In the glass cabinet, there are a few small white mice, which are the experimental products that Huiyuan re-prepared the APTX poison, and then entrusted Dr. A Li to screen it out.

Now these few experimental animals have been fed the new antidote.

Both Conan and Haibara are waiting for the effect of the medicine to play out in the laboratory.

"Here we come." Hearing the change, Conan's eyes were filled with fire, while Hui Principle's expression was cold.

The body of the mouse in the glass cabinet began to inflate continuously, like an inflated balloon, and soon returned to its original rat appearance.

Conan was overjoyed when he saw this scene, and said, "Haihara, have you really researched it? That's great..."

The voice did not fall.

bang... bang... bang...

The mice in the glass cabinet grew bigger and bigger, and finally burst into balls of meat paste scattered on the glass wall, and none of them survived.

Conan seemed to be frightened, his pupils were full of disappointment, Haibara frowned, she had expected that it would not be so easy to succeed, but she did not expect that the antidote from the first research turned out to be this as tragic.

Huiyuan stepped forward and calmly observed the experimental product that turned into pureed meat: "Sure enough, although the substance in the white stem has been extracted to suppress programmed cell death, the activity of telomerase is still too high, and the proliferation of cells The ability is too strong, the proliferation is too fast, and it can't bear it at all, so it explodes like this."

"However, maybe reducing the dosage of Baigan and adding telomerase inhibitors may be able to develop a short-term antidote, but as long as the key X does not find a restraint drug, the antidote will not succeed after all. "

Haibara glanced at Conan, who was full of disappointment, and raised his eyes slightly: "Little detective, I have already said that this is a generation of experimental antidote, and the chance of success is extremely small, so why do you come to see it yourself!"

Conan lowered his head, with a dejected expression on his face: "I, I was just thinking, what if..."

There was a wry smile on Conan's face: If I don't recover, I'm afraid I will really lose Xiaolan.

Thinking back to the time after the new year, when Conan used Kudo Shinichi's voice to call Xiaolan, Xiaolan's attitude became more and more indifferent.

In the past, Xiaolan would scold herself on the phone, and then ask where she went?Why doesn't it show up?But now it doesn't happen at all. The power-on between the two is like a greeting between friends. Although they occasionally care about it, they can feel an increasingly obvious sense of unfamiliarity.

And it seems that it doesn't matter that Kudo Shinichi is lost in Xiaolan's life. She is in a good mood these days, and she often has a smile on her face. Karate competition.

What's even worse is that Conan has been investigating for a long time, and he doesn't even know who the person Xiaolan said he likes is. He once followed Xiaolan secretly, but found that every time Xiaolan went out, he was not reunited with Fei Yingli, but Most of them went out with Mori Kogoro and I didn't see any other suspicious candidates at all.

Conan couldn't help clenching his fists: Am I going to use this child's body to watch the person I like go away?

At this moment, Dr. Ali knocked on the door, looked at the low air pressure in the basement, and couldn't help but ask, "Conan, Haibara, did the experiment fail?"

Huiyuan nodded: "After all, it is the first time to prepare an antidote, and it is normal to fail. Doctor, I will trouble you to help screen the experimental products again."

Dr. Ali's round face couldn't help being bitter when he heard this, that's why he hates biological sciences, and only likes mechanical inventions. Recalling the last time thousands of white mice almost got trypophobia, and now they have to choose again, really It's hard!

However, Dr. Ali looked at the two children in front of him, and could only nod with a wry smile, and said, "Conan still has Xiao Ai, don't stay here if the experiment fails, Mitsuhiko, Genta and Ayumi I have been waiting for you for a long time, and I said that I want to rehearse the Spring Festival garden party with you, "Kamen Rider and the Girl's Love Story", which sounds very interesting."

Dr. Ali laughed, and when Huiyuan heard this, a black line appeared on his head: Kamen Rider, hehe...

Conan reluctantly mentioned Jinshen, walked out with Haibara, and came to the living room.

The three of Yuan Tai immediately surrounded him.

"Conan, why are you so slow, you waited for so long."

"You are the protagonist in this scene, Kamen Rider, why are you not active at all!"

The corners of Conan's mouth twitched when he heard this. He didn't expect to wear a hood to play Masked Superman at such an age, and he couldn't help feeling depressed.

Mitsuhiko held the script and said with a serious face: "For this play, I specially found an abandoned building for rehearsal, let's go!"

Just like that, the five children went to the abandoned building next to the Kubato Museum.


At this moment, Mori Kogoro is wearing a karate uniform, lying on the martial arts field, being tortured by Xiaolan.

"Xiaolan, there's no need for you to give Dad a massage. Dad's whole body is normal, and there's nothing sore or swollen. Besides, you were training just now. If you want a massage, it's because Dad gave you a massage!"

Mori Kogoro said to Xiaolan that he really didn't want to bear the feeling of getting hurt again.

Xiaolan's small face was covered with sweat, but her expression was serious, and her martial arts uniform was also wet with sweat, obviously the intensity of the training just now was not small.

"No, Dad, who told you that my massage technique is not good, and you also told Huiyuan that my back rubbing technique is also not good. I have already learned from Yuanzi, and Yuanzi said that as long as I keep practicing, I will be able to massage very comfortably one day of."

Xiaolan rolled over and sat on Kogoro Mori's back. Although her buttocks were very soft and her back felt very comfortable, her hands were like devil's claws.

After Mori Kogoro taught Xiaolan the channeling technique, her physique also continued to rise. She didn't realize how terrifying her strength was. If there is anyone in this world who can physically hurt Mori Kogoro , I am afraid there is no one else except Xiaolan.

When Xiaolan massaged Mori Kogoro before, it only caused minor injuries, but now after the massage, it has become a serious injury, and the healing technique has to be used after the massage.

Every time I look at Xiaolan and ask Mouri Kogoro with anticipation: "Dad, is it comfortable for me?"

Mori Kogoro could only nod to Xiaolan against his own conscience: "Very good, there is progress, much better than last time."

A bright little face immediately appeared on Xiaolan's face upon hearing this.

Because Kogoro Moori didn't want to see Xiaolan's disappointed expression, he could only cheat himself in the end.


There was a gasp in the Martial Arts Field. This belongs to the filial piety of a daughter. How can a father refuse it?

Chapter 0133 Massage 2

Xiaolan sat on Kogoro Mori's back, grabbed Kogoro Mori's arm with both hands, put her feet on Kogoro Mori's spine, kicked her legs, and pulled her hands.

Kogoro Mouri's upper body was pulled up by Xiaolan, and there was a tearing pain from his shoulders, and there seemed to be the sound of bones breaking, and Kogoro Moori's head could not help but sweat.

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