Xiaolan's crisp voice came from behind: "No, Dad, the meridian on the shoulder is a little stiff, you need to stretch it!"

Maori Kogoro reluctantly said, "Xiaolan, why don't we just end here today, is that okay?"

Xiaolan shook her head: "No." Sweat dripped from her forehead on Kogoro Mouri, but Xiaolan was determined to apply all the massage techniques learned from Sonoko to Kogoro Mouri.

She released Mori Kogoro, and Mori immediately breathed a sigh of relief, but seeing his condition change from a minor injury to a serious injury, he couldn't help but smile wryly.

Xiaolan turned around, moved her hips, and moved from Mouri Kogoro's back to her buttocks. She sat on Mouri Kogoro's buttocks, and both of them felt that the sitting place was very tight. soft.

Xiaolan broke off Maoli Kogoro's two calves, looked at Maoli Kogoro's stiff legs, and couldn't help frowning: "Dad, why did it become so hard again? Didn't you just stretch your muscles yesterday?"

"A man's body is inherently harder than a woman's. Isn't that normal?"

Xiaolan shook her head, exerted all her strength, and then brought Mouri Kogoro's legs into her arms.

Mori Kogoro was pulled into a bow in an instant. Compared with those jujitsu performances, this scene did not give in at all. The pain struck again. Mori Kogoro's face was flushed red, the veins on his forehead kept jumping, and he was panting heavily. .

Gradually, Mori Kogoro felt that the soles of his feet were touched by two lumps of softness, and they sank deeply. This was really painful and joyful.

Xiaolan encouraged: "Dad, hold on, 10, 9, 8... 1."

Only then did Kogoro Mori let go of his legs.Mori Kogoro lay on the ground, wanting to cry, but he felt that these two legs were no longer his own.

"Father, there is one last move left!" Xiaolan, who was behind Kogoro Mori, smiled sweetly, but like a little devil, she walked up to Kogoro Mori, and let Mori put his head in his hands.

And Xiaolan's hands passed through the folded arms of Kogoro Mouri, and Kogoro Moori lifted his head up. Kogoro Moori only heard the creaking sound of his neck, and his head kept raising his head , and finally fell into a soft gully.

It took a long time before he let go, and Mori Kogoro lay down on the ground, and couldn't help saying, "Xiao Lan, you are doing yoga!"

Xiaolan stood beside Mori Kogoro, looked down at Mori Kogoro, and smiled sweetly: "Yes, Sonoko said that the stretching method of this massage technique is borrowed from yoga movements."

She suddenly seemed to remember something, "Oh no, Yuanzi and I have an appointment to go shopping together, Dad, I have to go first."

Xiaolan ran out of the martial arts field in a hurry, leaving Kogoro Mori sweating all over, Kogoro Mori really didn't know whether to cry or laugh, he sighed and cast the healing technique.

In an instant, a warm energy lingered between his shoulders and crotch, and only then did his face show a relaxed look.

This massage almost killed Kogoro Mori, and I don't know why Xiaolan is so obsessed with practicing massage techniques.

But because of this, Mori Kogoro's body became much softer, and he unlocked many new postures when he was on the bed, which was a bit of a gain.

Mori Kogoro took the clothes from the closet, then went to the bathroom behind to wash off the sweat, and changed back into a suit. In an instant, a handsome uncle appeared again.

He walked out of the Mori Martial Arts Hall. That's right, this private martial arts hall was renamed Mori. It was a thank-you gift from Tomoko Suzuki's last Dark Star incident. Just as Xiaolan was going to practice karate, Mori Kogoro accepted him.

There will be a special person in the martial arts hall to clean and wash the martial arts clothes inside, which is very convenient.

It's only a [-]-minute walk from home, so Mori Kogoro simply walked back.

However, when passing through a traffic light intersection, Mori Kogoro saw a traffic accident at the intersection. He fixed his eyes and saw that standing next to the traffic policeman was Miwako Sato, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

Miwako Sato is wearing a purple lady suit and suit skirt, and her slender thighs on black high heels are wrapped in flesh-colored stockings, which immediately attracts the attention of Kogoro Mori. She has short hair on her heroic face, and looks very capable. .

