Everyone in the hot spring pool couldn't help but look sideways, looking at the things vomited out in the field, and couldn't help feeling disgusted.

"Conan, what are you doing?"

Conan, who barely recovered, raised his head, and some inexplicable brown substance was still stained on the tip of his nose. He rushed to the faucet for washing, turned on the faucet, and quickly rinsed his face.

Hattori Heiji quickly tied the towel around his waist, bowed and apologized to the others, then fetched a bucket of water, flushed all the acidic water Conan vomited down the drain, and then turned around and came to Conan.

"You bastard, what did you just do?"

At this moment, Conan's face was full of resentment, his eyes glared at Hattori Heiji: "I just asked you what, did you fart in my face just now?"

"Funny, your face is not on my butt, how can I fart on your face, and you don't touch my there, I can bear this fart." Hattori Heiji argued.

"I just slipped and fell in. If you didn't tell me to rub my back, it wouldn't have happened." Conan stood up, almost going crazy, and rushed over to hit Heiji Hattori. The appearance of the sword is on the verge of breaking out.

It's a pity that Conan without the equipment is just a child. Hattori Heiji subdued the short-handed and short-legged Conan and pressed him under his body.

At this time, the hot eyes of the uncles who were watching were all cast on the two of them, and Hattori Heiji and Conan felt embarrassed.

The hot spring couldn't last any longer, so the two got up quickly and left in despair.

------Eyewash dividing line------

The fireworks on Zhongyue Mountain are constantly blooming in front of everyone. They are colorful and splendid. They flash and disappear quickly. It is because the fireworks only bloom for a moment, which makes people feel that they are precious and beautiful. things.

Xiaolan looked at the time on her phone. It was almost twelve o'clock, and New Year's Day would have passed after twelve o'clock. She couldn't help but look behind her with her little head sideways.

Mori Kogoro leaned his head on Xiaolan's head, sensed the abnormal movement, and turned around: "Xiaolan, what are you looking at?"

"It's nothing!" Xiaolan pouted slightly, looking disappointed.She turned her head back and looked at the blooming fireworks.

Although the night wind is bitter, but in Dad's arms, it is extremely warm, no matter how strong the wind is, I am not afraid.

Xiao Ran leaned tightly against Mori Kogoro's chest.

At this moment, someone shouted from behind: "Look, the volcano has erupted."

Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan turned around quickly, and saw faint red rays of light appearing in the pitch-black crater. The light continued to rise, and was finally blocked by the protruding black rocks, bursting out little golden sparks immediately.

Seeing the golden sparks, Xiaolan's face immediately became lively, and she became extremely happy.

The girl on the side was very fortunate and kept talking.

"It's really lucky that this time has finally arrived."

"It didn't explode all day today, and it finally came at night, and New Year's Day will be over in a few minutes."

The couples on the side, the couples were also happy when they saw this scene, and hugged each other tightly.

Seeing this scene, Xiaolan followed suit, turned around, and hugged Mori Kogoro tightly.

Kogoro Mouri frowned, seeing Xiaolan so happy, he just let her go.

Under the night wind, in Zhongyue Mountain, there is a volcanic eruption in front, and fireworks are shining in the back. Kogoro Mouri and Xiaolan embrace each other tightly, and spent New Year's Day like this.


"Okay, Xiaolan, the fireworks are gone. Everyone has gone back. We should go back to the hotel. If we don't go back, I'm afraid we'll catch a cold." Mouri Kogoro touched Xiaolan's head, and then pulled her towards the hotel. go downhill.

There are also people going back along the way. Naturally, there are no taxis at the foot of the mountain. However, because Zhongyue Mountain has the custom of the world’s first festival, a shuttle bus was specially arranged. Mori Kogoro and Xiaolan took the shuttle bus back to Saitama Prefecture .

Then the two walked towards the hotel. After twelve o'clock, although there were still people shopping on the street, it was indeed much less than before, and many shops were closed.

Along the way, Xiaolan hugged Mori Kogoro tightly, her little face was always filled with a smile, and she didn't know what she was laughing at.

Her eyebrows stretched out, as if the worries she had been worrying about had dissipated, and she had returned to her innocent and lively appearance.

Soon, the two returned to the hotel. Kogoro Mori sent Xiaolan to his room, and then returned to his room. Huiyuan in the room was in a deep sleep, and she didn't wake up when Kogoro Mori came in. Come.

Mori Kogoro didn't turn on the light, took off his shoes and robe, and went to bed lightly, and the night passed peacefully like this.


The next morning, when the light of dawn came in, Mori Kogoro opened his eyes first. As he continued to practice the channeling technique, he needed less and less sleep time. Although he went to bed later than Huiyuan last night, but But he woke up earlier than Huiyuan, and he was in excellent spirits.

As soon as Mori Kogoro woke up, he felt a heavy weight in his arms. Haibara, who was wearing a kimono, was sleeping on Mori Kogoro's body at the moment. Raw ass on.

This small but tight butt has excellent elasticity, before Haibara woke up, Mori Kogoro couldn't help rubbing his hands softly.

After a while, I heard Huiyuan's dull voice coming from his arms: "Big pervert!"

Haibara's small head was lifted up, and his big light blue eyes looked at Kogoro Mori, with mist in his eyes.

At this time, it was too late to pretend to be asleep, and Mori Kogoro laughed dryly: "Xiao Ai, I was still dreaming just now, dreaming that I was making bread and kneading dough, and I just woke up now!"

While talking, Mori Kogoro patted Haibara's butt again, and then pulled his hand out.

Haibara glared at Mori Kogoro, then got up and crawled aside, wanting to get back to sleep.

It was getting late, Mori Kogoro picked him up, and then the two of them went into the bathroom to wash, and the two of them left the room after washing.

0131 - Under the Tablecloth

Mori Kogoro was wearing black leather shoes and a blue suit, holding Haibara in a red dress. The two sat on the sofa in the lobby of the hotel like a father and daughter and waited. Mori Kogoro had already called to inform everyone to wake up and have breakfast.

Huiyuan still pretended to be a little angry, but under Mouri Kogoro's continuous teasing, this cold little loli quickly broke her skills, and her little anger turned into a little docile.

Not long after, Conan and Hattori Heiji came out, their heads were turned to one side, and they looked extremely at odds, and Mori Kogoro just felt baffled.

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