But after one night, why did the relationship between these two people suddenly change and become so bad.

Conan's complexion was very ugly at the moment, he looked sluggish, he didn't know how many times he brushed his teeth and washed his nose last night, but the smell seemed to be deep in his throat, which could not go away, so that he didn't feel any pain at all last night. sleep well.

As soon as he saw this black charcoal head Hattori Heiji, he felt irritable, and wished to use the anesthesia needle watch designed by Dr. A Li to shoot at Hattori Heiji, and then have a complete revenge.

The two came to Mori Kogoro's side, and sat down in one direction without speaking to each other.

After a while, Yuan Shan, Ye and Xiaolan came out holding hands. Both women were wearing light blue jeans, outlining their graceful curves. Standing together was enough to attract attention.

The two women's complexions were very good, with ruddy complexions, obviously they had slept very well this time, they greeted everyone quickly, and Yuan Shan and Ye quietly gave Mori Kogoro a wink.

Seeing that everyone was present, Mori Kogoro took everyone to a restaurant for breakfast.

A group of people sat down, but this time Conan and Hattori Heiji still sat very far apart.

He Ye said to Xiaolan: "Xiaolan, the hotel hot spring here is really comfortable. It's a pity that I couldn't take a hot spring with you, but the hot spring I 'soaked' by myself yesterday was also very comfortable!"

He laughed when he said this to Ye, and secretly blinked his big amber eyes at Kogoro Mori.

When Conan and Hattori Heiji heard this, they remembered the bad experience last night, and couldn't help but let out a cold snort at the same time.

Xiaolan couldn't help asking: "What's wrong with you two? Why does it feel a bit strange!"

Kogoro Mori was looking at the menu, but suddenly felt that there seemed to be a little foot wearing a sock at the bottom of his trousers, and he was constantly teasing himself. This was Toyama Kazuha.

Mori Kogoro looked up, but kept Toyama and Ye's faces calm, and had been talking eagerly with Xiaolan.

Toyama Kazuha's little feet slowly hooked up Kogoro Mori's suit trouser legs, and she gently rubbed against Kogoro Mori's calf.

Mori Kogoro couldn't help feeling that Toyama and Ye were so courageous that they dared to tease him in front of Hattori Heiji, but there was an unspeakable sense of excitement in his heart.

Hattori Heiji had already chosen what to eat, and said to the waiter, "I want a matcha cake with more wasabi, thank you."

Sure enough, it is a green package.

Yuanshan and Ye's movements became more and more extreme, the little feet kept climbing, and finally moved forward along the thighs, but were caught by Mouri Kogoro's legs.

This girl has such high softness. Kogoro Mori didn't expect her to maintain her body balance after performing such difficult movements. It seems that she will be able to unlock some new knowledge next time.

Fortunately, the tablecloth was low enough that no one noticed anything unusual under the table.

Mori Kogoro couldn't bear this kind of provocation, his face remained calm, and while finishing the meal, he stretched out his right leg to fight back.

As soon as Mori Kogoro shot back, Toyama and Ye's legs immediately shrank back, and a smile appeared on Heye's face again.

On the contrary, he is well versed in the routine of the enemy advancing and retreating, and the enemy retreating and advancing.

However, Mori Kogoro stretched out his leg directly to the place where Toyama and Ye were sitting, and as expected, there was still a calf underneath.

Mori Kogoro didn't take off the leather shoes, he used the toe of the shoes to slide slowly on the silky calf.

The calf offered no resistance, no counterattack.

Seeing this, Mori Kogoro intensified, and the toe of his shoe gently spun on this silky calf.

Mori Kogoro looked at Toyama and Ye proudly, but saw that she had no expression on her face at all. Sure enough, all women are born actors.

Soon, Kogoro Mori was not satisfied with this, and the toe of the shoe slowly went up, but at this moment, Kogoro Mori sensitively felt that something was wrong with the position.

At this moment, Yuan Shanhe Ye stood up and said, "I'll go to the bathroom first, you guys eat first." After that, she pushed away the chair, stood up, and went to the bathroom.

Kogoro Mori looked at Toyama Kazuha going away, and couldn't help being a little stunned.

Then whose leg is he entangled with?Mori Kogoro raised his head, but saw Xiaolan beside Heye staring at him with big innocent eyes, he immediately reacted and quickly retracted his legs.

Mori Kogoro was taken aback and couldn't help panicking, but Xiaolan didn't respond.

Conan, Hattori Heiji and others didn't notice the abnormality under the tablecloth, and the meal time passed slowly like this.

After dinner, everyone decided to go back. Because Toyama, Ha and Hattori Heiji were going back to Osaka, they were not on the way, so Mori Kogoro drove them to the station and let them go back by Shinkansen.

At the station, Yuanshan and Ye were still a little bit reluctant, turning around from time to time to look at Maoli and his party, and finally disappeared in the station.

After sending off Hattori Heiji and Toyama Kazuha, Mori Kogoro drove Xiaolan and the others to Tokyo.

Xiaolan was sitting in the back seat of the car, looking at Mori Kogoro in the driver's seat, she turned her head and looked out the window, recalling what Toyama and Ye Zeng had said on the phone to invite her to come to Saitama County.

"Xiao Lan, do you know that there is a legend on the active volcano in Zhongyue Mountain. It is said that on New Year's Day, if two people who love each other can watch the volcano erupt on this day, then the relationship will be blessed by the gods. Blessings, no matter what happens in the future, these two people will not be separated."

When Xiaolan thought of this, she couldn't help laughing, her smile was as bright as spring.


In the afternoon, the car drove back home quickly, and Mori Kogoro and his party returned home. This time it was said to be a trip, but in fact it was just a New Year's Day in Saitama County.

After returning to Tokyo, life quickly returned to normal. There was no commission for a while, and the office suddenly became quiet. On the contrary, Kogoro Mori felt that such a leisurely life was pretty good.

However, Huiyuan continued to run to the laboratory of Dr. Ali's house, and Conan also passed by from time to time. It seemed that the research of APTX was about to reach a critical point.

Chapter 0132 Massage

After the New Year, time goes by very fast, the cold that belongs to winter recedes quickly, and the neon lights pick up. This year's spring came very early, and the pedestrians on the street took off their coats and cotton coats and replaced them with short sleeves and shorts. .

Xiaolan, Conan and Haibara also returned to school and continued to go to school.

At this moment in Dr. Ali's basement, Conan waited expectantly for the effect of the newly developed antidote.

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