Standing beside her is a female traffic policeman in a blue traffic uniform, with long hair reaching back, a few strands of bangs under a blue hat, big eyes on a melon seed face, and curved willow-leaf eyebrows. Yu Miwako's great beauty, she is talking with Sato Miwako, and bursts of hearty laughter come from her mouth from time to time, she is a very lively woman...

Mori Kogoro walked up in the direction of Sato, and then he heard the domineering uncle complaining to the beautiful traffic policeman: "Miss Traffic Police, how long have you been here? In a hurry."

Miwako Sato looked at the domineering uncle, her purple eyes slanted, and a cold light seemed to shoot out. With a wave of her hand, she swept up the hem of the purple suit, revealing the holster inside, and scolded: "It's not easy for us to meet you! What happened to the chat?"

Seeing Sato, who was obviously not easy to mess with, the uncle immediately froze and stood quietly aside.

Mori Kogoro laughed: "Miwako, it's been so long since you've seen you, you're still the same as before!"

Miwako Sato, who heard the voice, turned around and saw Kogoro Mori showing surprise on his face, but soon his face became gloomy again.

On the other hand, the beautiful traffic policeman at the side saw the light in Mori Kogoro's eyes, and hurriedly greeted her, and said enthusiastically, "Are you Maori-kun? I'm your loyal fan. I like you so much. I didn't expect today I can meet you here, do you know that I am still the battalion commander of the Maori Detective Support Club, Maori-kun, can you sign me?"

Kogoro Mori couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene, saying that he has a lot of fans, but he never felt anything wrong.

Unexpectedly, he suddenly met a beautiful fan today, and Mori Kogoro felt very happy. He looked at the beautiful traffic policeman in front of him, and felt that his wish for many years - to fuck a fan - could finally come true, and it was the kind of uniform temptation .

Thinking of this, Mori Kogoro immediately showed a gentle smile on his face, and the uncle's charm exploded at the policewoman, and said, "Of course it's no problem, I don't know your name?"

"Yumi Miyamoto, her name is Yumi Miyamoto." Miwako Sato walked up and introduced in front of Yumi Miyamoto. There was a trace of dissatisfaction in her purple eyes: This Mori Kogoro was in Tsukage Island. He did such an exorbitant thing to himself, and he touched his body all over without saying anything. At that time, he said well and came back to ask himself out, but after returning to Tokyo, there was no news. It was the worst!

0134 - The Escaped Prisoner

Miyamoto Yumi immediately struggled forward and said, "Miwako, I will introduce myself."

Then she stood in front of Mori Kogoro, smiled, revealing two dimples: "Mori-kun, I am a policewoman from the Traffic Division of the Metropolitan Police Department, Yumi Miyamoto, and Miwako's good friend, but I am more you Fans, I like your reasoning in Blizzard Villa the most, you are super handsome!"

Miyamoto Yumi approached Mori Kogoro as soon as she spoke, like a fan, wanting to hug but afraid of being rejected.

Seeing this, Sato Miwako couldn't help but the veins in her head kept jumping up. She didn't expect her best friend to be so disappointing, and she was even more angry seeing Kogoro Mori's extremely useful expression.

Kogoro Mori looked at his fanatical fan, who was also a fan, and he had a certain degree of advance and retreat, which immediately made people feel good about him.

Ignoring the anger in Sato's eyes, he hugged Miyamoto Yumi in his arms, and immediately felt two lumps of softness on his chest, and he couldn't tell that this Miss Miyamoto was quite unexpected.

Mori Kogoro patted the excited fan on the shoulder, released him, and immediately signed his name in his daily record book.

Then Mori Kogoro turned his head to look at Miwako Sato with a thin and angry face, and explained: "Miwako, I'm really sorry, after Christmas, I'm either busy with cases or celebrating the New Year, so I don't have time to get together with you. We just met today, how about having dinner together tonight?"

When Miwako Sato heard what Kogoro Mori said, her complexion changed a little bit. She was about to agree, but she saw Yumi Miyamoto nodding behind Kogoro Mori. She obviously wanted to have dinner together at night. Some hesitated.

At this moment, the window of a car on the side was rolled down, and the head of Takagi Shepherd, whose face was as black as charcoal ink, appeared in front of everyone. Officer Takagi looked at Kogoro Mori vigilantly, and quickly said, "Officer Sato, We have to escort the prisoner back to the Metropolitan Police Department!"

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