Chapter 0193

Five minutes later, the Ferris wheel cockpit finally stopped.

As soon as the cockpit door was opened, You Xizi, who was waiting at the door, saw the donated widow judge.

You Xizi looked surprised, her beautiful eyes stared at Kogoro Mori who came out from behind, and she couldn't help asking, "What are you guys doing?"

Mori Kogoro said: "Xiao Azusa doesn't even know that she is afraid of heights, and she can't do it after sitting on the Ferris wheel. It's hard for her to vomit until now."

Yukiko didn't believe a word of Mori Kogoro's words.

The eyes under the sunglasses rolled his eyes at him a few times, and then he said: "Yuantai just fell from the window, but fortunately, Xiaobai saved him, and now they are all taken to the infirmary by the staff. I'll wait for you here."

Mori Kogoro nodded: "Well, I've seen it all, Xiaobai is very skilled, Genta is well protected, there should be no problem."

And Belmode, who ran into the women's toilet, stood in front of the sink and couldn't help throwing up.

She picked up the clear water from the faucet and rinsed her mouth continuously. This action lasted more than ten times before finally stopping.

Seeing the wrinkled corners of his mouth in the disguise mask on his face in the mirror, Belmode quickly took out tools to remedy it.

Finally, the disguise mask returned to normal, and Belmode breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, she seemed to think of something, and hastily opened her skirt and underwear, and glanced at her 36D, which was a mess, red and swollen.

The little face under Belmode's mask immediately turned red.

After a while, Belmode came back from the toilet, and the whites of his eyes were bloodshot.

She tried her best to pretend that nothing had happened, but she still couldn't help but glared at Kogoro Mouri a few times.

Seeing his reaction, You Xizi immediately understood.

Mori Kogoro said: "Let's go, we have to go to the infirmary to see Genta and the others." Then the three walked towards the infirmary.

Soon, they came to the door of the infirmary of Dongdu Aquarium.

Everyone at the door looked anxious, and the chubby Dun Yuantai hadn't woken up yet.

As soon as Mori Kogoro appeared, Xiaolan immediately had a backbone, and she quickly said, "Father, please help bring down Yuantai!"

His daughter gave orders, and Kogoro Mori went straight in.

The doctor in a white coat with a stethoscope couldn't help but said, "Hey, don't come in with irrelevant people. Didn't you see that I was treating you?"

Mori Kogoro ignored the white coat doctor, walked directly to the unconscious Genta, put his big hand on it, and instantly understood what was going on.

It is short-term fainting caused by insufficient blood supply to the brain when Qi and blood stagnate when the patient is strangled in a sudden arrest.

Mori Kogoro pretended to help Yuantai massage the acupuncture points with his big hands, and the rejuvenation technique was performed, and the spirit of plants and trees poured into Yuantai's body.

The doctor next to him stood up and was about to scold Mori Kogoro.

But seeing Yuan Tai snorted, opened his eyes and woke up.

The doctor in the white coat was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help exclaiming: "Are you acupuncture? Is it the first aid method of Chinese medicine? This is too amazing, it's enough!"

All the people outside the door ran in and asked with concern.

"Yuantai, how do you feel?"

"Is there anything uncomfortable?"

"I'm really worried about the dead, how can I play with the window if I have nothing to do?"

Yuan Tai shook her head, patted her chest and said, "I'm not feeling sick, but I'm a little hungry, and I want to eat eel rice." After hearing this, everyone was sure that Yuan Tai was fine.

Ayumi pushed Curacao forward and said, "Yuantai, this time you have to thank sister Xiaobai, if she hadn't saved you, you would have fallen to your death."

"Ah, that's the way it is. Thank you, Sister Xiaobai!"

Mrs. Yuan bowed obediently to thank her, but Curaçao was a little uncomfortable standing there, rather at a loss.

Mori Kogoro said: "Doctor, can you help to check this child again, and, do you have any other quiet rooms here?"

The doctor replied: "The next one is also a treatment room, but the doctor on duty is on holiday today, so you can enter by pushing the door."

You Xizi asked with a puzzled expression, "Xiao Wulang, why do you want a quiet room?"

"Of course it's for Xiaobai. Didn't you see that her elbows and knees were worn out just now to save Yuantai?"

"And I'll try to see if I can help her heal her head injury and get back her previous memories."

Curacao didn't seem to be aware of his injury at all. He lowered his head and looked down after hearing Kogoro Mori's words, and saw bleeding on his elbows and knees.

So she obediently followed Mori Kogoro to the treatment room next door.

A gleam flashed in Belmord's eyes. Seeing that other people were still paying attention to the little chubby Mrs. Yuan, she withdrew from the treatment room and planned to notify her companions to come and help take Curacao away.

This time, Curacao was involved with Mori Kogoro and the others. Among them were Yukiko, a friend whom Belmore cared about very much, Conan and Xiaolan who had saved her, and the others were children. She really didn't want to involve them. Come in the organization.

And Rum's behavior has always been very ruthless, Belmode also knows.

She dared not tell Rum what happened at the Dongdu Aquarium.

Moreover, the text messages edited by Curacao were intercepted by Mori Kogoro with a signal jammer, and no one in the organization received the list of traitors.

As a result, Belmode's phone call and request for reinforcements became Bourbon.

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