Hearing this, Mori Kogoro couldn't help frowning: "Are you escorting the prisoner back to the Metropolitan Police Department?"

"Yes!" Officer Takagi hurriedly replied.

"The guy who just ran out is the prisoner you are going to escort!"

Hearing these words, the faces of Miwako Sato and Tsutomu Takagi immediately changed drastically. Tsutomu Takagi looked at the seat beside him. The original prisoner was already empty. Mori Kogoro outside was on him, but the prisoner took the opportunity to escape.

Miwako Sato hurriedly followed the direction pointed by Mouri Kogoro, and when passing Takagi Tsutomu, she cursed: "Why are you so stupid, you can't even look down on a prisoner."

Takagi kept apologizing, and quickly chased after him. Seeing this, Mori Kogoro followed immediately.

Miyamoto Yumi behind her could only yell anxiously, she still had to deal with the traffic accident here: "Mori-kun, Miyamoto-kun, how will I see you in the future?"

Kogoro Mori turned around when he heard this, took out a small note from his pocket, wrote his phone number on it, and stuffed it directly into Miyamoto Yumi's chest pocket, as expected: "Miss Miyamoto, Remember to call me!"

After saying a word, Mori Kogoro's speed exploded, and he chased in the direction of Officer Sato.

Leaving Yumi Miyamoto with a sluggish face, she touched her chest, her little face blushed immediately, and she couldn't help but murmured: "Mori-kun!"

Miyamoto Yumi took out the note from her breast pocket and carefully put it in her wallet, watching the direction in which Mori Kogoro was going away for a long time, unable to turn around.

"I said Miss Traffic Police, can you help me deal with this accident? I've been waiting for a long time!" The middle-aged uncle behind him interrupted Yumi Miyamoto's fantasy, Yumi Miyamoto turned around with a gloomy face, Hedong Lion Roar: "What's the hurry, it's not that I won't deal with it for you!"

The middle-aged uncle faltered again.

As soon as Mori Kogoro exploded in speed, he quickly passed Takagi Tsutomu and came to Sato Miwako.

Miwako Sato couldn't help but glanced at Kogoro Mori approvingly. In the Metropolitan Police Department, it was very rare for a policeman to keep up with his own speed. I didn't expect Kogoro Mori, a detective, to run so fast.

Gao Mushe looked at the two people who were advancing side by side in front of him, but he couldn't catch up at all. He could only watch helplessly as the two disappeared in front of him. He was full of unwillingness, but he had to stop, bent down, panting Roughly: "They are not human, they run so fast!"

The middle-aged man who was running in front of him didn't know what medicine he had taken, and he turned extremely fast, and kept turning into small alleys, intending to get rid of Miwako Sato and Kogoro Mori.

He led the two of them into an abandoned building, and then continued to climb up. The abandoned building had about ten floors, and Kogoro Mori and Miwako Sato also quickly chased them up.

Mori Kogoro looked calm and relaxed, followed beside Miwako Sato, watching the choppy waves of Miwako beside him, smiled slightly and said, "Miwako, what crime did this guy commit?"

Miwako Sato couldn't help but give Kogoro Mori a blank look. Just chasing the guy in front had exhausted her whole body of energy, so she couldn't answer Kogoro Mori's question.

Miwako Sato took out the pistol and fired a warning signal, "Stop."

The middle-aged man was taken aback, and still ran upstairs, ignoring the pistol in Miwako Sato's hand.

And on the seventh floor of the abandoned building, the young detective team was rehearsing the performances at the New Year's Garden Party. When they heard the gunshots, everyone turned around and looked at the stairs.

But he saw a middle-aged man with stubble on his face climbed up, and then ran towards this side, chasing Mori Kogoro and Sato Miwako behind him.

Kogoro Mori panicked when he saw that Huiyuan was also here, his speed exploded, and he rushed in the direction of Huiyuan.

Unexpectedly, the middle-aged man grabbed Ayumi, pretended to be thrown downstairs, and shouted: "Stop, don't follow me."

Because this is an abandoned building, just a bare concrete embryo room, there are no windows at all, and there is a big hole in the middle.

The middle-aged man ran to the rooftop with Ayumi in his arms.

Seeing the figure of the middle-aged man disappear, Miwako Sato hurriedly chased after him.

Mori Kogoro stopped and asked Haibara: "Xiao Ai, don't follow after standing here, just protect yourself, and leave the rest to me." Then he also chased after him, and Conan followed closely behind.

Mori Kogoro exploded in speed, and immediately came to the stairwell. He saw the tearful Ayumi placed in the middle of the stairs, picked her up, and rushed towards the rooftop.

As soon as Ayumi was picked up by Mori Kogoro, she stopped crying, and looked at Mouri Kogoro who kept running with big eyes.

As soon as the two came to the rooftop, they saw this guy tremblingly climbing over the abandoned building with a long ladder and heading towards the Kubado Museum. When he saw someone chasing him, he quickly threw the ladder down, destroying the building. Opened the door and entered the cupato museum.

Chapter 0135 Confused Sato

Mori Kogoro put Ayumi down and handed it to Conan, but saw Miwako Sato running out wearing high heels in an instant. The gun came to the junction of the water pipe and the wall and began to shoot.

This is the tenth floor. If you fall down, you will die, and you will be smashed into a pulp. Seeing Miwako Sato taking such an adventure, Kogoro Moori couldn't help but curse: "Stupid woman!"

But Mori Kogoro was still worried about her, and quickly stood on the edge of the roof, ready to respond.

Three shots were fired in a row, and the bullets hit the joint. The water pipe was immediately untied and thrown towards the Kuwano Art Museum opposite.

Suddenly, a part of the weather-beaten water pipe could not bear the heavy pressure and broke, and Miwako Sato, who was hanging in the middle, immediately turned pale and fell down.

Conan and Ayumi couldn't help but exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Seeing Miwako Sato's life and death, Kogoro Mori couldn't hold back any longer, he jumped on his legs hard, stepping on the concrete floor to cracks, under the huge force, he flew towards Miwako Sato, and grabbed Miwako in mid-air Hugging, crossing the corridor gap of more than four meters, and landed on the stairs outside the Kudo Art Museum.

Mori Kogoro adjusted his posture in mid-air, protecting Miwako Sato on his body, but he slammed into the floor of the stairs hard, causing burning pain in his back.

Seeing this scene, Ayumi couldn't help exclaiming: "That's amazing!"

Conan was also completely stunned. He jumped a distance of more than four meters in the long jump on the spot, and hugged a woman weighing more than [-] catties in the middle. This is simply impossible!

Mori Kogoro hugged Sato Miwako and could not help cursing: "You bastard, you are just chasing a fugitive, do you need to work so hard? Do you know that you almost died just now!" Mori Kogoro scolded Sato Miwako, while He reached out and groped her body to check if there were any other injuries on her body!

Miwako Sato fell into Kogoro Mori's arms, a pair of purple eyes fixedly looked at Kogoro Mori's cheeks, there seemed to be water flowing in her eyes, and a smile slowly appeared on her lips.

Soon, Takagi Sato's voice came from the opposite floor: "Officer Sato, Detective Mori, where are you?"

Miwako Sato's eyes regained clarity immediately, and she yelled at Tsutomu Takagi, "Officer Takagi, the prisoner has already run into the Kubado Art Museum next door, please come up from below, and don't let him run away."

Takagi immediately replied: "Hi!"

Fighting spirit was ignited in Sato Miwako's eyes, and she broke the lock of the staircase gate with one shot, and then chased into the Kubado Art Museum with Mori Kogoro.

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