat man still gave himself a surprise.

The phone rang, and Mori Kogoro freed up one hand to answer the call, then turned his head sideways to hold the phone, and his palm returned to its original position.

"Xiao Ai, what's wrong?"

Belmode below heard that it was Shirley's call, and became vigilant.

But Mori Kogoro didn't ring, and there was someone beside Huiyuan on the other end of the phone, so he didn't dare to speak loudly.

Therefore, Belmode couldn't hear the content of the phone call.

After listening to Little Lolita's analysis, Mori Kogoro laughed softly: "Xiao Ai, don't worry, I already knew about it, and I will handle these things well."

Hearing that everything was under Kogoro Mori's control, Haibara breathed a sigh of relief and stopped worrying about it.

Belmode, who had just immersed himself in his work, didn't see the scene of Curacao saving people. He heard Kogoro Mori hang up the phone, couldn't help but stop, and asked tentatively, "Master, what are you going to do?"

Obviously she is not a real slave girl, but the master's call is very smooth.

Mori Kogoro chuckled: "It's nothing, Yuanta almost fell just now, I have to check the situation later."

"However, Xiaozi, do you want to be lazy? We'll finish riding the Ferris wheel in five minutes, and the task assigned to you by the master is not good enough. Do you still want to get a reward?"

Saying this, Mori Kogoro, who was leaning sideways, patted Belmode's buttocks with his big hands.

What the hell is the reward?

Belmord only felt that he was really unlucky this time. He chose such a h girl to change his face and was forced to experience many first times in his life. He was really bullied by Mori Kogoro.

Seeing Kogoro Mori frown again, Belmore's heart trembled, and he immediately continued the work that Kogoro Mori ordered.

Mori Kogoro reached out and stroked Belmode's little head.

"You are so good, Xiao Zi, this is the right way, and I will cooperate with you next time."

What the hell is cooperation?

The inexperienced Belmore was in a daze, but soon, under the guidance of Mori Kogoro, Belmore lay down on the sofa seat with his head down and his beautiful legs on the back of the sofa.

Only then did Belmode react, and the pupils shrank sharply again.

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